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Everything posted by ross163103

  1. The Robin Williams phrase comes to mind, "God gave men a brain and a dick, but only enough blood to run one at a time." I've seen many guys come to Thailand and do things here that they would'nt even think of doing in their home country. I think the above phrase plays a part in their decisions.
  2. Sure wish I owned the brown envelope company that supplies Thaksin!
  3. No, AI is going to be the demise of the human race.
  4. What a joke! I can't believe they think any one with half a brain would believe any of this crap they're spouting out! If you've lived in Thailand more than a few years you realize what's going on.........it's all about the power and money!
  5. 55555, was there any doubt something like this would happen?! My wife mentioned this a few days ago when I told her he was facing 8 years in jail. Amazing Thailand!
  6. Correct! The ol', "Not my business" comes into play. They don't think about if THEY'RE the ones needing help and no one shows up.
  7. Because she owns two restaurants--or her family does. When the police will arrerst a farang for just walking behind the counter of a bar he owns it's probably justified to investigate whether she works in Thailand or not.
  8. I thought about this also. If it had been a different nationality of farang the investigation would already be done, but seeing how she's a rich chinese--the master race that Thais bow down too (sarcasm), we haven't heard anything about that. Maybe the brown envelopes glossed over checking on that.
  9. Chinese, chinese, chinese....I'm sick of hearing about the Chinese! Just get it over with; bow down and roll over to your Chinese overlords.
  10. Thailand has never been colonized, be careful, Tibet comes to mind.
  11. RIP So sad to hear this sort of crime, especially with a young girl that had the rest of her life ahead of her. I applaud you for trying to adopt her, just too bad about the timing. I hope you can get some closure and move on with your life, reading your message it seems you that you did the best you could for her.
  12. I don't see the "pose policing challenges", do your job and arrest them and deport if necessary. What's the challenge here?
  13. If the shoe was on the other foot, would you want her having a few--or many guys, on the side? Just sayin'.....
  14. My thinking is; how many people on retirement extensions are involved.in criminal activity? Yes, supposedly the bikers were but pretty sure this is an isolated incident. In my 30 years here I've seen more issues with people on tourist visas than retirement extensions. Maybe Joke is just using the bikers as an excuse to increase the fees.
  15. I read on another thread about Big Joke thinking of increasing the 800k baht requirement for retirement extension. I can't find any firm articles about it, has anybody heard anything about this? And no, I'm not trolling.
  16. Just found out 2/08/2023 @1800 it was done for "content". This kind of crap has got to stop! Throw them all in jail to send a message, then deport them forever!
  17. The people's vote, down the crapper, done in by the military; set up by Prayuth many years ago. Generally speaking Thais don't think about the future much, but Prayuth and his cronies sure did back then!
  18. A billionaire in Thailand will face twelve years in prison......yeah right! 5555!
  19. Forgot to mention; make him pay for fuel, any extra salaries/overtime for the flight crews, and also pay for any passengers who have to incur extra charges, ie flights, because of delays he's caused. If airlines would implement these changes mid air confrontations would be a thing of the past. As you can tell, I'm sick of these me, me, me, people causing problems for others! Sit down and shut up, act like a human not an animal!
  20. Ban him from flying on EVERY airline FOREVER! These stories of these, entitled, me, me, me people are getting more and more frequent. The airlines need to send a message, act like a human and behave in a civil fashion, ie normal human behavior, and we welcome you onboard, act like an idiot and you can take some other form of transport...............forever!
  21. Hmmmm, he took over in a amilitary coup but now he wants a peaceful transition. I hate politicians, such snakes in the grass!
  22. I'm amazed almost every day in this country at the absurd things that go on here. I keep trying to make sense of it all, then I realize it's never going to happen. Mai pen rai
  23. Exactly, instead of the airline punishing him for his forgetfulness--by not going back, everybody has to be inconvenienced. They've made hundreds--depending on the number of passengers, irratated and possibly won't be flying with them again, but they've made two people happy. The math doesn't add up. And for sure since he got away with it this time he'll feel empowered to do this type of thing again in the future. When I was working I flew 8-10 times a year--all long haul, and if I forgot something I wouldn't even think of asking the airline to turn the plane around. I might have asked them to try and mail my belongings to me--at my cost, instead of inconveniencing many many other passengers.......but that's just me--old school. Grow up and stop being irreponsible; too many me, me, me entitled people in the world now days.
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