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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. to shayne123 "western women are known for their beauty around the world".....................really?I come from the UK and have lived in OZ many years...........and i have to disagree!

    Yes, really. Even in Asia more western looking women are seen as beautiful. England is not the only western part of the world although Kate Beginsale in English and men drool over her.

    well i guess we can agree to disagree? you stick to your beautiful western ladies and leave me to my beautiful asian ladies OK!

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  2. This happened to a friend of mine in Phuket. Her and her husband were from London and retired there in their early fifties. It wasn't long until he'd gone off with a bar girl and left his wife of 25 years. She had a terrible struggle, he left her with nothing. Not long after that he had a heart attack and passed away. I haven't heard from her for a couple of years now and just hope she is okay.

    I've also had Thai friends who married farang who've taken them back to the UK and treated them very badly, only for them to 'escape' and back to the same old life.

    The whole world needs to find kindness and everyone needs to start caring for one another regardless of nationality.

    Too right MJP.

  3. You failed to satisfy him,or he was just no good. So now you blame thai woman. Years with my thai wife,no serious fights,just those five minute tiffs everyone has,awesome marriage,beautiful children. Listening to you just made me like thai woman more,bitter old woman.

    not easy for a farang couple living in thailand,too many temptations for the man.

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  4. Having spent some of my best years in the "nanny state" (OZ) I have to agree with the OP! One of the things that Lao and Oz have in common is "space"! 21 million in Oz, 7 1/2 million ? in Lao. They're both nanny states, have vast differences between the rich and poor, they both make it very difficult to lift oneself up by your bootstraps economically and interlectually by means of prohibitive education costs, at the top end!

    To all of you poor buggars flinching and twitching about a modicom of critizism of the "sunburnt land", grow up! Why the hell do you think so many ex-pat Ozzies are living out of the country?

    Why do you think that hundreds of Ozzie ex service men from the VN war are now living in Asia and Europe? Between the Wranger and the budgy smuggler, they've had a complete gutfull!

    So there! thumbsup.gifsad.png

    cannot disagree with you,but cant see any posts lauding australia as the land of opportunity,it surely once was but not anymore.

  5. very condescending post from the OP.....................Yes the KIP is a basket case as is the cambodian rial,and vietnamese dong.So what,millions of tourist like to go to both countries so there is a steady flow of dollars into them.I really have no idea what they do or do not produce,but i can tell you Laos beer is very good, i think originally brewed and supervised by carlsberg.They also make a mean noodle soup,does that count?rolleyes.gif

    The govt. is communist as far as i can tell and they have strict laws regarding their females and sex tourists,i guess they dont want to be like their thai cousins in that regard.I find that a refreshing change.

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  6. happiness is ephemeral,it comes and goes,as it should.To know happiness you have to experience unhappiness to appreciate happiness,does that make sense?

    Many people travel through life without finding what they want to do with it,but that does n't mean you have to be unhappy about it.

    I have found the first ingredient to be happy/.content is to feel at home in the environment you live in.Usually when you reach this state other good things follow...........like making good friends/contacts and from that quite often i have found opportunities that you had not reckoned on begin to flow your way.

    So if you are not happy or enjoying the environment you live in its time to change.When i first arrived in thailand on a 2 week holiday i just knew this was the place/life style for me and 8 years on i have not changed my mind

  7. I'm in a song tau making the turn at the corner to head to the mall. A girl wearing a short black skirt in he hair salon starts waving almost hysterically. She's cute. So I stop. Walk to the shop. Me, "whats the problem (yes I can say that in Thai)" She, "I want to cut your hair ohhh, yes please?" So I get a haircut 60 baht and give her 500 baht tip. It was a really good haircut.biggrin.png

    was the shop called lolita's by any chance?tongue.png

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  8. It would seem to me that the young tattoo'd lady was saying to passers by " yes i am with this old cogger only cos of what he will spend on me and for no other reason"................there usually is a price to pay for the older man with a young lady.But that is not exclusive to thailand it is the same the world over

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  9. as far as i can tell thais and tourists here on Samui overtake on the inside and the outside,tourists should know better,but thais have never been taught.Tourists that come to thailand(for that read male single)demote their brain to the nether region and all common sense goes out the door.

    Every day on the road in thailand is dangerous none more so than high season.good luck to all expats during this time.........keep safe.

  10. so you have a girlfriend with another man's child which in itself is not a problem,but her wanting a wedding ring before sleeping together in her house might be as it smacks of bribery.

    As others have said take your time over everything without making decisions you might regret later.

    For most poor thai family's we are just "cash cows" and its easy to deplete your savings.So keep your hand in your pocket,do not take it out unless absolutely necessary.

    One of the biggest problems for us farangs is the abundance of women available around every corner and i am sure your G/F is only too aware of this..

    Lastly check out 2nd hand car prices as against new ones,you may find a new one is the way to go,in your name of course!

  11. i'm in the camp that thinks multi vitamins are a waste of time.................the milligrams allocated to each group are not high enough to really help.

    better off targeting specific minerals and vitamins if it looks like you have a deficiency.

    IMO vegie juice is the way to go...............juicing such vegies everyday such as carrots,broccoli,beetroot celery and parsley.It really is dynamic stuff,gives you more energy,helps you lose weight and all the vegies i have mentioned have cancer fighting qualities.

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