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Everything posted by StreetCowboy

  1. Is giving Linux a go a bit like the posts about ladyboys?
  2. If you chose the most feminine and beautiful, would your sexuality depend on which was the ladyboy?
  3. “… the Bellman said” ”There, I have said it thrice, and what I say three times is true” Lewis Carroll at his finest!
  4. Well volunteered. not a strong shilling, but you’ve done your best to earn yours.
  5. The following Sunday we repeated the planned pub ride route - it is a great route, though maybe a little shorter than our regular Sunday routes, and my buddy let rip with a veritable tirade of disappointment at the absence of interesting route-planning. So this week, we revisited the Coronation Ride, which, you may recall, saw me getting bowled over by a cow, sitting nursing concussion at the side of the road and sorely in need of a replacement helmet. We paused a while at the start, waiting for the rain to either ease off, or get heavy enough to cancel the ride. As it was, it ranged from pleasantly mild to mildly unpleasant. Within a hundred metres of my previous mishap, two dogs appeared, and I demonstrated the prudence that could have been called paranoia had it not been based on bitter experience. Shortly after, we were into the country back roads, dotting back and forth to find traces of the old roads that had been obliterated by the West Coast Expressway, and eventually we found our way to familiar roads. All the misnavigational meandering had eaten sorely into our rehydration, and I kept up the pace enough to see us address our first cider with a suitable thirst, despite the cooler weather.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 65 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 8 seconds  
  8. “… I am embraced… “ We all need a hug sometimes
  9. Classical education, a stiff upper lip and a cavalier disregard for Johnny Foreigner, as well as a Horatian ability to turn a blind eye to facts.
  10. I didn’t know any of the answers, but all the answers were in front of you, and it was just a question of sorting the wheat from the chaff.
  11. You were supposed to choose one of the answers (caution: sarcasm alert)
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 63 seconds  
  13. Better a sad sense of humour than none at all. I would have described it as flippant, rather than sad. I might not have dignified it with a comment, if I did not approve, nor understand.
  14. Saturday saw me following more or less the same route to drop off posters, and to confirm the route. There’s one tunnel on the Federal Highway that’s under repair, so we’ll shorten the route to avoid it. K & A, who will be back in country for the ride will love it, and Big G, who is back in country but won’t be riding, will be delighted to avoid the gradients. I still need to work out a route for our rescue driver, avoiding the salmoning, footbridges, bike lanes and underpasses. We will be passing where we lost our Project Director, several years ago - I’ll be sure to keep a close eye on him this time… Sunday saw me slightly the worse for Saturday’s elevation, and I was happy my buddy was timid with a cold. He brightened up on the ride, though, and I was the one dropping the pace on the homeward leg. To be fair, that was into a headwind - I still insisted on going at front - you can’t be dropped if you’re the lead rider. As we were getting close to the pub, I dropped a bombshell, by way of managing expectations… “Bell& has no cider, nor 42, nor Mahjong, if yesterday and Thursday are anything to go by” ”Thank you for not telling me earlier - that would have made the return journey hard” We confirmed my warning, and sat dejected on the benches at Bell& for a moment. ” We could try Loco … Spitalfield is too far” ”Pricewise, aye” ”And I’m in no mind for Science Centre Hill to Sid’s” so we struggled a few kilometres to Loco, where our scant hopes were sadly dashed, and through tears of disappointment ordered as much Guinness as we could.
  15. The news is not normality. Normality does not appear in the news. Things which appear in the news are therefore not normal, and it is up to you to decide if you need to change your behaviour to avoid such abnormal events.
  16. Is that why blokes like ladyboys? Are they an effective mitigation for brewer’s droop? Thanks for the advice, but for the time being I think I’ll struggle on as I am, but bear it in mind for the future.
  17. I think it has led to some interesting insights, and maybe some of the best do not emerge from his own perceived problem. Let’s face it - if he could clearly describe his problem, he’d be half way to solving it, and maybe having a chuckle at other people’s misfortune might fill in the other half.
  18. Even spicey ones?
  19. Make it religious - get a Praying Mantra
  20. I went to the pub one day, and I met a friend. We went to another pub. The second pub was not the same as the first pub, and I did not know my way home. I walked for a while, and that did not help. I got a taxi to a famous landmark, from which I knew my way home, but the landmark was square, and I did not know from which side I should start. I gave my hotel room key card to a taxi driver, but it had no Chinese on it. i walked for a while. It started to rain. ”It’s 5 o clock in the morning, I’ve got no idea where I am or how to get home, and it’s pissing down with rain. This could not get any worse” I stumbled over a rail that prevents motorbikes driving on the footpath, and broke my front teeth. It can always get worse. Much worse. You cannot imagine the worst case. But if you deal with the foreseeable problems (like - how do I get home from here”) you might avoid the catastrophic consequences
  21. My mother fancied him something dreadful
  22. Mebbe no' Maybe aye Perhaps you can't believe what you hear
  23. You're becoming a skinflint, and the girls can see that from what you do and how you act. If you act and spend like a naive newbie, you will get the two week millionaire experience - except that your sour puss at the money you are spending will put the girls off, even if your hand is in and out of our wallet pocket like a fiddler's elbow. And your sour puss reflects your resentment at how much you are spending, so trying to recreate that weekend millionaire experience will leave you unhappy at the cost and feeling ripped off, the girls unhappy at being with someone so miserable - but they can't tear themselves away because they need the money - so don't do it. Just accept that things are different because you have changed, and you have to live with being a cynical miserable skinflint, instead of a two-week millionaire, and remember that: 1) Cheap is not necessarily good value 2) Cheap price is not necessarily less expensive than good value 3) If you worry about money, then you are better staying at home.
  24. That'd belike Deja Vu, bt different No bar fines, for a start. Maybe it would be more like Saturday nights. Predominantly blank, bar the Tickets and the subsequent Court Summons. EDIT: I was going to post "I fought the law" under bar but that is so much better. Sometimes you have to follow your heart
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