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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. According to the linked article in this topic she was 17 years old. Is there some further information you are aware of, or is it a different case?
  2. The 300,000 baht withdrawals from an ATM during the time they were in custody will take some explaining.
  3. Is that the 'Mane' dealer?
  4. When your white Maserati convertible isn't getting you enough attention it's time to step up your game.
  5. Read the whole paragraph again. "The rapist claimed that he had helped her negotiate with a senior police officer, so he should get something special in return."
  6. I think you misunderstood. The police officer was demanding an extra 30,000 from her.
  7. Not an idea but a comment. Last time the financial requirements for retirement extensions were increased, "grandfathering" was introduced. This meant that there was no increase for some. The main condition was (if I recall correctly) you needed to have 4 or 5 consecutive, uninterrupted, extensions to qualify. So, if you interrupt your series of extensions, and the financial requirements are increased in the next 4 or 5 years, you may need to keep a lot more than 800,000 in the bank, or 65,000 per month. There has been no increase for 20-ish years, maybe one is due.
  8. Made me smile to see that the government's "Smuggler-in-Chief" is involved.
  9. Correct. In the UK the police can require someone to act as surety before allowing bail to an uncharged person. No money changes hands, but the person acting as surety can be required to pay the agreed sum if the suspect does not surrender to bail or breaches the conditions of bail.
  10. Or ... Loitering within tent.
  11. Chee Games leaves a firearm at the house. A short time later the police arrive, without a warrant, and discover the firearm. Definitely has the sniff of a sting.
  12. If you are serious (I hope you are just exaggerating) it's time to get out of that abusive relationship. If you think Mildred is in danger, take her with you - if not, leave her with her mother. Losing your investments (land, property) behind is tough to deal with, but you could start again and have a good life if you have 800.000 in the bank or a monthly income of 65,000 - or can afford to use an agent. Best of luck Owl.
  13. The parents left them there each morning and took them home each evening.
  14. Sarcasm, surely.
  15. My mum used to make her own, starting around New Year's Day - complete with a sixpence for the lucky recipient (to spend at the dentist). Happy memories.
  16. We will be having a turkey dinner on Xmas Eve with family, at theirs. So, on Xmas day, roast leg of lamb (NZ) and roast pork with crackling, roasted veg, cauliflower cheese, mashed potatoes with cream and scallions, Yorkshire puddings etc. Haven't decided on the starter or sweet yet, but a cheeseboard, crackers and home-made bread rolls to finish. We'll probably be eating leftovers for a few days after.
  17. Turn the aircon down to 22C at 8.00am. Prepare Xmas lunch for a 2.00pm start. Eat, drink and be merry with family and friends until the sun goes down, then loosen the top button of one's trousers and sit outside with a glass of something nice. I have cooked our traditional Xmas lunch every year since moving here in 2005 - I've started planning the menu and I'm looking forward to the day.
  18. Hope all goes well for you.
  19. Life expectancy charts are massively affected by infant/childhood/teenage deaths. If you survive into your twenties, never ride a motorcycle, and stay away from minibuses, you could live forever.
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