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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. Scaffolding. If you want to learn about maintaining erections, search on the late Fred Dibnah.
  2. I'd never thought you were one to shy away from a challenge
  3. Being younger was pretty good, back in the day, and I'd do it again tomorrow, given the choice. I think I'd be able to do it better, now.
  4. If it was a serious problem, he’d not post on the pub. Anyone that posts serious issues in the pub has a bigger problem than a Louis Armstrong botty-trumpet.
  5. Getting older is all its cracked up to be. If you don't like it, don't do it, and make room for the rest of us. Of course, being younger would be better, and I tried that, back in the day. SC
  6. Back in the day, I inherited my mother's manual typewriter, when she graduated to an electric, or maybe a word processor. It had a serif font, weighed the best part of a tonne, and made a satisfactory thwacking sound that the neighbours two floors up could hear. Back in the day, we'd be out in the pub and drinking rounds; if someone said "I've got no money", everyone would be out with a note "You can borrow a fiver", even if that meant they'd be borrowing money themselves when it came to their round. Now, when some says "Can I ask you something?", my first response is "Does it involve money?" We're acquaintances. SC
  7. I've never been one for looking for friends. The best that you can hope for is to strike up acquaintances and see what transpires. There's a couple of acquaintances on this forum that I would consider friends, having together plumbed the depths of disappointment on a miserable November afternoon at Pittodrie, but for most here, a polite hello, a nod of acknowledgement, a shake of the hand, and a passing polite remembrance of familiar tales is about as far as it goes. SC
  8. It's clear that you won't get by on your wits alone.
  9. Sunday was another long ride - familiar roads, so I thought, so how I could miss the turning when the bridge was in sight I don’t know. No harm done, about six km of detour and an altercation with a chap in a black van… We’d turned homeward, but the sun was powerful high in the sky, and I was on the brink of feeling tired. We’d more or less reached consensus we’d get the train home … “Station!” I called out. ”Can we go on to the next?” ”Can!” ”Station!” ”Can we go on to the next?” ”No.” ”???” “I know where the next station is. I know where our route takes us. I have no idea about roads from the latter to the former” I checked on Google Maps, and there are no such roads. We are sorely afflicted with cider-drought, but six pints of Guinness after we got off the train, and we were fit enough to disperse homeward. my buddy reckoned that the little cafe shop at the Orang Asli reservation might sell beer, so that’s a possible destination in its own right This is not Gamuda Cove
  10. You should never eat on an empty stomach
  11. That was more or less the point that I was wanting to address, without crossing forum rules and discussing specifics.
  12. I was sat in the hotel car park struggling to fit a rear light (I don’t take the folding bike out at night much, but I’d found a Cateye saddle rail mount in my parts bin) and I was struggling - so I thought maybe I’ll just buy a rear light… and the nearest bike shop to my hotel was a rental place.
  13. It would be a nice round trip to take both ferries. I think next time I’ll rent a bike here, maybe. Travelling with the bike was troublesome and expensive for a weekend.
  14. Looking at the map, on the road from Bangna to Klongthoie, where you turn right to the port, if you go straight (am I allowed to say that?) you get to a ferry.
  15. In the absence of any helpful suggestions, I tootled up and down Sukhumvit Road and neighbouring streets. I can see that on a road bike, the traffic might be frustrating, but I was surprised how easy, pleasant and safe it felt. The only route that I would strongly recommend was Bangna Cross-roads to the Port - a lovely, quiet road that I occasionally enjoyed in a taxi on the way into work, back in the day.
  16. If that was his only mistake, he got off lightly. I went back to Soi 7 this evening, and the noise was intolerable. One bar was playing abrasive machine noise in lieu of music, but luckily two doors down it was drowned out by the cacophony from the neighbours.
  17. I went to where it once was, and there’s a cannabis bar - everyone should have at least one vice that they eschew, there was a little circuit of seedy bar-stalls that were quiet to the point of torpid morbidity; it was only I stopped in a familiar curry shop that I discovered this is a dry day.
  18. You’re right - thanks for the clarification.
  19. I was hoping for something more specific, with a particular consideration of similarities and proximity Thanks!
  20. I'm on a time-limited budget, and that is too far to cycle.
  21. I am told that the Soi Seven Beer Bar is closed. Where to go now? Is there anywhere similar?
  22. I’ll be n Bangkok at the weekend with my folding bike, so would like to know any recommendations for rides starting and ending in Sukhumvit area. Preferably with Strava route or ride references.
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