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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. That makes the price of a 4L box around 3,400baht - Yikes!
  2. 1L Bells whisky just over 500baht, with schweppes ginger ale. 1L Kulov vodka just over 400baht, with orange juice or cranberry. Yes, I know, not exactly top quality spirits, but they do the job for me.
  3. I'd be a lot happier in the remaining years of my life if voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide was available here. The prospect of losing my marbles and being a drain on my family terrifies me, and DIY suicide can go horribly wrong. Dying with some dignity would be my choice.
  4. Recently my girlfriend asked me if I was having sex behind her back. I replied, ‘Yes, who did you think it was?'
  5. Q: Why don't boxers have sex before a fight? A: Because they don't fancy each other.
  6. Somebody reacted to a post in a topic Worst Joke Ever 2023.
  7. Wow! wind powered ships, who'd a thought it? Cutty Sark - commissioned in Britain1869.
  8. 1 Cup is equal to 8 fluid ounces in US Standard Volume. 1 metric cup is 250 milliliters (which is about 8.5 fluid ounces). A US cup is about 237-240 mL. Americans will go to any extreme to avoid using metric measurements.
  9. I am also puzzled about the "threat" to farmers. Surely higher prices are good for them.
  10. If OP wife has an NI number he can call the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to find out whether she has any NI contributions on record. She needs 10 years of contributions to get any UK pension at all. At present it is possible to buy up to 6 years of NI contributions. The rate is 17.45 pounds per week, so about 900 pounds for each year. DWP will want to know her work history and addresses whilst in the UK. My experience of contacting the DWP has always been positive, helpful and friendly. If the wife was on a low wage or claiming benefits while in the UK she may have been given NI credits, so it's worth checking. Married pensions and spouse pensions were stopped years ago, so a woman can't use her husbands NI contributions to get a pension - except people who qualify for the old basic pension (women born before 1953 and men born before 1951 ?not sure of the year?). 10 years of contributions would get 10/35ths of the full state pension. That would be 58 quid a week, just over 3,000 quid a year.
  11. If someone claimed, falsely, to be a soldier in order to gain a donation from a charity which only donates to soldiers, then that would be a criminal offence of Fraud (obtaining monies by deception) in most countries AFAIK. I doubt that the police in Europe or Thailand would be interested in commencing an investigation. I suggest that your friend contacts the recipient, explains that the donation was made in error (i.e.- should only be given to a soldier) and ask for the money to be refunded. If not refunded, accept that this is a lesson learned (an inexpensive lesson at only $150).
  12. If you add his name like this ... @Crossy he'll get a notification.
  13. Hi Owl, 12,500THB = about 280GBP. Does that that include the cost of the passport (127.51GBP)? If so, it's quite a bargain (IMO) for anyone living up country.
  14. Thank you Sheryl. In my ignorance I assumed that a CT scan of the chest could be useful for diagnosis of any chest complaint, and at 6,000 Baht it seemed like a bargain.
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