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Posts posted by sirineou

  1. 22 minutes ago, Keeps said:

    Do you need to put anything on the underside of the dough or on the griddle to stop the dough sticking? Or does it come away naturally once the dough is sufficiently cooked?

    I season my cast iron pan  

    First lightly oil the pan with canola oil. any oil would work but canola is best. 

    place in oven for 30 minutes at 450-500 f  

    take out let cool a little, oil again and repeat. 

    Nothing will stick to it. 

    PS: place the pan in the oven upside down, you don't want any oil pooling in an area and create an uneven coating. 



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  2. 5 hours ago, placeholder said:

    He actually handled the accusation of anti-semitism based on those grounds quite deftly in the video from the Oxford Students Union. He said he wouldn't debate South Africans on the issue of apartheid and for the same reason he wouldn't debate Israelis about their treatment of Palestinians.

    there is nothing to debate when it comes to apartheidism it is a disgusting  concept, and anyone who supports it  in any way, shape  or form should be ashamed of themselves.

    George Galloway is a great man .


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  3. 2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    Does anybody know where I can order online, seasonings and sausage skins?

    Lazada certainly

    I had gotten them at Makro and might still have some frozen in my reiterator, 

    I have the sausage attachments for my kitchenaid stand mixer meat grinder kit but i find that  the one in the picture below to be a lot better .


    I haven't made them for a while. I should make some italian sausages so I can make baked sausages , peppers and onions. 

    Let us know how it works out 

  4. 6 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    I was thinking if I was a American I would carry a gun and move to places that allowed a gun.

    That is exactly why I came to Thailand.

    Imagine my disappointment. I guess I should had researched the issue before I came here.:sad:

    Now I am looking at explosives or PNDs (Personal Nuclear Devices) 

  5. On 2/29/2024 at 7:47 PM, Elkski said:

    Check your policy because overnight sleep tests are under major diagnostics and not covered under my plan.   It maybe less expensive to get a sleep atudy done in Thailand.   

    I've been putting it off for over a year now.  I think my poor sleep issues started with covid. 


    Funny you would say that, but come to think of it my sleep issues also started some time after I got a mild case of Covid . before that I never had a sleep issue , or even ever thought about it, Sleep was just a natural thing like breathing. 

     Right after I read your post I googled it . and it turns out.

     "about 40% of people with Long COVID report sleep issues among their symptoms. Problems can include insomnia, daytime sleepiness, waking up several times a night, or not feeling refreshed in the morning "

    https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/understanding-sleep-problems-long-covid#:~:text=Research suggests that about 40,feeling refreshed in the morning.

    Not sure how that helps, but if long covid goes away after a while, there is also hope that this might go away if it is as a result of long covid

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  6. 1 hour ago, Hellfire said:

    No, just a debit card


    The reason I ask, is because if you have a  bank balance of let's say $10,000 and a credit card secured by your bank account that has a $1000 limit 

    Them your bank balance would show as $10,000 but your available bank balance would be $ 9000

    The one thousand dollars is held in reserve to cover your credit card. 

    Kasikorn offers such a card to foreigners, I have one. If you want one you could probably get one. It does not affect you bank balance if used for visa extension purposes.  


  7. 24 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I understood what you meant, I was just commenting on the "given by God" claim, which is a nonsense. Had God given it to them, God would have made sure the land was vacant before they arrived. No problem to arrange all the bushes to burst into flames with a voice to tell them to get out of town.

    Not true

    God did not remove the people before they arrived because where would the jews get the maids and gardeners from ?:tongue:

    But then god took it away from them and gave it to a lot of different people at different times. 

    'cause let's face it god is an indian giver.:laugh:

    He gives and than he takes back. Would not trust him further than I can throw him .

    He gave me good looks about 30 years ago! and now look at me.

    As for the burning bushes, you need to put it into period specific context.

    No TV back then, wife was getting knocked up  by god left and right, what's a man to do?

    Burning bushes was just about the only entertainment back then  . that and goats .

