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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 1 hour ago, ravip said:

    I guess, this is because each human thinks he is superior to the other?

      It's part repressed aggression, allowed to manifest itself under to cover of anonymity.

    Much like aggressive driving under the cover of tinted windows.  

      And partly communication issues from many with no experience in "Communications" and unreasonable expectations. 

    I Post an analyses of an issue as I see it 

    The response, " Nonsense! bla bla bla" 

    I don't mind the" bla bla bla" it is just as valid as my bla bla bla. 

    but with the "Nonsense" comment you did not only counter my argument, but you grabbed my ass.  

    So I return the favor .

    Then they complain   foul. 

    Dude ! when you play grab ass not come crying when someone grabbed your ass!!


    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, chickenslegs said:

    I'd be interested to know how that pans out.

    Ok so I just came back from my farm/garden.

    Bell peppers are starting to come in 


    Jalapeno peppers starting to come in, first time I tried growing them so we will see


    chives and cilantro doing better. Notice the shade cloth. 


    Tomatoes are almost done for. 

    • Like 1
  3. 58 minutes ago, BritScot said:

    Pipe dream until they sort out corruption in the customs department. Personal experience 20 x packing boxes (the company supplied the boxes and tape) from my house in Scotland to bkk via Singapore and it cost more to get them from customs at bkk to a family ome in bkk. 16km. I was given no choice, was not allowed to collect myself and forced to use their preferred transporter.


    but that's not what I am talking about. I am talking about Thailand announcing that it will try to become  a center of a particular endeavour, then the farang press always  translate it as "Hub"

    and the farang knee-jerk  reaction is to dismissed and make  "Hub" jokes about it. 

    I am sure the word "Hub" was not uttered once in the official Thai announcement. Why? because it is not a Thai word, it is an English word.

    It is a word that we use to dismiss. 



    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Whatever that's supposed to mean.


    I think you do, but it does not fit your narrative, so you pretend that you do not.

    But just in case you are sincere and you don't understand what the problem is, let me try and explain.  

    Indigenous to a geographical location  people change as differed groups arrive,and live there for many generations,   depart, or are displaced. 

    The western part (costal ) of Anatolia was Greek. The ruins are Greek , the inscriptions on the temples are in Greek there is along and documented Greek history there. . These facts are not in dispute.

     Turkish invaders arrived from central Asia and by force replaced the indigenous population. 

    Constantinople Fell 1453

    Fast forward about 600 years later do the Greeks have a claim to that area? and if they had the political and military power to do . what are the now indigenous Turks  that have lived there for close to  600 years (20 generations) supposed to do? 

    That's  a problem.

    I suggest that a similar problem exists in the area of interest to you. 



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  5. 8 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    Temperature inside the poly box is hardly affected by the outside temperature,

    as I said , this is also a learning experience, so take most things I say with a grain of salt. 

    I am not sure if it is the root temperature, the Plant temperature . or a combination of both that cause the high temperature reaction issue. Or even the percentage of the day under high temperatures. 

    That's why I suggest you try things different ways and see what works best. 

    I am going to the States in a couple of months for a month and I dont want to start any new projects that require my attention.

     but when I come back. I want to try a hydroponic box of tomatoes inside the house where it is airconditioned most of the day, under a grow lamp.  

  6. 4 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    Temperature inside the poly box is hardly affected by the outside temperature, but I nearly lost some seedlings when I forgot to put shade over them. I didn't look at them until mid day and they looked very sad ...


    Yea I had a similar issue and used green shade cloth outside and resolved the problem 

    I always had a problem growing cilantro  until I covered the whole raise bed with shade cloth , then both the cilantro and scallions took off. I will take a picture when I go there later today and post. 

  7. On 2/29/2024 at 10:46 AM, Emdog said:

    I am a "liberal" and in this case agree there is no good reason to put up a gay pride flag in a classroom. Is there such a thing as a "straight pride" flag? If there were, should that also be put up? And how about an "Asexual Pride" (Not incel) pride? US and state flag only. If student wants to wear a button, fine, no problem.

      Is assexual a soccial issue that needs to be addresed? well of,course by other than the ones who are not getting any. IMO they indeed need to try and get some. 

     And are assexuals not accepted as a normal part of society? Also other than by by those who are not giving them any :tongue:

  8. 4 hours ago, Stocky said:

    Another day, another hub

    You know that "hub" is not a Thai word , it is a translation and a choice to et the farangs howling .

    I have not read the release, in Thai but I bet they said they want to become a global cargo transportation center,, and why should not want to? in fact is there a country in the world with the nessacery infrastructure that does not?

  9. 3 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    US President's son, Hunter Biden has finally acknowledged that his father, Joe Biden was being referred to as the ‘big guy’ in an email exchange with Chinese firm for a $5 million deal.






    Oh dear......

    What else would he be referred to? 

    In that relationship he is "the big guy" in that vernacular. 

    why should he not be referred to as "the big guy" 

    • Like 2
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  10. 1 hour ago, chickenslegs said:

    I have about 30 more tomato seeds (beef steak from a packet) starting to germinate in foam cubes - nothing to show yet.

    The problem you will have IMO (not very educated opinion) will be temperature. You should certainly give it a try, I could be totally wrong. 

    My tomatoes were growing like gang bangers, nice big tasty. then it started getting hot again. First I noticed that their skin started to get thicker, I researched it and discover that after a certain temperature, cant remember which but I think it was mid to high 80s  their skin starts getting thick to retain moisture in the tomato fruit. Then my tomato size started decreasing, I speculate also for the moisture retention reason. One advantage you might have with hydroponics might be that because the Fluid might be lower than ambient temperature you might be able to mitigate the temperature issue.

    Perhaps you might want to try a hydroponic box that you put a couple of ice cubes in it every day.

    Anyway I am fowing you progress with interest and hope to learn from your mistakes and successes .




    • Thanks 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Really is minute, and I just don't believe it is the cause, as too small of a contribution.  No matter what they try to tell us.

    I don't know why you would not buying you would not buying the final conclusion that 

    "simply the natural progression.  Humans are such as small number, and take up such a small part of the planet, along with the contribution.   "

    It's not like humans contribute disproportionately to other pollution events in out planet given our   "small number"s

    So why would they be contributing to CO2 pollution and global warming ???


    Haaa. answer that!!!

    • Like 2
  12. 12 minutes ago, KhunLA said:


    Well actually if you think about it . even if the cooling is not catastrophic but unpleasant it would cause more fuel to be burned to heat homes, which it would produce more CO2 , which in turn "natural cooling agents' will cool  a bit more , which would cause more oil to be burned  in turn more "natural agents"....., 

    You see where I am going with this?  We would turn into <delated> human popsicles. 

    Now you don't want that to happen just to protect the  <deleted> romans do you? ???


    • Haha 1
  13. 9 hours ago, advancebooking said:

    If Ive never meditated before how do I do that? thanks

    You repeat the ancient Indian "owata "chant several times , it brings the  calmness that only this inner truth can provide. 

    So Repeat at least three times

    Owata dopa Yam 

    owata dopa Yam

    Owata dopa Yam



    See what lack of sleep does to one's sense of humor? 

    • Confused 1
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