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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. I feel sorry for the OP,caught between a rock and a hard place.

    If you have everything legal,like marriage certificate,name on the childrens birth certificate you should be able to get custody.

    To do this,stop sending anymore money(the children will not starve to death)

    Come to thailand asap to sort it all out..................offer a final payment once you get a divorce and custody.Money is more important to thais than parental responsibility

    It sounds like the mother does n't care about the children,has buggered off to patong to score a few tricks,and is now up the duff.This is not your problem

    your problem is 'just not knowing the truth" and what is really going on,and you can only solve this by being here..

  2. much of it was common sense but a lot of people coming to thailand might not know about displays of affection in public and the importance of not pointing the feet or touching the head,also the reverance here for older people which the "west" could do well to embrace back in there home countries.what tourists wear or sometimes fail to wear is just common decency which seems to be lacking.am thinking of the many times i see western women swanning around in tesco's wearing only a bikini,or men just wearing shorts and no t shirts.

  3. About the digesting part you maybe right...

    But as you could read, your salvia is very beneficial for you; it contains nutrients and helps in many ways

    just a small example from the Wiki link:

    "Haptocorrin, a protein which binds to Vitamin B12 to protect it against degradation in the stomach, before it binds to Intrinsic Factor"

    I think that's an interesting point while consuming juice.

    Learn to enjoy your juice, gulping it down is for beginners.

    We were discussing the benefits or not of swishing vegetable juice in the mouth. I gulp it down very quickly because the taste is vile. The alternative would be to spend a considerable amount of time swishing 500 ml of this liquid around in the mouth.

    I would still be interested to know what I'm missing out on by not swishing although I don't know if I could even if I wanted to.

    to swish or not to swish,that is the question?................frankly i'd just drink the bloody stuff down.just getting back to the original question about the benefits of juicing vegies,just google for info,its all there.

    i juice everyday,carrots,broccoli,beetroot and celery/parsley,and i think its bloody brilliant,certainly for energy levels,and as a cleanser of the vital organs,dont think it necessarily cures anything but its good as a preventative.

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