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Everything posted by Bagwain

  1. You are obviously ignorant or supportive of the Crooked/evil WEF's agenda!
  2. Sounds more like you have NO idea of what is happening.
  3. Have a listen to this. Hits the nail on the head. The WEF involved.
  4. Get some peppermint spray of Lazada. It works. I had the same problem till I used it. They hate the smell. It's cheap at under 200 baht for 2 tins!
  5. Could be any number of reasons. Could also be magnesium in the water. This turns green when it oxidises on contact with chlorine. If it is magnesium, it will slowly filter out. If the water is clear but green it is a good chance this is what it is. If it is cloudy, it is a water balance issue or the filter media may need changing. Rain can also upset the balance and make the water cloudy.
  6. This is the dark hole with no light at the end of the tunnel. Like Straya and the Digital I.D bill. Mark of the beast. Cash is best!
  7. Where abouts is the property? We do a lot of refurbs. This one we just finished. Including pump room. https://fb.watch/r-WzZ5IG6a/
  8. This is probably why I saw the largest amount of lightening strikes yesterday in my 20 years here.
  9. 1st chlorine tablets are acidic. So you will always be having issues with low pH. I would start using soda ash to start bringing the pH up to more desirable levels. 7.2 - 7.6. Much easier on the pocket as well. Always good to check the supply water pH. If it is low then this will also impact the pH when topping up water. If the pH is constanly low your grout will deteriorate much quicker. If your grout is already gone then this will also effect the pH as well. Consider going to a salt chlorination system.
  10. I know a few who are using large blocks of ice. Cheap enough.
  11. Did you go out of the country? If yes then the 1st one is at an office.
  12. At 7.8 you risk getting black spot. The bane of the pool industry. If you get it, you will forever be trying to get rid of it. The pH will always rise in a salt chlorinated pool due to the type of chlorine being created. As stated, adding acid 2 times weekly is your best option. Hydrochloric acid is cheap at around 300 - 500 baht per 20 litres.
  13. In tropical conditions it is best to run salt levels at 4,000 ppm. 2 x 25 kg bags per 10,000 litres. TRS is the salt brand and buy the red label not the blue (swimming pool salts) as the blue is the same as the red but more expensive because it is bagged for pools. Salt doesn't go anywhere, but will need toping up after a lot of rain and if you have a leak or very high bather load, Put the salt in as the pool as its being filled. Don't turn the chlorinator on for a least 24 hours. Wait for the salt to dissolve completely. You have no reason to have any soda ash. Salt pools have a high pH due to the type of chlorine being produced and hydrochloric acid is needed for that. You will need approx 2/3rd litre twice p/wk. You will need to play around with the amount till you get good pH results. (7.2 - 7.6) Put the acid into a bucket with water in it and not the other way round. Then spread it over the pool.
  14. For a domestic pool, strips are fine. Just keep them in a cool place I.e. the fridge.
  15. You need to be mindfull of the cynuric acid levels. Too litlle or too much and it doesn't work.
  16. Being a salt pool you will always have high pH. It is lowered by hydrocloric acid. By the look at the size of the pool in the picture, I would say, 1 cup + of acid twice a week should do the job. Try adjusting the amount to gain the best result. There are acid crystals available if you can source. Easier and safer to use. If you don't keep the Ph down you run the risk of getting black spot which is a bane in the industry and hard to control! Get yourself some black algaecide and put a cupfull in every 3 - 6 months for insurance. A salt chlorinator creates chlorine gas which in turn creates sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI) (Liquid chlorine "Bleach") This raises pH as apposed to 90% drychlor which has cynuric acid and lowers the pH. You don't need any soda ash in your case.
  17. Maybe some strange injection that is an experiment may kill a few million as well and already has? But believe the science of safe and effective? Bahahahaha Next booster please.
  18. Is it an undersink machine or whole house?
  19. Will never drive in this <deleted> up place again in holidays. However New Years day is fantastic. Nobody & no trucks on the road. Done it 3 times to Surin before the Plann/d#mik and twas great. Took an hour off the trip not to mention the stress!
  20. A complete stand alone fund dedicated to the retirement funding.
  21. Rubbish. The Australian government took the age pension fund and put in with consolidated revenue. (I think early 60's) Gov missmanagement of the money is the reason!
  22. He didn't fair well against the stingray, out of his depth (Pardon the pun)! I personnally was embarassed by him!
  23. Look up Joe Tippins on his cancer story. (YouTube) It's amazing.
  24. Initial treatment yes. However when they need to refer her to the cancer hospoital, money up front. Must not trust their selves?
  25. This has been ongoing for 2+ years. SS hopsital is free. However when drugs are required from the cancer hospital or blood it has to be paid for up front!
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