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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. In the chart (net dwellings) below we can see an improvement after your posted cut-off at 2013. Pre 2008 (GFC) there was catch-up happening too but after that there were a few years of limited investment due to the GFC. Net immigration after 1997 rose so quickly that good planning and effective catch-up was impossible. In any event, the whole building process slowed as building permissions become more limited and longer to obtain because suitable available sites decreased in number. The tail-off at the right is due to the recent pandemic.
  2. More like a direct result of record rises in immigration numbers since 1997. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn06077/ http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN06077/assets/841f882b-a72c-484f-af35-f9b98546171c.png
  3. I assume that you mean unlike the rest of Europe? Really? https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/eus-gentolini-we-will-have-recession-this-winter-2022-12-05/
  4. Ah the R word again - slyly inserted to try to win the debate by silencing the other side, no doubt. How sad, boring and wrong.
  5. Keep that up and I'm sure your desire will be fulfilled.
  6. Yet EU workers came in droves, happy to accept this dastardly treatment. Why? Well, perhaps it was because they were making triple the money they could make at home - often more. This is the EU in action, driven by the lobbyists of the "global" corporations as another way to secure cheap labour, where they want it, which enables huge profits. This is a main reason for the EU to encourage smaller, poorer, eastern European countries into this club, even though the Euro does not suit most of them at all, economically. The EU "pillar" of free movement of people and services is not much about benefit to individuals, in fact it has damaged many of them. especially in the UK. What happens when they run out of new sources of cheap workers, I wonder???
  7. Plenty of UK companies outsourced tele marketing jobs to India years ago. Big fail! Banks and credit card firms lost both bags of revenue and clients.
  8. How is anyone going to have any solid proof of that? The Blair governments quadrupled the numbers of imported workers with easy visas, losing or devaluing the jobs of existing British workers - all this was not mentioned in New Labour's election manifest, of course.
  9. And he used to flick rice crispies at his bro from the kitchen table top.
  10. The Russians would not need to be informed - they would know anyway - and any siting of nuclear weapons would be destroyed long before they were a threat.
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