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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. How will you stop air from rushing back up the outlet pipe to replace the vacuum, like it does in a water dispenser?
  2. She applied for a body-double part in a new movie. The casting director said although he wasn't sure he could use her arms or hands, he'd certainly be happy to find her legs a part...
  3. She loves to take her little lapdogs to work, and likes to dress them up in the latest styles. All her co-workers say they appreciate her doggy fashion.
  4. She's quite a country and western music lover. She's got every Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson record available. She's always been a big fan of Willie's, and now she's working her way through a complete boxed set of Johnny's...
  5. She's retired now, but she was a qualified croupier. She often worked at excluslive casinos, where gamblers paid top money to pay roulette all day and poker all night.
  6. My lovely wife has just turned 50 years old. She's still in good shape, except for a bit of arthritis in her knees. But, knees apart, she's still great fun.
  7. If you can lift water without using power of any description, you and Mildred will be richer than Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk combined. Good luck - and put me down for a few shares in your invention.
  8. Some Star Wars jokes: How does Darth Vader like his toast? On the Dark Side. What did Obi-Wan tell Luke when his young apprentice was having a difficult time using chopsticks at the Chinese restaurant? "Use the forks, Luke." Which program do Jedi use to open PDF files? Adobe-Wan Kenobi Why did Episodes 4, 5, and 6 come out before 1, 2, and 3? Because in charge of directing, Yoda was. What do you call it when a Star Wars geek has sex? A Hand Solo.
  9. Will this tropical storm "Lion Rock" be hitting your area tomorrow?
  10. Somebody will have to explain this to me ... and please do not use any long words.
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