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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. I remember the first time I came to Thailand. I asked the same question, and by the time I got here I was paranoid. People seem to report the negatives , and like any other place there are some and you should be aware of them but put it all on proper perspective. Millions of people came here every year without having any problem. Come , have fun, enjoy!!

    Of course you are going to come to Bangkok and see the Royal Palace, Wat Arun, take a boat river and see some other temples. I like Chatuchak Market , one of the biggest flea market in the world. 

    Maybe a day trip with a tour company to the bridge on the river kwai. do the old train ride, maybe an elephant preserve, or a bamboo raft ride down a river, 

    Agoda is a good place to get a good price in a hotel. 

    Go to PiPi island for a day, Kho Samui is nice. 

    Have a good trip.:smile:

  2. Just now, spidermike007 said:

    It is getting to the point of being a disaster in the making. I have never in all the years I have been here, seen it as bad as it is this year. And nothing is being done. The do nothing PM, and the do nothing authorities are totally unwilling to stand up to the enemy of the people, Big Agra, and their refineries. Something must be done. The indifference is stunning. This is truly a pathetic situation. There should be a public revolt.

    We came close to it at our farm,

    Don't know how it started,but I can guess. But we almost got burned out.

    Got to the farm just in time as it was on our fence, Our storage sead was gust starting to get a bit of fire on it. 

    Again we have a day where you can hardly see a couple of miles away from the smog.



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  3. 10 minutes ago, DLButler said:

    Would a new arrival to Jomtien be able to find any kind of headstart or beginning Thai class that would get me started with some basics?  Anyone have any experience to share?

    I am not from  Jomtien so I dont know of any but If they have them in Khon Kaen where I am I am sure that there must be some in your area, 

    But if you wanted to get started on the basics, why not an online beginners course? 

    But I did a google search and found several 


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  4. On 3/5/2024 at 4:54 AM, Social Media said:

    However, the Supreme Court asserted that the power to disqualify candidates from federal offices, including the presidency, lies solely with Congress,

    Unless the opposition has a majority in both the House and the Senate can anyone ever see that happening? I think they just gave the green light to whoever is president and has control of at least one side of congress. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/5/2024 at 7:55 AM, JonnyF said:

    Obviously the correct decision.


    The voters of America need to decide whether they want Trump or not, nobody else.


    Just like Brexit, attempts to overturn the Democratic will of the people should be shut down immediately. 

    What do we even need a constitution for? We should have the people chose every issue, and the largest crowd wins. It worked for Nazi germany why should it not work here?

    • Confused 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

    Can someone enlighten me as to why Americans wear their hats indoors? Do they wear them in bed?

    No , we all have canopy beds, but when not in bed we wear them to keep dry because we all have leaky roofs.  

    • Haha 2
  7. 19 hours ago, Dolf said:

    If people aren't happy in Thailand I wonder what will make them happy. Unless you are a skier who need snows I'm not sure why people rubbish Thailand. Cheap dental, cheap food, lots of women, cheap rooms.





    Its the water

    Pathogens in the water cause people who extremely intelligent upon arrival to become  blithering idiots and write posts like this one. 

    Wait a second, this did not come our right I meant thread like this, not posts, NOT POSTS!!

    • Confused 1
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  8. 13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    two weeks after Thailand officially entered the dry season,

    Don't mind the heat. but. 

    Here in khon kaen we  entered the dry season 5 months ago. It briefly rained , not enough to do anything a couple of times since early October.  Last year I planted a bunch of relatively young and yet unestablished trees, and I have to water them every couple of days, in fact I got to go and do it in a few minutes.  Cant wait for a bit of rain. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. On 3/3/2024 at 11:14 AM, Dante99 said:

    What would cause it to stop working for 6 weeks then without any repair or adjustment, just start working again?

    Perhaps the gecko who had told his friend they would meet in front of your motion sensor, got tired of waiting and moved. Personally I think it was a case of miscommunication , and his friend were waiting at a different motion sensor, 

    Did you also have issues with a different sensor? 

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