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Everything posted by pacovl46

  1. It's some of the individuals that are bad, not the religion itself. There's bad apples amongst every single race and religion. But obviously you can't see that.... Do you tell kids that get molested by priests how much better catholicism is?
  2. Yeah. My point is, you have to be utterly delusional to think you can take over a country with 20 people...
  3. Surely, if it would've taken just one phone call to prevent it, he can call him and tell him to get out, since Trump is so powerful and all.......
  4. 15 to 20 freaks wanted to take over an entire country!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 Thanks for the laugh, guys. Have fun in prison! 😋
  5. On the Rogan podcast Mr. Gasbag said that he could've stopped Putin from invading Ukraine with just one phone call. So now let's see it. Show the world how you do it!!!
  6. They imported the XTC from the UK and were about to export weed to the UK.
  7. As long as he doesn't want to get clean there's nothing you can do to make him get off drugs permanently. Detaining him for the rest of his life would do the trick, but this obviously won't fly legally.
  8. It’s definitely a viper. The triangular head shape is a dead give away. It could either be a green pit viper or its cousin the white-lipped pit viper. Ahaethulla is larger, quite skinny, hence the common name whip snake, has a different scale pattern and they're usually not uniformly green and have a very different headshape with an upward pointing nose and horizontally slit pupils.
  9. Can’t wait for him to finally croak! The champagne is in the fridge already!
  10. Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam etc. There's about half a million stateless people living in Thailand, but there's also a million Cambodians living in Thailand, plus about 280000 from Laos, plus anywhere from 100K to 500K Vietnamese. There's definitely more workers who aren't stateless living and working in Thailand than there are stateless people. The article states "often" stateless....
  11. The article talks about people from neighboring countries wo have been living in Thailand for decades who are often stateless. Often doesn't mean always, which means some of them are regular expats and neither stateless nor refugee. I'd say that those are probably the majority.
  12. I'm not talking about thw stateless and refugees. I'm talking about the expats from the neighboring countries.
  13. I'm not talking about the stateless and refugees. I'm talking about expats from the neighboring countries.
  14. Sounds like the warnung labels on coffee cups they have to have on them in the US to avoid being sued when buyers spill it and burn themselves. If you order hot coffee you know it's gonna be hot, how they could ever successfully sue is a mystery to me. Likewise, if you visit an island that has an active volcano on it you have to reckon with it erupting! It's common sense!
  15. Myanmar yes, and some of the northern tribes also yes, but Laos and Cambodia? Also, the article mentions expats, plus refugees, plus stateless people. I'm only talking about expats!
  16. I have no problem with stateless people and refugees being given citizenship whatsoever, but that doesn't really apply to expats from Cambodia and Laos, now does it?
  17. Really? Refugees from Cambodia and Laos? The article stated expats, plus stateless people plus refugees. Just because you're an expat doesn't mean that your stateless or a refugee and I'm only talking about expats. I have no problem eith stateless people and refugees being given citizenship whatsoever.
  18. How does the expat status of people from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia differ from expats from western countries? Theyrw both expats. Also, I'd say it's safe to say, that expats and retirees from western countries have more expendable income than any of the neighboring Asian countries. They therefore stimulate tue economy quote a bit more per capita...
  19. I think the world has more than enough weapons to deal with both situations. Having said that, 2024 hasn't been a good year when it comes to international conflict.
  20. Surely you mean 7000 meters because otherwise that rocket would've gone well into outer space.
  21. Even then he couldn't do this on his own because there's always more people involved in making that decision and I'm pretty sure the people who back him don't want to go down with him in a nuclear holocaust.
  22. Yeah, but you could also use this as an argument as to why you didn't say anything, despite the fact that you lied to give tour lie credibility. Your reply is the perfect proof of that...
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