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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Have only been to phuket once,but from what i have heard your experience there is not unique.There are laws here but they are not enforced and the police are generally lazy unless "tea money" is forthcoming.This is the reality of living here,and its all ok until something like what happened to the OP happens to us.I have no idea if such an incident would affect me as it has the OP.

    To live here successfully,happily,its important understand the culture here.

    Plus in my opinion its not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket,anywhere in the world.

    To live here happily / successfully it's best to have as little interaction with the locals as possible.

    Why would you want to learn the cultures? You'll never be fully accepted or understand them.

    Not to be accepted but to help understand the way of life here.

  2. Have only been to phuket once,but from what i have heard your experience there is not unique.There are laws here but they are not enforced and the police are generally lazy unless "tea money" is forthcoming.This is the reality of living here,and its all ok until something like what happened to the OP happens to us.I have no idea if such an incident would affect me as it has the OP.

    To live here successfully,happily,its important understand the culture here.

    Plus in my opinion its not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket,anywhere in the world.

    • Like 2
  3. other than money what do most of us have to offer. we cant coomunicate with them properly? most of us not their age? no connection whatsoever.

    speak for yourself...............i am an old delusional man who keeps being told "old ok, you handsome man"..........'i love you long time".........etc. etc.

    I am convinced they are right,however "why is my ATM balance now so low"facepalm.gif

  4. The OP has found and stays with a beautiful wife,and he is very lucky.There are real "gems" out there just waiting to be found and it can make all the difference to being happy or unhappy here.

    Thai culture is here to be "understood" not changed.When we come to live here we should accept this and mold ourselves around this.This way can help us be happy here.

    On the other hand if we have landed ourselves in an unhappy relationship this can sour our view of everything else here in thailand.

    Just my 2 bobs worth.

    • Like 2
  5. I want to get the ultrasound done and have the doctor tell me when the baby was conceived and when it is due. This will give me a good idea that the child is in fact mine as they should be able to tell me it is such and such weeks old and was conceived around August.

    I want to take care of her and the baby which is why I'm going to fly to Thailand asap to get the ultrasound done. I believe I have enough supporting documents to get the tourist visa (I will likely get help from an agency as well just to make sure).

    If I bring her over here, can she have the baby here (she may overstay her visa) and if she does have it here, will we be lumped with a huge medical bill since she has no medicare?

    If we get married, is it better done in Australia?

    Slow down...one thing at a time.Come to thailand establish if the child is yours.No point in thinking anything further until you know the truth.

    • Like 2
  6. Been told they prefer older guys and not younger handsome guys.

    "Young man,has little bit money and wants too much sex."

    Old guys, much money and little bit sex, maybe even no sex."

    Older is a better choice for bar girl.

    Hint: They are not really in it for the sex!

    so so true!

  7. i faced a similar situation myself. my advice is to never marry below your station. middle and lower class girls can appear cute at first but you will soon tire of their ignorance and lack of social standing. in my case i had an investigator vet all the candidates as to medical history, education, etc etc and also investigated the relatives. i then had a short list from which i selected my wife based on her looks, personality and suitability for child rearing. we have had a long and happy relationship due mainly to me doing my homework and i am very happy with the children she has produced.

    You clearly have some serious childhood issues and need to see a head doctor ,what a catch you must be to youre partner.Who did al these checks for you the NSA?

    I thought it sounded like a nice business transaction.due diligence and all that and obviously the "stock held"has appreciated in value.To be fair i wish i'd done due diligence on wives no.1 and 2.Wife no.3 i got lucky without a check up on medical history,bank balance,education and dodgy family and relatives.

    • Like 1
  8. The extension must be made at te office for the area where you are living.

    But extensions of stay can be made up to 30 days early and start n the day your current permission to stay ends, so you don't lose any days.

    90 day reports can be done 15 days early (and up to 7 days late), so Monday should be fine to do both and you could try it tomorrow.

    I tried to do the 90 days report about 10 days before due and the infamous Nok told me to come back next week because he was very very busy.I did it then by mail,as allowed by current regulations,and never got any back feed like the confirmation slip.Samui immigration is a complete disaster.

    thanks mario for that will see how it goes,and yes samui immigration need a new,bigger office and more staff.

  9. 'australians dont know how good they've got it"..........amen to that!No one could disagree that australia is an affluent country by world standards,and of course it would be a 'yardstick" for any young asians wanting to go there to better themselves,no argument there.but us older citizens who were in OZ in the 60's and 70's the country now is a poor shadow of its former self.Engulfed by govt. regulations,its citizenry bemoans all the taxes they have to pay,never happy with the wages they receive always not enough............and yes "houses and apartments being so expensive".The list could go on.So living a simple life in Laos(for a farang)with not necessarily a lot of money can become quite an attractive proposition.

    Leading a quiet simple life has its own rewards,but to all those young asians seeking an education,working for decent money in a clean environment you could not do better than go to australia.

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