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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. There are occasional examples of deficit reductions year-year, even Bush had some. Clinton had the best results in this respect for sure (very conservative ????) and the last four years especially. But even giving him the best financial years affected by his policies (1998-2001) Clinton's term average was still a 24 billion/year increase, overall.
  2. Should have hopped it instead of going round in circles.
  3. Goalposts just went walkabout again, I'm not talking about which regimes have consistently raised the deficit over and over and over. Am I? https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/
  4. Some news today: A "high-altitude object" was shot down over Alaska earlier on Friday, the White House has said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64605447
  5. The lack of comprehension ability seems to be all yours. Trump people say that there were no reports of balloons during their tenure, i.e. at that time. Since the recent fiasco, the Biden admin has suddenly claimed a that new capability to identify new AND past balloon visits now exists. No proof of that yet but if true then fine. In any event, it seems that this magic technology was not available to the Trump people during their time.
  6. It is the job of the military to detect balloons and other possible threats and then notify the President and his staff. If the military don't detect them then there is nothing reported and that is in line with the responses from senior ex Trump officials so far.
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