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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Obviously legal is good, and illegals should be returned over the border whence they came. Even better, don't let them get into the country in the first place.

    Obviously you did not understand a word I said .

    9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    BTW, you do realise that once AI robotics takes off in the next few years all those illegals will be unemployed and unemployable, don't you?

    We can think about that when it happens.

    Perhaps , what is your opinion on illegal robots?  😅

  2. 9 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    So, you agree Biden is only pretending to want to close the border,

    No I would not! You could not possibly  be more wrong. 

    no one wants to close the border, he wants to better control it under the circumstances,


    9 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    And you support an open border, yes?

     No I do not, I don't think there is anyone who does. Why would I? have you from my post determined that I am insane? 

  3. 7 hours ago, kwonitoy said:


    I don't turn mine off, just let the auto off function do it's thing and I get 4 or 5 days before charging, read about 1-2 hours per night

    I've had Kindles and much prefer the amazon tablet


    I did not make my first post to be critical, simply to provide additional Information to consider for those reading this and making a decision which to buy. As I said I also bought it .

    I think you would find that the fire tablet battery degrades after a year or so, It did mine. I still have it 

    I did not like the older kindles because of the size also , which was part of the reason why  also went with the fire tablet, for the money it was a good option. 



  4. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    There is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" opinion except in the view of other people's opinion's IMO.

    Opinions are like noses- we all have them.

    Sure there is, I am really (honestly) surprised you would say that.

    Let's say you are of the opinion that when you wanted to warm your hands , it would be better to put them in the fire, rather than close to the fire. 

    Gould you say that this is a good opinion, or a bad opinion?  ,  

    I guaranty you that if you think it is a good opinion now, you would change your mind in a millisecond if you tried it.

    If you don't believe me trye it!And please make sure to video tape it and post it on youtube, I think it will rival in popularity the video of the lady and her son who identified as a cat. :laugh:

    By the way you suppose the boy scratched up her furniture? 


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  5. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's apparently your belief that the thousands of illegals crossing the southern border are actually legal immigrants. Perhaps you can explain why?

    No I do not. 

    I believe, No I know that immigration, all immigration is a net positive for the US

    Would It be better that illegal immigration would be Legal? Mayby!

    But look at it from a different perspective 

    How would things be better if those who crossed the border did it legally rather than illegally? 

    and how would it be worst. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    For what purpose?


    Have any idea?


    Surely....It is written!


    In the Scriptures.



    Looking at the results I am sure she was drinking too much.

    Do you know how I know god is a she?

    I am an Atheist, and the only time I use the phrase "Oh God" is when a female is involved.

    Sadly sex is not always involved. :laugh:

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/2/2024 at 12:49 AM, kwonitoy said:

    bought a Amazon Fire tablet for less than a Kindle, on sale for $129.00 in Canada

    10" screen, color, acts like a android tablet and a book reader.

    Very happy with it.

    Had one, terrible terrible battery life, I read a lot and had to charge it every day, sometimes it would die right in the middle of reading and I would have to read with the charging cable on cable 

    I got the kindle scribe , also 10" screen , aside of all the other options, and no glare, Phenomenal  Battery  life.

    As I said I read a few hours every day,It is always on, 24/7, and the battery lasts more than a week.

    ohh and it fully charges in a couple of hours. 

    I had issues with sleeping and It was suggested that it might be the glare from the tablet. 

    By sleeping has improved since I gave up reading on the tablet, but I also did many other things and it is possible that my sleeping improved do to the other things I did. 

       Anyway the fire tablet was not bad, other than the battery life and the glare. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


    If only God could put an end to the evil of cancer.


    Cancer is an evil disease.


    If God will not put an end to the evil disease cancer, then, in your industry, do you have a gun with a silver bullet that can smite the Big C?



    Dude!!  since god created everything , she created cancer also . 

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, This Guy said:

    Meanwhile a man with common sense who suggested smashing a window to free the child was berated for.....displaying common <deleted> sense



    I missed it,

    I read the whole article a couple of times and did not see anyone suggesting smashing the window

    What did I miss?

    But if someone did, I would disagree with the common sense part. 

    The car was on, the AC was on, the child was in no danger, the authorities were in their way to open the car , would it be Common sense smash the window and cause a lot of damage and cost. or wait a few minutes to open it as they did? 

    We had a similar incident happen to my sister , who left her little dog in the car with the engine running to get something from the store, the dog got excited and started jumping on the window and somehow pressed the lock button :laugh:

    While waiting for the cops to come and open the car for us , we sat by the window trying to get lucky excited and jumping in the window hoping he would hit the unlock button 

    This was many years ago and we still laugh over it some times.It was hilarious, :cheesy:

    • Like 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    The left wants the border open, that's why it's open.  Most Americans want the border closed, that's why after three years, with the election coming, the left/Biden wants to pretend they want to close border, when everyone knows is ridiculous. 


    The left tries to ram through a POC bill that will cost more and just exasperate the problems for working Americans, and when it does not pass, because the people that actually care about working Americans don't vote for it, they blame Trump. 


