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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. All the dogs that I have seen in villages across Isaan, are not “pets” in the Western sense of the word. They are street dogs that roam around their village territory, under nourished, un medicated, untrained, unwashed and unvaccinated. Many are aggressive. Many are in packs, because an “owner” has several dogs. taking off rose tinted glasses from Western eyes, these aren’t very far from wild dogs. The dog in question in the article will be on a chain for as long as the owner can be bothered to keep it there. I fear, not long. After that, all bets are off on whether the dog bites again. Odds are it will for one reason or another. That is reality.
  2. Arrivals? Where did you read that? That comes under future plans, so don’t hold your breath.
  3. A few years behind Singapore, but I suppose it’s fine for them to tout themselves as fore runners of what is already widely used tech. Now if they can just get the travelators to stop chopping off passengers legs, people might enjoy using their airport. Oh, what, wait, the new system will probably need maintenance from time to time. Darn, another improvement goes slowly down the drain.
  4. Making more money is my guess. Licence to operate have to be paid for and someone has to decide to whom they should be allocated. gotta love the use of the phrase “ spanning half a decade”. Isn’t it easier to say 5 years?
  5. Possible. Also possible that the right payments are being made and the occasional raid like this one is so that the correct appearance of the application of the law exists. I mean, they did a raid only in February and already they have to do another one. So tedious having to do 3 raids a year on a store 100 meters from the police station. Don’t crims know the BIB is seriously over worked!/s
  6. I think it’s banned from public consumption already. But you know what that means in Thailand. Sweet FA.
  7. I couldn’t care less whether people choose to use cannabis or not, their choice. but I do object to my having to put up with the smell these shops generate. Riding down the road on my motorbike I know when I am passing a cannabis shop simply by the smell wafting across the road. And a couple of restaurants I like are now out of bounds due to the smell from newly opened cannabis shops next door. I can’t speak for other areas in Thailand, but in Phuket most cannabis shops seems to have outside seating areas where patrons can smoke and socialize. The smell generated is very unpleasant for those around them. it’s all very reminiscent of the days when going to a pub or even in an office would leave one’s clothes reeking of cigarette smoke. Individuals can do what they want to themselves, but why should others suffer?
  8. A lot of talk about mafia connections and “crimes” which sound serious, but the only crimes the alleged gang have been arrested on are dodging a hospital bill, overstay and stealing a motorbike. They don’t sound like criminal masterminds or up there with the Gambino family. Lowlifes for sure though
  9. I think that you miss the point that people contemplating suicide are for a variety of reasons, emotionally disturbed. Your rational thinking and logic is not a factor. Nor is being selfish or unselfish. you do realize people in the position of contemplating suicide are not thinking logically or rationally and THAT is the main issue. These people need help, not a condescending charge of being selfish.
  10. “At the scene, both Thai and foreign tourists were visibly distressed, watching the unfolding event. Hotel staff attempted to manage the crowd, pushing onlookers away from the area and using metal barriers to cordon off the site.” not so distressed that they couldn’t stand and watch then. RIP to the deceased
  11. Other way round I think. “Riff raff” won’t be bothered about paying tax, they tend not to be rich, so will stay. Well to do people will vote with their feet.
  12. I don’t believe you are correct in saying that a Thai passport holder can visit the “EU” without a visa. You may be referring to the Schengen area, but it still isn’t true. Please provide evidence to back up your statement or stop spreading false information.
  13. If this were to come to pass, spending less than 183 days here is what I will do. fortunately my daughter is now 18 years old and not reliant on me any longer, therefore extending my overseas trips from 3 months a year to 6 and a bit months a year, is very doable. I may even save money because I might not need a long term visa, tourist visas might be sufficient. For those who say that it is only reasonable that I pay tax here, consider how much VAT I have paid over the years, 3 full time employees that I have employed over the years, the people I have employed to do work on my two houses. Thailand and those of its residents that I have employed, have done very well out of me during my 17 years of residency. This will be the straw that breaks the camels back so far as I personally am concerned.
  14. I feel sorry for the Thai people who lose money at the casinos. I guess it can be said that they would gamble and lose money anyway, but giving another avenue for that to happen seems irresponsible of the government. More noxious is the way that the government uses the fig leaf of “integrated resorts” to deflect from the gambling aspect. That may work in a well regulated environment like Singapore but in Thailand? Let’s just say that there will be a few bars rammed with hookers and the rest will resemble Macao prior to hand back to the Chinese.
  15. Doesn’t seem that big a deal. Nobody lost a leg unlike the unfortunate passenger who was trapped in a walkway travelator.
  16. As I and others have said, Thailand is not ruled by the law, it’s ruled by social media. if you want action from the police, you have to get netizens outraged. Only then will they take action. just sad for this lady.
  17. You sure this is the only “dumb mistake” he’s made? Personally, I doubt it. He may well know people who can unlock phones and has provided a steady supply of them in the past. Just as likely a scenario as it being a one off. weird thing is, if he had just given the phone back immediately , there would have been no disturbance and he would have faced no charges whatsoever! No such thing as attempted theft in Thailand presumably.
  18. I can’t see that the police did anything other than handcuff a guy who was already virtually passed out on his bed. Then again I wasn’t there so maybe it did take a dozen cops to do that.
  19. Other than the cigarette thing, none of what you lost is in the FO “warning”. got to actually read the article before getting on your soapbox
  20. The headline is totally fictional. It states that British tourists have been warned about their behavior, implying/suggesting that the warning is about drunkenness, disorderly behavior, maybe not having sex on a beach, kicking people in the back, that sort of thing. in actual fact, the article goes on in some detail to talk about visa rules and the need to comply with them. sensational headlines don’t make a story, they make the writer look incompetent
  21. Says it all about Thailand generally
  22. Residents of the estate are both shocked and concerned. "Matthew's temper has always been an issue," one neighbour said on the condition of anonymity. "But no one expected it to come to this." oh oh. You just made a tit of yourself
  23. might have made a local paper. Certainly not national and international, assuming AN and Thaiger count as that. Very much doubt the nationality of the assailant would be a big deal. of course the assailant would be arrested, bailed and would appear in court on assault charges. it seems this guy hasn’t been arrested yet?
  24. Thai media appears to be inciting racial tensions. Anything bad about a farang gets front page billing. Thai on Thai…yawn. Or maybe these farang stories only get top billing in English Thai media in order to incite opinions among farang. Equally bad in my book. The media should show some responsibility and report matters of consequence, not race.
  25. Hopefully the outraged Thai netizens are slightly less outraged about farang now. What they should realize is that the Thai environment attracts a certain kind of farang. Provide go go bars and bars with wall to wall cheap prostitutes and little to no effective policing and you get a particular type of farang that is not totally representative of all farang. Anyway, good on this guy do the right thing in a smart way.
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