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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 30 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    IF Biden is way ahead in the polls, he won't debate Trump. No reason to.

    There are a few things I don't like about biden/ Ukraine is one. But he is the only viable option. 

    I would also suggest that if he is way ahead in the poles, he would not,

    But Biden is a fighter, I think he would  relish the idea to take trump out on the woodshed, like he did last time they met. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  2. 9 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       How do you know that ?

    It could remain the same, go higher, or go lower .

    Can you think of another option? I can't. 

    Christmas 2024 is a long way, they suggest booking airfare 1-3 months before departure date, nine months in advance is way to early IMO and the opinion of many experts. 


  3. 4 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    I fear for some of the divers. They are not using Scuba nor snorkel gear, have no dive vest. It appears they are using a single hose with small mouth regulator(?). Picture shows 4-5 divers using long tubes for air - back into the boat air pump(s) / where is air coming from at what pressure? How is air pressure regulated above surface, free from engine fumes, kinks? 

    In a picture background there are several divers in full Scuba gear - no issue there but is there a qualified, permitted dive master overseeing the dive? I bet not.

    I thi k they are on hoses because they are not certified and cant get air tanks. 

    But I don't know that for a fact,

    I am certified PADI but I have not done any diving for close to 10 years 

    so not sure if this is a new trend, though I don't know why if someone is certified,  would chose a hose over the freedom of tanks?

    And they have no BC vests.

    I cant imagine diving without a BC vest unless of course you have a dry suit, which they don't. 

    It looks like a <deleted> show to me . 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 22 hours ago, advancebooking said:

    It seems she doesn't respect her body anymore and this concerns me. 

    Does not sound to me like you respect her either, certainly not ideal for a good relationship.

    Who would start such a thread in a public forum about their wife? the mother of his children? 

    You need to Jai yen yen if you value your relationship, making a woman feel bed about herself never ends well. .

    My wife does not like my cooking either. Thais have a different palet, 

    And the drink you describe sounds to me like some sort of Bubble tea . a very popular drink in Asia. The balls inside it are tapioca pearls. 

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  5. 17 hours ago, pj123 said:

    Looking at family coming to visit from the UK in Christmas 2024 and taken aback by the prices for economy seats, LHR/BKK

    Cheapest option using flexible dates EVA £1,448, TG £1,415. And this is returning 14 January.

    I think the operative word here is "Christmas" 

    around the holidays prices go up. for obvious reasons. 

    How close to christmas is their arrival day? 

    By the way, christmas is a long way , By the time you get closer to Christmas it could be more on it could be less. 

  6. Was he capturing marine life. or was he handling it?

    Two different things, 

    11 hours ago, webfact said:

    Mr. Yutthapong emphasized park regulations, prohibiting activities harmful to marine life and the environment.

     As it should be, but was what he did harmful? I am not saying that it was not , I really don't know what he did. 

    Does anyone have links to his posts?

    11 hours ago, webfact said:

    including shellfish, in Zone 7. 

    What is zone 7? I googled it but could not find any info as it pertains  to Thai marine resources. 

    were the shellfish protected species? 


  7. 6 minutes ago, Keep Right said:

    In a way, cancer negates evolution. Natural selection should have eliminated cancer millions of years ago.


    That's not the point .

    Cancer is part of the evolutionary process 

    Evolution is made possible by mutations as cells divide, some of those mutations have survival value. and those who get them survive more than those who do not get them passing on their mutation to their children . 

    Cancer is also a mutation , which is why radiation among many other things causes cancer. 

    To eliminate cancer one would have to also eliminate mutations and since mutations are nessacery for evolution it would also have to eliminate evolution. 

      We replace about 1 percent of all our cells. In 80 to 100 days,, the more days we live the more cells divide and are replaced,

    With every division there is a chance of a mutation, and a smaller chance that it could be cancerous.

     As we live longer lives, in addition to being subjected to pollutants and pathogens that are carcinogenic we aso expose ourselves to more  cell divisions. It's like rolling the dice. do it long enough and.........

    So can cancer be eliminated? No!

    But it might be mitigated, And many cancers are curable. Perhaps all one day. all cancers will be curable.

    One could get cancer but there might be a foolproof way of disrupting its process of dividing out of control,  

    At least that's my understanding of the issue, 


  8. 27 minutes ago, JoePai said:

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black - in English we spell it "sense" - but if English is not your native language I understand (as I do with Thaiger report)

    I was not criticizing  you spelling, only the structure of your  sentence, 

    I thought I understood what you were trying to say, but I was not sure. A coma , or a question mark changes the meaning. where a misspelled word as in this sentence does not. 

