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Bangkok Barry

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Everything posted by Bangkok Barry

  1. Very helpful. Thanks. That three buses a day used to be an hourly service, sometimes half-hourly. There is a van service too with the same route number (278) but local enquiries have revealed that it has been reduced from half-hourly to every 90 minutes due to the current Covid situation in the area.
  2. The report here says he was the driver. Yet those who attended didn't think of checking if the driver was there. Beyond belief. Perhaps they thought the car drove itself.
  3. Does anyone have a phone number for the bus terminal? Impossible to find online and I want to check on buses from there to Kalasin. It seems from a site I found that there is no central point for enquiries. Is that true?
  4. Why not ask FINNAIR what their policy is, rather than us?
  5. And a nephew dumped on us by his mother has been learning English for seven years and still can't put a sentence together. Ridiculous.
  6. At the same time, perhaps they could have researched how many tourists actually need longer than a 30 day permission to stay. I'd guess that far in excess of 90% come for only a couple of weeks because they have a job to return to. And if they don't have a job to return to they probably can't afford to come anyway.
  7. Hmm. Foreigners have to 'post' more than that to get a marriage or retirement extension. That says a lot about how seriously the court is treating this, doesn't it.
  8. That's a VIP room? Same relevance as VIP buses I suppose. VIPS don't ride the bus, and VIPs wouldn't frequent a place like that.
  9. Who the heck goes to dinner with a baseball bat? My wife has a small one in her car. Not a bad idea when there are daily reports of drug-crazed loonies about on the roads - and in restaurants too, it seems. Anyway, it didn't say the person went to dinner carrying the bat. It said he picked it up. Maybe the restaurant kept one there for the same reason my wife travels with one.
  10. If they are blind to motorcyclists not wearing helmets then they most certainly won't see people not wearing a seat belt. Just another law that everyone will ignore, police and public alike. Completely normal and no surprise to anyone.
  11. History will judge it as one of the biggest errors in history that a country has made. Not only to lose the right of free movement and job opportunities, but to hand all our EU business rivals a competitive advantage in having a borderless and tax free business environment. I have yet to see any benefits, nor have I seen any other country saying that the UK leaving was a good idea. But that's what happens when no-one, no-one at all, really knew what consequences and complications it would bring. It was all "we will deal with that down the road." As for freedom to trade outside the EU, the UK could and did anyway. And as for freedom from EU laws, ask anyone what those intrusive laws are/were and you'd get a blank look.
  12. The world doesn't give a rat's fart about Thailand. It's an insignificant South East Asian backwater which plays no part at all on the international stage, a country known primarily for its ladyboys and prostitutes.
  13. You mean like the doctor killed on a pedestrian crossing? Outrage for two days, and then......
  14. It really doesn't matter if the streets are full of people protesting against the government. Last time it happened it achieved absolutely nothing, and the time before that it resulted in the army overturning a democratically elected government.
  15. The OP didn't raise the possibility of fraud so I'm not sure why you raised that subject. Regarding your second paragraph, using a credit or debit card means any visitor without a Thai account will be paying extra in the form of foreign exchange fees and bank charges. I think I'd rather frequent places that deal in old-fashioned cash which doesn't include those add-on fees.
  16. Whenever any of my misguided friends say they are going to visit Thailand I always tell them to avoid Phuket. Scam Central indeed.
  17. Why does someone need a gun in the house? (Americans need not respond). They have one purpose and one purpose only - to kill. And to leave a loaded one where a kid can find it is beyond belief. And yet nothing happens, all is forgiven as a member of the family only killed another member of the family. “The boy has not faced legal action in this case as he is under 12-years-old and it was a tragic accident. The girl’s family does not want any further legal action either as they are relatives.”
  18. In answer to your question, probably. The thread is just a bit of light-hearted fun. Lighten up.
  19. That could cause a storm, as many people voted for Brexit based on the promise of the UK returning to the blue passports of years past ????
  20. And they've been used for what? A lot of money that could have been spent on the people. Well, I suppose it was really, as the only ones the army fights are fellow Thais.
  21. I presume that the filmed motorcycle has a number. And if it didn't it was stopped by the police for not displaying it (joking). But it's good to know that the police are 'on to it'. Doing what, exactly. Did the father ask? Did Daily News think of asking as they prepared the article, or is asking questions too hard and against Thai culture? I used to work with Thai journalists and I don't think I ever heard one ask a question. It always had to be me that did.
  22. But the monks can't make money from that, to help run their business. Which every temple is, of course. Chanting for sale to all and for anything. New car? Ceremony. New house? Call the monks in to drone on in a language that people can sit for hours listening to while not understanding a word.
  23. I think that much farm work is seasonal, such as rice or sugar cane growing, and even then it's left largely by itself to grow. The only intense work is when it's time to harvest whatever is grown. That's my impression gathered from the fields that surround my house and the family members who farm. So, how much work is available for people to go back home to is questionable. The lack of it is surely why they left in the first place.
  24. But it's the same in many countries. It must be great if you're job seeking. It seems that gone are the days when 200 people would apply for one position. But where are the people who used to fill these positions? What are they doing now instead? Strange. If they were at the lower end of the skills sector, maids or in the UK for example airport baggage handlers, they can't all have found better paid jobs elsewhere. I did anticipate a massive shortage of hotel staff in my native London as the vast majority of the staff employed by the hotels, and not just at the lower levels, were from the EU and I presume they can no longer get jobs there without jumping through hoops.
  25. Because licensing hours is a matter of law... not up to each vendor/establishment. Doesn't really answer my question. Why are there licensing laws at all? And if they are needed in law, why does that law differ from country to country, city to city, even within States in the US.
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