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Everything posted by Bagwain

  1. Epoxy grout is over kill. If the water balance is kept in place there will be no issue. No one cares about water balance in this country! 90% Tric-Chlor is the culprit. Best have a salt chlorinator installed! I have dealt with hundreds of commercial pools here & I get a blank stare when I question about this issue. (17 yrs) I would also think some drum testing of the existing tiles needs to be done to see if any will need to be re-glued! Some domestic pools we have redone needed nearly 1/3 of the tiles needed re-setting!
  2. We are talking about swimming pool water not drinking water or pharmaceuticals! ???? Precision is not an issue dealing with .3 ppm As stated do a search!
  3. There is a simple re-agent kit you can buy to measure copper. Forget all the whiches tails and goggledegoop.! Do a search!
  4. You don't need anymore than point 3 PPM of copper algaecide. Black algae is a result of prolonged high pH. Using using chlorine pills is a good way of killing it of by rubbing them into the grout lines. However (IMHO) with your other issues on top of black algae it would be much simpler to empty, clean & refill. Don't bother with the algaecide & just keep you pH in range (7.2 - 7.4)
  5. Flaps are called a weir. They flap back & forth to create a vacuum effect on the surface water. Although they still work without, they make the whole process more efficient! Take the old one to a pool shop to get a replacement one. Depending on where you are it most likely not an issue to replace!
  6. Unfortunately no to HH contactors. Normally we would offer to do it but we are on a project for at least another 4 weeks up Issan.
  7. You have done the right thing other than add the "Blue Stuff" Copper sulphate. You only need around "point" 3 PPM of this chemical to do its job. It only goes away with a backwash or heavy rain. By the sounds, you put way to much in. Weber pool grout is approx 3000 per tub which depending on your grout line thickness you get average 20 sq/m per tub. Then add preparation, acid wash, labour etc! pH 7 is too low. 7.2 to 7.4 for a salt pool is ideal. Black spot is normally a result of prolonged high pH and is an absolute pain to get rid of!
  8. Be carefull on which one you choose. "Eco Clear" recycled plate glass is the one you want. The other which is not the same is recycled bottled glass. (Worse than sand) PM me for details.
  9. How old is your filter media. Nothing will work if it is old & stuffed! Sand last at best 2 yrs in Thailand!
  10. Come on mate are you kidding? A bottle of household bleach used for washing will do the trick! Maybe 1/2 a cup every few days! Trial an error. However if you no have filtration it means empty & refill occasionally.
  11. Drop the service to 1 per week & ask for a discount. If you empty the pool you could have serious consequenses if the weather changes and ground water level rises. Option is to just leave it and deal with the swamp water when you need to. That just means emptying, cleaning & refilling. This won't do the grout much good in the long run though. Best keep the service up if you get the price down. PM me if you want someone down that way to do it!
  12. The COLD has been rebranded to keep te fear happening!
  13. Work permits now cover all provinces. Been in for a few yrs now! If you have a lawyer confirm it with them!
  14. Do you have lazy fingers? That would be unusual on this platform. Do some research!????????
  15. Yes I have for 17 yrs in Thailand! Plus many yrs involved with the industry in Austalia!
  16. I suppose you would visit a Whitchdoctor instead of a Profesional doctor or Naturapath because the former will charge you 100 baht as apposed to 800 baht? Grow a brain!!! ????
  17. Not involved with his company I have my own. However we do business together!
  18. You need to do some research especially thinking Putin percieved weakness in Ukraine. That is not the reason!
  19. Most likely low power coming in. It's called brownouts. Wires heat up if this is the case! Need to check in comming supply.
  20. New planes are mostly fly by computer! Maybe they will stay in the air a bit longer! ????
  21. Lopuri & Korat have bases with the F16 which are near to the crash!
  22. Are you wanting new sandwash? (You are mad if you do)! Plenty of options that are better. Even non slip tiles would last longer and easier to clean as well. Contact my colleague John at Siam Pools C/M for advice. Cheers
  23. I heard last week they where opening the borders to help with tourism & trade!
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