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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I mostly agree with you, but I'd have worked for free if I could have stayed in Antarctica my entire working life. Not all jobs are horrible- just most IMO. In hindsight, there are jobs I'd have loved to do, like being a flight steward and seeing the world for free, or a nurse on a cruise ship- ditto, or being a travel guide in Thailand for upper class farangs, or running a beach resort on N E Koh Phangan. The problem with hindsight is that it didn't happen.
  2. Those people need someone to blame to distract from their errors, and Truss is a convenient scapegoat.
  3. Come on man. Whatever Trump did or say was always wrong in the minds of some on here. If he had said coal is black, I reckon some on here would say he was lying. When the president is the leader of the free world and a huge country, any gaffe is not a good look, and Biden is making many.
  4. Fox's babies are happy that you are calling them winners.
  5. Are not "arms" ie weapons necessary to be "armed"? I watched the entire event on tv and "arms" were absent in what I saw. Apparently the only shot(s) fired were by a policeman shooting an unarmed protestor. There may have been "arms" somewhere, but hardly obvious and not used to my knowledge.
  6. Actually possible though ( if they opened the pits ). I rented a room in a north London house that still had coal in the basement ( and the hole the coal man dumped it down ), and fireplaces. It would not have been the only one either.
  7. IMO had there been a better VP than her, Biden would have been "encouraged" to resign already. I suspect her IMO complete failure on the southern border has convinced those behind the scenes that she would not be a better option. I'm amused by those that overlook Biden's obvious problems as being of little importance, when we know that if it were Trump making the same gaffes, theirs and the media reaction would have been very different.
  8. Rubbish. I can remember when the country I live in was in a far better situation, and functioned far better ( little crime, full employment, houses for all, hardly any antisocial hooliganism etc ) when most large essential industries ( railways, electricity generation, ports, buses etc ) were owned and operated by the state, by government bureaucrats that were not paid outlandish salaries and did not work because they expected to mint it ripping off the consumer, as is the present case in the greed economy. The only people well off now are the rich, while the rest of us get the dregs.
  9. As is your reply.
  10. I suspect that in his hour of darkest need, he will just remain in his home country and attempt to fix it, rather than paying large to criminals to transport him to a country where he is not welcome, in the expectation of largesse paid for by other people.
  11. Agree 100%. I was discussing exactly the "send them to another country to await their asylum hearing result" years ago on this forum. The Australians did it years ago and it works. Nobody has the right to jump the q and arrive by rubber dingy expecting to be welcome.
  12. I never got the point of moving other side of the world to live and then complain that it's expensive to live the same life style when living local is really cheap in comparison..
  13. I lined mine with baking paper and never washed it. Just changed the paper.
  14. Are you saying one can go to the Thai embassy and get a mutual divorce for 20 baht, as in Thailand. Having to employ lawyers and such like is not cheap.
  15. When I was with my wife she cooked it. She worked as a cook for an up market chain restaurant in Pattaya, so she was an excellent cook. When I was living in an hotel I had no cooking facilities, except microwave, but I also didn't have to support her, so had enough money for occasional restaurant food on special night. You might know the place- Gecko's near the computer center. Loved the food.
  16. Shame they wasted the North Sea gas then. Wasn't the UK fully independent for gas from that field?
  17. I lived like a middle class Thai and it was waaaaaaaaaay cheaper than western country. Most expensive thing I bought was occasional western food.
  18. Main con is that when it goes wrong ( 50% + chance that it will ) one can't just walk away.
  19. Nonsense. Comparable/ better accommodation waaaaay cheaper in LOS. Food, waaaay cheaper in LOS. Clothing way cheaper. Dental far cheaper. Transport a fraction of UK price. It's only if one wants to live like a western millionaire that LOS is expensive.
  20. She doesn't know what it's like to live in the UK. It's just some dream she woke up with. People often don't get what they want. Live with it. The question I always asked myself when considering whether to take wife to home country was would WE better off, or just HER? The answer was always just HER, so it didn't happen. Nobody gets married, IMO, just to make some woman rich and happy at our expense, if there isn't anything in it for ourself. Just say no. If it's the end of the marriage it wasn't going to last anyhow.
  21. I don't know about hated. IMO it's just too boring to bother with.
  22. I certainly don't want Harris in charge. I want Biden as the candidate next presidential election as he's the GOP's best weapon against the Dems in '24. All they have to do is put clips of his gaffs on every tv in the country.
  23. She's obviously no Thatcher, but even Thatcher went too far with the vile poll tax.
  24. I think it was because the Haitian slaves revolted, killed as many masters as they could, and took over the country. I don't think it was because the masters had a change of heart and decided to free all the slaves. Tell me if I'm wrong.
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