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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Yes, in some way. But were did you get this 99.9% from? Sounds like a disinfectant ad. Link please?
  2. You obviously are too politically absorbed to have any idea what you are talking about.
  3. I think I'll just stand by what I said. I do not need a lecture, I already attended many on the subject. If you want to talk about warming fine, but that is one only part of climate change.
  4. The earth's climate has been changing continuously throughout its history. Scientific fact.
  5. Only RN? Tsk tsk. Can you get this blood transfusion in Thailand?
  6. So buy it! Until 2022 there was a continuation of the easy money policies in the USA until the Fed finally realized that inflation was not 'transitory'. That's all changed now - interest rates have been jacked up and we now see some banks starting to wobble. Although higher rates normally knock the gold price down, this is not happening due to the onset of investor fear and some flight into gold, which is still the only real insurance money and inflation hedge. China, Russia and several other countries have been accumulating thousands of tons over recent years and this metal is not reentering the market. Demand is already higher than the total supply (from both mining and recycled recovery). Physical gold has been selling at a premium for months as vaults are being depleted. https://www.gold.org/
  7. From that I must assume that you think that unrestricted migration is OK? These people traffickers are criminals but continue on with it because they are allowed to. Migrants use the traffickers because they have the aim to reach Europe/UK but traffickers control most of the routes and means to achieve that aim. True refugees in strife lose out because they have no money and can't pay. Why do we see so few women and children in these groups arriving now? I didn't say that Merkel created the wave of refugees but, yes her actions were a factor w.r.t. the Brexit vote. What was revealing (and more alarming) was the deafening silence from the EU after she rolled out the welcome mat, even after she had broken EU immigration rules. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34402001
  8. The Rwanda idea does nothing to stop organized human trafficking, which is the main reason for the recent large increases in migrants arriving in Europe and, so, on to the UK. This is illegal in the EU but evidently not well controlled there. Merkel showed who was really in control of the EU in 2015, when European doors were opened wide by the words of one woman in one country - the vote to leave the EU was not just about immigration - but Mutti Merkel actually helped the UK out.
  9. The picture is of the RTAF A340. No Tupolevs involved. The Saab 340 mentioned refers to the Saab 340 AEW early warning aircraft.
  10. You do come out with some crackers. Africa's own internal problems and violence have been ongoing since long before the EU even existed. Don't be so silly.
  11. No, I use a condom like a good caring citizen. Trouble is, when I sneeze it shoots off and sticks to the wall! ????
  12. Once you've tried botty bonking you'll never get over the thrill - it's infectious!
  13. The old Trump deflection again. Meanwhile, back at Newsweek.... https://www.newsweek.com/did-joe-biden-cheat-law-school-what-he-has-said-about-stupid-mistake-1708548
  14. Rather desperate to use Oliver as a "news" source - The TImes is right, he is totally irrelevant and largely forgotten in the UK, where his slow wit but high political bias on TV was exposed by his peers and rejected by traditional conservatives. Those Americans, who seem to enjoy the novelty of a British accent and left wing views, have taken to his so-called humour and he is obviously much more comfortable with his scripted political chat. Oliver now makes millions in the US - they like wasting money - at least he’s off UK TV.
  15. Several EU policies seem have been adjusted over the years - the Italians and Greeks could not bear this "burden" alone. The demonstrations in Ireland seem to have to do with migration of non-EU national migrants but by EU-internal arrangements, as Varadkar implied.
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