    If you get my drift. 😜


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  8. 2 minutes ago, helloagain said:

    Hope this helps, I normally go to bed at 9.30 pm, last night I woke & got up at 10 mins before midnight. normally wake up at 2 or 3am. I sleep again around 6am for an hour. Normally have a morning kip & again around 3pm for an hour. Yes thats why I dont sleep through I gues. I am 70. But very early morning I watch a serial that my thai wifes not interested in, or surf for our tv programs. 

    It's a pain in the ass waking up in the middle of the night with the wife sleeping and having to to keep quite, I normally read for an hour or two utili  I get to the point where what I read does not go in my brain and I have to re-read passages to understand them, and I know I am at the point where I can sleep again, I close my eyes and think about what I read to keep my mind from racing and before you know it I am asleep again,

    I was just concerned that I was not getting enough sleep. bit now that I see that most people in our age bracket are experiencing similar sleep issues, I feel a little better.  

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  9. 57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That's an inconvenient truth that certain posters are sure to ignore.

    If I were to use their claim that living somewhere 2,000 years ago is proof of ownership I am entitled to part of England given my Celtic heritage. Somehow I don't think the present inhabitants would be willing to move out for me.


    What's sad is that old white men half a world away did believe it and stole the land from the inhabitants of Palestine and gave it to the zionists in 1948.

    I guess the ensuing chaos is karma on the west.

    What are also ignore , or perhaps don't know is that everyone came from somewhere some time and displaced someone. 

    and the Celts came from?

    "The Celtic people were of Indo-European descent. The tribes originated from Europe around the Greece area. They were eventually pushed out of many areas and only populated the British Isles.

    https://study.com/academy/lesson/celts-history-culture-religion.html#:~:text=The Celtic people were of,only populated the British Isles.

    So before you start laying claim part of England, both my parents were Greek so according to the above, I also have a claim . Perhaps we can get together and divvy up  the place :laugh:

    But keep it quiet  because we don't want the Neanderthals to get a whiff if that cause I am sure they have claim to first dibs to everything. :laugh:

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  10. 13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    There what is?

    The vehicle of the eventual decline  of any tribe that attempted to dominate another. 

    What is, Is Hubris

    12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    So Israel should just passively accept genocidal terrorists?

     No absolutely not ,( Are we talking about Palestinian or Israeli genocidal terrorists?)  Because both exist in equal measure. 

    Israelis  by now IMO have achieved the goal I first described.in my OP , generations have lived there and know no other life or identity they are not going anywhere if they can help it.

    But on the other hand neither are the Palestinians, and they have  have been there a lot longer. 

                         At this point equitable coexistence is the only solution.

    But the Israelis are trapped just as much as Palestinian though in a much better situation, but just as trapped. 

    IMO Israel was a Jewish mistake of monumental proportions,IMO the strength of the  Jewish culture was that inadvertently they had  thrown away the constraints , costs and limitations of nationalism , Yes there were costs associated with internationalism, but the benefits far outweighed the costs .

     In fact there  are Jewish factions who believe that israel is a mistake, and Zion is the world not a geographical location. 

    Israelis are trapped and enable to properly react by Israeli demographics. As we all know (or should)

    a major problem in the world, is falling fertility rates, and israel is no different, but it has and advantage and/or  disadvantage depending on one's perspective,

    Its orthodox population has a fertility  rate of , if I remember correctly  6 children per family . gradually making them a large segment of Israeli political power , and are projected to be  a large percentage of Israeli population in the not too far future . This puts pressure on Israeli politicians to do the politically expedient thing rather than the right thing.   


    So hat is the solution? A viable palestinian state .

    Viable!! there is nothing viable by the fragmented open air concentration camp that exists now. Nothing!! 

    whose borders and security is guaranteed by an impartial international peace force . The US can't play any part in it, because it is far   from impartial. 

    This has to be forced on Israel. only because it is unable to do so by itself do to some of the internal political dynamics I described above. 

    Of course this would have to be worked out in far more detail by professionals in in the subject , of which I am not, and of many different disciplines .  


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