    No one in the press says anything about H.R.2 , the "Secure the Border Act of 2023" that would close the border and solve many of the problems. It was passed in the House almost a year ago and Chuck Schumer refuses to bring it to the floor.

    H.R.2 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Secure the Border Act of 2023 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress



    No one in the press says anything about Biden cancelling all of Trump's border policies that we largely successful, in spite of the left fighting him every step of the way. 


    Anyone claiming Biden wants to close the border is a fool or a liar or both. 



    trump had a majority in both the House and the Senate for two years

    The idiot managed reduce legal immigration but  He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration 


     One of the biggest economic issue around the world, is declining fertility rates. The US has the advantage of being a popular immigration destination,and has being able to mitigate domestic declining fertility with immigrants

    The moron trump and his magagorons are trying to kill the golden goose of immigration

       Thank God Biden reversed trump's idiotic immigration policies.and we are now growing faster than EU, Japan. UK , Canada 

    Though I have to admit , the UK's tough immigration policy of the past few years  did produce miracles :laugh:



  11. Quote

    Plug-in Hybrids the way to go

    It depend on the reason why you would get one rather than an ICE vesicle.

      If you get one because yo want to save money on gas , not a good idea.

    It would take the lifetime of the vehicle to get back the extra cost you paid over the comparable ICE vehicle 

      If you get it to save the environment , not really ,  because the complexity in Manufacturing two modes of transportation introduce as much CO2 as you save from the better gas milage, 

      If you get it because it would have les repairs like an EV , not really, . Not only does it have the EV part to maintain, you also have the ICE part to maintain. 

      So in conclusion,  it is neither a good EV or a good ICE vehicle , 


  12. On 2/25/2024 at 12:52 PM, Crossy said:

    but Madam is sure to notice,

    Do the manly thing man!! 

    You are making us all look bad,

    If Madam complains, tell her to het back in the kitchen where she belongs!!!

    and the run like hell. If the car is too uncomfortable to sleep in, you can come and stay with us. 

    I am sure she will forget after a while and you can go back.

    The important thing is that you do the manly thing. 

     Now let's all sing the manly song 


  13. 27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You are so funny, really. I've often said I don't support Trump except that he's a less bad option that Biden ( or HRC ), so I'd vote for him on that basis. I said I'd vote for a rock over her.

    I've even said ( I guess you missed it ) that I'd support Bernie over him ( shame that he got back stabbed by the swampy people ).

    But that in itself  is a logical fallacy 

    Toyou propose to cure the patient by killing him . Which is what would happen if trump became the norm. You will not get a better system, you will gat a different and infinitely worst system,

    a system where when the term of a president is over he would not leave, he would simply try and find a way to subvert you ability as a citizen to vote him out.

    I hope you see the dangers associated with that. 

    35 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's a bit different now, given all the political shennanigans by the Dems and fellow travelers weaponising the ?justice? system to bring him down.

    The democrats weaponizing the DOJ?

    You seem to forget about the trump DOJ , first was  Jeff Sessions , do you remember him? 

    Trump accused him of disloyalty because he resisted his attempts of weaponization of the department and he resigned . Loyalty to trump and not justice.

    Sessions were replaced by acting AG Matthew G. Whitaker, He was acting AG for  months, when he would not play ball with trump, he was replaced by William Barr and we all remember how that went.

    He also resigned. then we had Jeffrey Rosen as acting  acting AG , (a lot of acting LOL) and who can forget, the  Jeffrey Clark  debacle . Well you of course because you seem to have forgotten the rest of the soap opera "As the DJ turns !! a new episode every few months. :cheesy:



    • Thanks 1
  14. An "at best" cursory understanding of the subject. 

    for more detail google "Cancer and Evolution"

    Will we ever eliminate Cancer? We will. when evolution is no longer a thing.

    we can mitigate cancer, but we can not , nor would we want to eliminate.

    what is Cancer ?

    Firstly , cancer is not one thing to eliminate , it is a collection of many diseases that have a similar output.

      the development of mutated  cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue

    How does evolution work? Through natural selection , errors in cell duplication result in positive survival outputs. 

    So Cancer can not and should not be eliminated ,as it will affect the evolutionary process.  but could be mitigated. 

     An addition to the big C issue there  are all those little Cs that are popping all over the place, as neighborhood increase in size , there seem, to be one in every neighborhood. :laugh:


    there is the additional problem that  as life expectancy increases so do the number of cell divisions and consequently  the chance of errors that could lead noncancerous cells. 

    Anyway this is a take on the subject, I am sure there other and different takes.   




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  15. 12 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    very true indeed, but in "the good old days" they were seen  for what they were,  and treated accordingly,   these days they are almost revered, often granted special privileges  and the rest of us are expected to oblige them for fear of causing offence.  They themselves are starting to get boring

    I know , now crazies are forced to post threads like this on Asea now. 


    24 minutes ago, ChipButty said:


    A serious piece of journalism that should be taken seriously Shot by the best quality Iphone equipment and introduced by a guy in a white Fruit of the loom T-shirt and a backwards hat. 

    I for one am impressed. Certainly a subject for serious debate. 

    What kind of debate will we be using ? Empirical, Comparative, Model, or Abstract.?

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