    But if English is not you native language and you think a "C" instead of an "S" changes the meaning of what I wrote, I understand :biggrin:


  9. 39 minutes ago, JoePai said:

    So what, we are talking about Thailand

    IMO there needs to be a question mark instead of a coma for this sentence to make sence,

    but even then it does not because the title of the article is, 

    "Chiang Mai now world’s third most polluted city "

    so we are talking about the world and how Chiang Mai who you correctly identified is located in Thailand, is the third most polluted city on the World 

  10. 16 minutes ago, BigStar said:


    Why can't Thais brutally beat helpless old mothers over their shopping carts in our countries the way we do in their country? Let's equalize this behavior. 

    The truth of the matter is that there are bad actors in every population  and forming generalizations  can only lead to bad decision making. We saw it with the British and brexit, in the US with Muslims  etc. 

    These farang A-holes who do these things in Thailand , like it has in other countries , can shape public opinion and there is always a politician that might want to use such opinion  hor his/hers political aspirations. It has happened elsewhere, and it can happen here. 


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  11. 3 minutes ago, tomgreen said:


    Yes its a mystery as to why the hospital doctor gave ‘’ Me ‘’ the choice about taking the prescribed drug . I had to Google the … PVC medication . I learn some thing new every day . 


    As Mr Spock likes to say  , live long and prosper.






    Except when Captain Kirk got on his nerves when he would say "Live long and suffer" :laugh:

    Yea sorry PVC ,( Premature ventricular contractions). out of the blue I started getting dizzy, went to the doctor , and I was diagnosed with the condition, I told the doctor. If it came all of a sudden, could it also go away all of the sudden ? and how would we know it went away if I am on medication. 

    Thats where he suggested that I cut it in half and see if the symptoms increased or decreased, if they did not increase keep reducing the dosage and and see how it goes,

    I think you might want to do something similar and see what dosage  works best for you.  

    I also have high cholesterol, 

    I tried the diet method to the point where I consumed almost zero cholesterol.

    No Change!!

    I am 5:10'  166 lbs , so weight is not the problem, I get plenty of exercise. 

    No change!

      So what's the deal?

    The deal is that it could be genetic. Your body produces cholesterol naturally in the liver. 

    Food contributes to cholesterol only by a  a small degree , I think 20%, and eating healthy could help reduce it by that percentage, but if your body is producing cholesterol on overdrive, then all the dieting in the world can only have a marginal affects. 

    I am also on Atorvastatin 40 mg , I had gone down to 20mg  but then my overall went to 180 so i went back to 40mg . I don't seem to have any side effects at 40 mg . so it's ok. 

    Also keep in mind that the proportion  of "good cholesterol  HDL"  to "Bad cholesterol LDL" is just as important as the overall  cholesterol number. .

    At least that's my understanding.  


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  12. Another clickbait Headline by the Thaiger.  

    There are many types of pollution, 

    Chiang Mai has an air quality issue part of the year,  and it might be the third worst in the world

    But that's for air, and for part of the year, there are many other places in the world that are more poluted from other sources  and year round. 


    • Confused 2
  13. 12 hours ago, tomgreen said:

    So it seems that I may have made a mistake by accepting the hospital doctors choice to stop taking the Atorvastatin on the 19th of September 2023 ( B ) when in reality I should have just continued to take the 20 mg of Atorvastatin on a daily basis . 

    Absolutely right!!

    Not sure why the doctor would tell you to stop taking the medication? It makes no sense. 

    If the medication was working and you had concerns about the dosage, he should have told you to cut it in half, and have another test a month later, 

    If your cholesterol went up after a month then go back to full dosage, if it remained the same. then the next step if you so desired would be to further reduce the dosage or frequency and see how that worked out after a month.

    That's what my heart doctor did with my PVC medication,(No not plastic LOL) 

    we reduced to half and since I had no PVC episodes we reduced it to every other day, next month if I still have no PVC episodes I will stop taking it.  If the episones return after I stop taking it , I will go to every other day again. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 14 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

    Stop calling them wild fires. It's arson.  Get the army in, boots on the ground & if you can't catch them setting the fires, catch them entering the forests & keep them out.

    You would have to arrest half the country country.

    Burning is part of the Thai culture in the countryside.The people that do it are not some sort of deranged pyromaniacs, they are doing what they have to under the circumstances. 

    These were techniques that worked when the population was smaller, and climate change had not reared it's ugly head. 

    The only way that the problem is resolved is that the "circumstances" are changed. 

      Things got to change. The old way of doing business is no longer viable.  

    An this is not some Ivory Tower opinion, two days ago we were almost burned out , we got the call from a neighbored to run to our farm because we wood were on fire and ti was heading for our farm, we got there as the flames were on our fence abs starting in the corner of our storage shed which was cluse to the fence, tried to get the well going but the wire to the pump had melted , quickly i found the burn cut the cable and spliced the wire. I was able to put the fire mostly out around our property by the time the fire truck arrived, and the worked on the woods. Now I have to go to the farm and replace sections of PVC pipe that melted. 

    Lessons learned. Controlled burns around your perimeter to remove fuel. burry pipes, burry cable to the well, 



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