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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. If notifications are working you can use this format ... @newnative ... to let him know he has been mentioned in the topic.
  2. No. Just look what happened to that couple on a driverless elephant.
  3. Definitely left of centre, but still one of very few serious newspapers in the UK, and it's free online. Also (IMO) the best cryptic crossword of any UK paper. https://www.theguardian.com/crosswords/series/cryptic
  4. 1,000 taxi drivers, or 1,000 guys waiting to pick up their gf? Otherwise, how is this relevant to the topic?
  5. The King's words, as reported in The Guardian, seem deeply apologetic - unequivocally so. [apology - a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure]
  6. Chic Republic on Sukhumvit might have some of the things you are looking for. https://www.chicrepublicthai.com/en
  7. +1 for Riverside. Also Yok Yor Marina https://www.thailandhighlight.com/bangkok-dinner-cruise/boondarika-boat-yok-yor-cruise/
  8. It's all in the linked article ...
  9. Procol (Harum)
  10. Okay, I respect your reasoning.
  11. I'm sure there would be plenty of people interested to hear of your experiences, both as a detainee (I seem to recall that you have personal experience of being imprisoned here in Thailand) and/or a prison visitor. Perhaps you could post in this topic, or start a new topic. Or, if already posted, link to some previous topic(s).
  12. Deleted. I'll try again when I'm sober.
  13. Agreed - and with over 3 million expats, we should have quite a few MPs representing us.
  14. I did a quick Google. Clams can have pearls, but it's rare. My guess is that he found it in a clam he bought at a seafood market.
  15. Paint (anagram)
  16. Seven Star-Trek-Seven-of-Nine-body.avif
  17. I guess that the main difference was that your stunt team wore helmets.
  18. As you said, it was much easier in past editions of TV/AN. Maybe PM that poster and ask them how it's done.
  19. I bought 1kg of clementines in Big C today. Normally I only see them in the shops around Christmas, so I thought I'd try some. Easy to peel of course, but they were quite dry and full of seeds - very disappointing.
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