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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I have read through most of the posts here and totally agree.Too much ceremony,not enough learning.Discouragement from questioning and free thinking.There's nothing wrong with rote learning(eg maths etc) but alot of the teaching is about buddha,taking care ,family responsibilities(nothing wrong with this at all but it is at the expense of other subjects.

    My biggest surprise was at the poor quality of thai english teachers...........they had very little grasp or understanding of english grammar and without this a student will be ill equipped for a good job.

    If i had a child here i would "self educate" if possible,when they are young....that way you can set the standards and later to an international school,somehow you just gotta get the money.Sending kids to schools back home maybe if you can find the right school,but my understanding is that the quality of education in the west is also going downhill mainly due to unruly class behaviour.

    • Like 1
  2. Just my opinion but i think thais consciously or unconciously think they are the "beas knees" you know the best thing since sliced bread,not quite the master race but they tend too look down on all other races whether chinese,japanese,westerners,arabs,indians etc.but to their credit they are happy to let us all come here providing we use the correct visas and do not abuse the system or their hospitality.Of course it is worse for them in the tourist areas where we tend to overwhelm them with our presence.

    Is n't it just like back home when too many immigrants appear and congrugate on mass in certain locations..........it unsettles the locals who want them to intergrate and learn to become like them.

    One day we might find the thai authorities demand that we all learn thai language as part of our obligations if we want to live here.

    you dont know thais very well

    obviously not.So sorry for trying to be reasonable.wai.gif

  3. Nice post by the OP and exactly what most of us think when first arriving in places like pattaya.Its harder for the younger visitors just because they are young and dont see the carrying on back home that happens here.


    There are two things here,one thais do not tend to discriminate about age and of course many thais are extremely poor and hooking up to some money that will make their life less stressful is more important than any age gap.


    For any man,lets say 50 plus years its a joy to behold,to have the attention,love and affection of a younger lady.Not all of them are money grabbers.Yes they expect you to take care of them just as we would do in a relationship back home,and yes for some there is a lot of pressure and expectationns from family back in the boon docks.Its really up to us how we handle all this,maybe with some sensitivity and understanding the "other side of the coin" can help.


    Good luck to all of us to count our blessings and enjoy!

    • Like 1
  4. Just my opinion but i think thais consciously or unconciously think they are the "beas knees" you know the best thing since sliced bread,not quite the master race but they tend too look down on all other races whether chinese,japanese,westerners,arabs,indians etc.but to their credit they are happy to let us all come here providing we use the correct visas and do not abuse the system or their hospitality.Of course it is worse for them in the tourist areas where we tend to overwhelm them with our presence.

    Is n't it just like back home when too many immigrants appear and congrugate on mass in certain locations..........it unsettles the locals who want them to intergrate and learn to become like them.

    One day we might find the thai authorities demand that we all learn thai language as part of our obligations if we want to live here.


    I carried a copy of my passport in my wallet for almost 4 years, until two weeks ago, when in the Lotus supermarket, i felt an urge and the toilet didn't have any paper. So I cleaned myself with that old ragged passport copy and flushed it down.


    There you are. Do I need a new one ? I got a Thai drivers license, and they said that this is enuff


    No longer adequate.  And today it has been announced that the penalt for failing to produce your passport is 20,000 THB and 2 years prison.


    Are you sure?...i read somewhere 2000baht.



    When you see a Falung holding a Thai boy's hand he's Gay. Although the Thai boy may not necessarily be Gay just being Gay for the money.


    No one judges here.........



    Thai girls have Thai boyfriends and "Gay" Thai boys have Thai girlfriends. Falungs just can't win.


    No one said it was going to be easyfacepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  7. The OP is obviously upset, we are all here to offer words of support and encouragement for the poor simple sod.

    Dear OP, have you been gurgling Badgers milk ?

    No he was being a smart ass showing off his thai speaking skills and swearing at them in thai.Not a smart move obviously.

    • Like 1

  8. [quote name="samuibeachcomber" post="8163670" timestamp="1406547680"]

     [quote name="mrtoad" post="8163649" timestamp="1406547300"]

     [quote name="neverdie" post="8163635" timestamp="1406547120"]
     [quote name="mrtoad" post="8162121" timestamp="1406528787"]
    Personally I don't think I would want a massive age gap, Mrs T is 6 years younger than me, which Is fine. However, maybe I should have a 20 year old Mia Noi, to make me fit in laugh.png[/quote]I always go for older women, when I was a young guy I went out with a 40 y.o Thai lady, I was 23 & did she teach me a thing or two.........but that's perhaps for another time.

    I wonder if she's still alive ? tongue.png[/quote]
    Lol, my first Asian GF was a Singaporean Nurse, I was 19 and she was 27. It was a good learning experience.
    when i was young i liked older women but i dont think i'm up for an 80 year old right now.

    80 years young, no prOblems.

    I'd tap anything (almost), basically if it moves, I will give it one. If it doesn't move I will probably push it then give it one wink.png



    Personally I don't think I would want a massive age gap, Mrs T is 6 years younger than me, which Is fine. However, maybe I should have a 20 year old Mia Noi, to make me fit in laugh.png

    I always go for older women, when I was a young guy I went out with a 40 y.o Thai lady, I was 23 & did she teach me a thing or two.........but that's perhaps for another time.

    I wonder if she's still alive ? tongue.png

    Lol, my first Asian GF was a Singaporean Nurse, I was 19 and she was 27. It was a good learning experience.


    when i was young i liked older women but i dont think i'm up for an 80 year old right now.





    Personally I don't think I would want a massive age gap, Mrs T is 6 years younger than me, which Is fine. However, maybe I should have a 20 year old Mia Noi, to make me fit in laugh.png

    I always go for older women, when I was a young guy I went out with a 40 y.o Thai lady, I was 23 & did she teach me a thing or two.........but that's perhaps for another time.

    I wonder if she's still alive ? tongue.png

    Lol, my first Asian GF was a Singaporean Nurse, I was 19 and she was 27. It was a good learning experience.



  11. Two idiots in a bar, a 50 y.o wannabe street fighter and a grumpy 70 y.o wannabe know it all. Seems like a good match to me.

    I pity you low life grubs that sit around bars all day tryin to see how high you can piiisssss up the wall.

    Talk about losers.

    God you still alivetongue.png

    If this guy is 70 plus he's probably miserable cos of the price of a chang..............he can probably remember the days of a 20baht chang. and 50 baht barfine and an all nighter for 200 baht.Then again maybe thats still the going rate in Korat!

    • Like 1
  12. I have not read through the reply posts.But i like it just fine being called a "farang".

    It's usually used just as a 'descriptive word".............of course it can also be used in an insulting way too,depends on the context of any conversation.

    It's like in australia..............english people are often referred to as "poms".............often used in a descriptive way but can be used negatively.

    To get on in life we have to be thick skinned and not worry too much what others think of us................who bloody cares,i dont!

    Farangs is not bad. A septic tank is bad (poop holding tank). If the Thais called me a poop tank I'd be insulted but not a Farang. Think about eating dinner and the waitress asks your wife, "what will the shi* tank have to eat." Eeeeww yuk.

    of course she might have meant farang but had a bad does of verbal diahreatongue.png

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