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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. Back in the day, they set a criterion that “artificial intelligence” should be indistinguishable from talking to a human being, and scientists foolishly treated that as a hurdle, rather than a limbo bar.
  2. I am not sure about Harvard graduates, but if you want a recruitment consultant, you’ll be looking for a PNGian. I suppose it is having rugby league as their national sport …
  3. I think it’s interesting to know where robots might like to live as expats. I am pretty sure that they would prefer Pattaya to Skaros. Although for some robots, drop kerbs may be important, and a prohibition on lubrication between 2pm and 5 pm intolerable.
  4. Learning not to click. But don’t rush into that. Start with learning not to respond. Then you won’t get fatuous comments like this one.
  5. I was going to repeat my story which ends “… well, if I was going to choose my job based on where I wanted to live, I’d not be sat here talking to you in Warrington, Tommy”; but then I thought - how unfortunate must it be to have nothing to influence your choice of abode? To be as free as litter blowing in the wind?
  6. Sad, really, but a sense of humour is a fragile thing that can be easily broken. Back in the day, I went through an unfortunate patch, and it was only when I was told, was I aware that I had lost my sense of humour.
  7. Poor. The humourous part would have lain in what you did not say. A good joke needs to be understood, rather than heard.
  8. When you find out that “someone wants to talk to you”, that is not necessarily positive.
  9. some balls don’t need rolling
  10. Most people probably lack the intellect or perseverance to read his posts, or the discernment to decide what is relevant to them. Whenever such a person remains silent, rather than posting an ignorant comment, I would feel blessed, if I had any way of knowing how many people had read his comments.
  11. There’s no place like home. Back in the day, people would ask me “Wouldn’t you rather live in Scotland?” ”Aye, right, and then where would I go for holidays?”
  12. I think that’s just the company that you keep, and reading too much consumerist press. There was a thread on the pub forum about a lady with large breasts, and although I googled, I have forgotten who she was, or for what she was famous. I guess that Soap Operas are going through an imaginative low point, that people are using celebrities and social media as a substitute.
  13. Perverse evolution of perception is not necessarily due to dementia. Dementia is a horrific condition from which there is no way back, and available solutions are completely unpalatable.
  14. (From) whence are you? How GammaGlobulin survives on this forum I do not know. A genius amongst buffoons must surely suffer, while a buffoon amongst genii may never realise.
  15. It shows the sad state of education to which this forum has sunk that no-one else has responded, and a damning indictment of my own literacy that I cannot offer one. Instead, I offer you this: That an intellectual in heaven is so lonely is a more damning indictment of the moral rectitude of intellectuals than of the company one finds in heaven.
  16. I am guessing he has been assimilated. I am not falling for that one…
  17. I asked my laptop if it thought there might be a day that machines would ever be our intellectual equals. ”October 12th, 1982” I may have mid-remembered the exact date, but I’m not going to ask again.
  18. I had a haggis butty last night. It was a bit bland, but ok, I suppose. It would be better with more mature cheddar. And a spicier haggis. And more beer. Probably in reverse order of importance.
  19. This forum has been like a morgue recently, so I thought it was time for a cryptic thread. Post a cryptic description of where your bike’s been, and let others describe the photo; please quote the original description, as I fully anticipate there will be loads of challenges running in parallel.... then a week later, or sooner, or later, as you see fit, post the photo.
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