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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. Let’s not change the subject. When it comes to beer, quantity overcomes quality, either sooner or later. When it comes to advice, maybe not so much so.
  2. I am not sure that we have a common understanding of swedes / turnips. Turnip (as in “haggis”) is a large, round, purple-skinned vegetable that takes a lot of softening during cooking, and gives you wrists LIKE THAT if you try and carve a turnip lantern. swedes are skinny purple white-fleshed root vegetables that are too small to carve to a lantern. I understand that some English people have the opposite understanding.
  3. Nostalgia is great - I am looking forward to it!
  4. Quantity. Quality is no substitute for quantity.
  5. My barber told me fortune favoured the bowled.
  6. I am not too worried about insuring my bike, but I’d like 3rd party cover to protect me from spurious claims, and I might also look for insurance for injury when I was sober.
  7. That looks like a Grand Day Out for everyone! where was your route? Did you finish in the medals? - fastest? - oldest? - photos?
  8. Sunday saw us ride PubCycle XI to raise money for Agathian’s Shelter, a local orphanage overlooking the Federal Highway. We’d had some last-minute bail-outs, but the pilot turned up early. So we set off, but on Stage One Batman’s battery started giving him jip. A recharge gave him confidence to continue, which confidence was sorely misplaced, and he abandoned , to go home and collect his mountain bike. If he’d remembered that his house keys were in his car at the start, we’d have not passed him trudging forlornly to meet us at the end of Stage three. Thwarted and disheartened, he accepted a lift from the Rescue Driver. A, who claimed he’d been put off by the rain, though we had remained dry the whole route, caught and joined us onstage Three to substitute for Batman. L had bailed earlier, out of fear of excessive sunshine . I explained to her “If it’s a long ride, you’ll be cycling through the heat of the mid-day sun, no matter what.” ”Aye”, she replied, “but you’ll get to the end soon after” ”Mebbe, but the way we drink, it’d still be prudent to bring lights” Stage Four was the last of the stages that were not passable to motor vehicles, featuring a two-foot wide concrete pack horse bridge. The White Van was patiently waiting and M parked in the same place as last year as well. The patrons at the pubs were as generous as ever, so I hope the final total will be close to the RM20,000 we raised last year.
  9. Like the government, the opposition very occasionally show common sense. When the government and the opposition are in agreement, then you need to really think quite hard about whether they might be right.
  10. I think some Left-wing people think that we should try to halt the spread of disease for the greater good. Even if you don’t directly benefit, we are all better off for motorcycle helmets, and the almost-elimination of polio. There’s not many people that say “maybe I should’ve worn a helmet”, but there’s plenty that say “I’m glad I was wearing my helmet”. You can’t really rely on individuals to make sensible decisions about risk and public health.
  11. Maybe he’s not doing anything wrong , and sadly missing out, as a consequence. The suffering that the innocent and naive miss out on is half of what makes life fun.
  12. I’ve got no idea why she lets him interact with Thai people. I can’t see the relationship lasting. If he can’t trust her to deal with the locals, or if he has to be the Big Iam handling the money…
  13. Those calculators were beautiful. I bought an 11C while travelling in the US, but it became sadly misplaced, possibly stolen, from my jacket pocket whilst in the pub.
  14. Muslims believe in the same God.
  15. AA is the last thing that a lot of people try. The other things didn’t work. its like how you always find something in the last place that you look…
  16. Sunday was a total wash-out, almost. Three of us assembled at the station, and watched the rain get heavier and heavier. Our pilot showed us a satellite weather view that offered the possibility of dry weather in KL, torrential downpours in Kajang and risk of treacherous conditions in the hills. We raked our memories to recall if we’d ever cancelled because of rain before. I searched my Strava archives, but that only threw up the times we’d persevered - “Putrajaya in the rain” ”Flooding in Kapar” ”Washed-away roads in Hulu Langat” I found one ride that had been shortened from a 70 km planned route to 20 km to a local pub… The rain waned and waxed… “As we’ve been sat here, sometimes I’ve thought ‘maybe we should’ve just persevered and braved the elements’ … but I’m not thinking that now” ”So this is going to be our first complete cancellation?” ”We’re only cancelling the first half - the cycling; we can still make it to Mahjong” The pilot bailed out when the weather finally eased off, and while he could still safely cycle home. We persevered until we could fortuitously cycle home.
  17. Your supervisor needs to get a grip. As a shilling, that is not even worth a thruppenny bit. You are an embarrassment to your troll factory , and I hope that you suffer the consequences.
  18. People are more placid, accommodating and peaceful than ever before.
  19. Why do you want to know? Im guessing you can make your own assessment, and if he’s thick, why would you accept his opinion? Personal insults are rarely helpful. Repeating the answer would have allowed him to realise his opportunity to improve, whereas now he will be deliberately thrawn.
  20. I’m on my way - from misery to happiness… Except not convenient for work… Cheapest cider in my street is about £5
  21. You are absolutely right. I cannot imagine where I would be happier than I where I am now. I can imagine that I might get paid more in other places, I am sure that there are places with a lower cost of living, beer is cheaper in the Philippines, cycling may be better in France… I have spent ten years making the best of where I am now, and if I could move somewhere better I might have to admit I had wasted ten years of my life
  22. There’s a couple of events coming up in Langkawi just after Pubcycle XI - Langkawi Folding Bike Challenge and Langkawi Legendary Ride on the two following weekends. For one reason or another it was too troublesome to go to either. ”Well, we don’t need to go to Langkawi to ride 65 km on the folding bikes” so I am now planning the Jalan Langkawi Folding Bike Challenge, from TTDI Station to the pub (2.5 km as the crow flies) via Jalan Langkawi, and I need to find a simple 4 km detour to get to 65 km. Which was why I washed the folding bike this morning. I washed my road bike because it was filthy since last week… but I only had enough chain oil for one of them, and I needed to check out the condition of the folding bike, so I rode it out to the railway to listen to trains. I’d planned on popping into a fancy bike shop on the way back to buy chain oil, and the DASH Highway access roads made it much harder to get to. If I’d known that they only sold clothing now, I’d not have bothered. I went over the road to Meng Thai - not far for a crow, but a fair trek with the dual carriageway and one way systems …. I was a in and out like a burglar, but all the detours helped me catch the rain again… Anyway , I can now lube the road bike first thing tomorrow morning, and I’ll think about the route at the same time
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