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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Lazada has some shops that cater for big sizes. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/big-size-clothes/?spm=a2o42.manage_account.search.d_go.20d6175dUtuUak&q=big size clothes&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  2. Is the key number logged in the bike's manual/service book?
  3. IMO - The problem is the steep and slippery sides of these very deep ponds, which are popular in Isaan. I suspect that the kids either go for a swim or fall in, and just can't climb out. Eventually they are so exhausted that they go under. It seems fairly common that one child gets into difficulty and others drown whilst trying to help. Looking at Owl's photos, his ponds seem to be shallow at the edges, which would make it easier for someone to climb out. Maybe there's some reason why the deep/steep-sided ponds are preferred by some. Maybe someone can explain. I have mentioned previously that my wife had one of these ponds dug for free on her small farm a few years back. The soil (clay) was taken away for roadworks. Last month she had the pond backfilled again with clay as it never produced any fish worth the trouble. When I read about these tragic drownings, I feel relieved that we will not have any kids drowning on her farm.
  4. I'm waiting for the next episode - when the authorities discover that Bob's gate is an illegal build on public land, and tear it down.
  5. So he was a German, born in Austria, had a funny moustache, and was quite a naughty chap. Isn't that what I said?
  6. Just jesting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler
  7. Disgusting comment, taking 'victim blaming' to a new level.
  8. IMO - This has been the best April Fool prank since ...
  9. Maximum pension is 2/3 of final salary, so he/she must have been earning 150,000 a year. There are not many police officers earning so much - maybe Deputy Chief Constable, or Commander ranks in the Met.
  10. The police investigation was unsuccessful - they had nothing to go on.
  11. I expect that this is the only correct advice she could be given, as these speed traps/cameras seem to be locally administered. I have had a few speeding fines over the years. Each time I (well, my wife - as the car is in her name) received a letter containing the location/date/time/speed. I don't recall whether there was a photo. Generally, I am a law abiding driver. My only excuse for breaking the law is that some highways seem to have variable speed limits (120/80/60) which are not very well posted, and not easily understood. For example: 60kph in a school zone at 19:00hrs. My attitude is: Pay the fine and just accept it as part of the overall cost of the journey.

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