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Everything posted by BangkokHank

  1. Right, and they will expect you to do it again.
  2. I don't think the Rabbit card can be used on both, although I could be wrong. I have separate cards for the MRT and the BTS.
  3. Carrying a couple of cards is not the inconvenience. The problem is having to pay the starting price each time you change systems rather than just paying the incremental price. It would be like taking a taxi for half of a two kilometer trip, with a 35 baht starting rate, and then switching to another taxi for the next kilometer of your trip. You would have to pay the flag fall rate of 35 baht each time, and that's not fair.
  4. This is what I use. It's a bit expensive, but it works VERY well. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1622700139-s4457876382.html I learned about it when I told my condo's exterminator about my cockroach problem. He just put a few drops of this stuff around my kitchen and bathroom, and voila - problem solved.
  5. How I miss the times before COVID, when nobody ever died of anything.
  6. It has been refused approval by the American FDA - because it works - without the pharmaceutical companies getting any money out of it. The FDA is financed by and works for the pharmaceutical industry, and not for the health of the American people.
  7. I guess the chainsaw did it then. Case closed.
  8. Right. But this option is only open to those with the right (by which I mean left) political beliefs.
  9. I went to the village in Isaan with my then girlfriend 20 years ago. (I was 43 years old at the time and she was 23.) Before we went, I told her that I had no intention of marrying her - and I asked her if that would be a problem for her or her family. She assured me that it wouldn't be a problem. We spent a nice weekend in the village. But for the next few years (until she married another farang), she was ridiculed in the village for having brought a farang back who didn't marry her. So regardless of what this woman says, going back to the village with her represents a commitment in the eyes of her family and her fellow villagers. If you are not ready to make a commitment, I don't think you should go. In fact, she might use this against you later to pressure you into marrying her - saying that not doing so would spoil her reputation in the eyes of her family and friends. That's not a good basis for a marriage.
  10. It's silly to blame the increase in diabetes on racism when the cause is obviously climate change.
  11. Now that's a great idea! Thanks.
  12. Ha. Exactly. I had been using a 150-baht place near my home for the past year - with what I considered to be just tolerable results. Then I tried a 600-baht place near the Emporium a few weeks ago, and it was a DISASTER! So I went back to my 150-baht place today with a new sense of appreciation for my cheap but tolerable haircut. My philosophy about haircuts in Thailand now is: It's going to be a bad haircut in any case, so it might as well be cheap. Several of my Thai barbers over the years have actually blamed MY HAIR for the bad haircuts. I was starting to accept their explanation - until I went to India for a vacation - and had the best haircut of my life - for 30 baht. So it's not so much a matter of the price. It's a matter of Thais generally not being able to cut farang hair very well. Unfortunately, I can't go to India every time I need a haircut.
  13. Always bracing, but never raining.
  14. But not quite so deep that he would return to Thailand to face justice.
  15. You're right about the natural selection, just not in the way that you meant it. I just pray that you really are as "vaccinated" as you claim to be.
  16. https://translate.yandex.com This is a Russian site, so it would probably do a better job at translating Russian specifically. I also use the yandex search engine, as I find it more likely to tell the truth than the totally biased search engines like Google, etc.
  17. One headline that you will never see in Thailand: "Convenience Store Fixes Electrical Fault BEFORE Tragic Customer Death"
  18. They could call the police in such a situation. But if they are open after closing time - and cheating their customers - then it is understandable why they don't call the police.
  19. What he means is that it SHOULD destroy the whole EV industry. I hope he's right, because EVs make ZERO sense. I hope he is not underestimating the lobby that he's up against though.
  20. There are times that I need to have something minor attended to for which I don't want to go to an expensive private hospital - or a cheap government hospital where I would have to wait for hours - things like having a bandage changed or having stitches removed. Are there any small neighborhood clinics in Bangkok where they do this sort of thing? Is that a thing here in Thailand? For example, when I was living in Vietnam until recently, I discovered that pretty much every neighborhood has one of these little clinics that locals use for this purpose, but I can't recall ever seeing such a thing in Thailand. Maybe they exist but we farangs just don't know how to find them? As an example, I used to go to hospitals to have ingrown toenails taken care of. I asked my local pharmacist for advice about this and she told me that nail/manicure shops do this sort of thing in Thailand. So I found a nail shop in a nearby mall, and they did a GREAT job of it - for just a fraction of the hospital cost. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Might it be this? I just happened to read about this yesterday in a book that I am reading now. https://www.mayoclinic.org/morgellons-disease/ART-20044996 Morgellons disease: Managing an unexplained skin condition Morgellons disease is an unexplained skin condition. Here you'll find answers to common questions about Morgellons and suggestions for coping with it. By Mayo Clinic Staff Morgellons disease is a condition characterized by a belief that parasites or fibers are emerging from the skin. People with this condition often report feeling as if something is crawling on or stinging their skin. The intense itching and sores associated with Morgellons disease can severely interfere with a person's quality of life. Some health care providers recognize the condition as a delusional infestation and treat it with antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs, cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling. Others think the symptoms are related to an infectious process in skin cells. Further study is needed. Signs and symptoms People who have Morgellons disease report the following signs and symptoms: Skin rashes or sores that can cause intense itching Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging or biting A belief that fibers, threads or black stringy material is in and on the skin Difficulty concentrating Depressed mood
  22. Isn't the value of an amulet whatever somebody is willing to pay for it? Or were they perhaps selling amulets that they claimed were lucky but in fact weren't lucky at all? (They clearly didn't help the buyers avoid getting scammed.)
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