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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. A broad claim backed up with nothing but wind, as ever.
  2. You might know that was a ruling from McAfee. Not a verdict. However, his remarks included this: 'there are “reasonable questions” about whether Willis and Wade “testified untruthfully” about when their relationship began'. So, rather close to meaning that there is some reasonable doubt. That is why Wade has left the building. I expect that we will hear more about the dynamic duo soon.
  3. So what? If she was innocent then her beau would not have been ordered out.
  4. My Thai PC guy can get battery packs cheaper through Thai suppliers. Mine was 1200. Motherboard maybe 1800 baht. Worth a try??
  5. Computer is playing up. Just like a Democrat AG. Sorry, I thought you said you were leaving.
  6. Well, if you believe that Biden is an honest man..... I feel sad for you
  7. Note to those struggling even further behind - that there is no charge of perjury does not necessarily mean that it did not occur.
  8. Instant deflection and not even a hint of subtlety. In this case the ugly nightmare is the lying Willis and her toy squeeze.
  9. If you read and comprehend fully then things will become a lot less pathetic.
  10. Pelosi was mentioned in this one: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jan-6-committee-allegedly-suppressed-testimony-showing-trump-admin-pushed-national-guard-presence-report Twice
  11. Even after your convenient editing you interpretation misses the mark. Here, try this direct piece from the link: Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along: President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down," Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk said in a statement on Friday.
  12. He's just feeding the cows. These two "groups" are so small as to be irrelevant. Hardly any recent serious activity from either. The excerpt (below) from the UK Police, is about Patriotic Alternative, which is supposed to be the bigger group  The overall impact of PA protests has been low, with very few instances of criminality and serious disruption reported at their events, the exception being counter protest and tensions between left wing protesters which contributed to a higher risk and policing concern associated with events. This is unlikely to change in the short term as the groups attempts to appeal to local communities, and dissociate from violence and criminality.  Attendance at events was reported to be low to moderate, with between 50 to 100 persons at the majority of events, with sporadic interest in anti-immigration issues bolstering numbers, this included attendance from local groups and residents attending events in their area. https://www.npcc.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/media/downloads/publications/disclosure-logs/operations-coordination-committee/2023/324-2023-npocc-sib-patriotic-alternative-group-assessment-febuary-2023-final-1_redacted.pdf Meanwhile the Cenotaph gets defaced and Big Ben needs backing disco music. In the meantime....save Scampton!
  13. It confirms nothing. The National Guard was offered to protect the Capitol through Mark Meadows. From the conversation overheard by Ornato, one concern was evidently about opposing groups possibly clashing in surrounding areas, like the mall. Pelosi was named in the link. She was always very quiet about this.
  14. Inventing and mentioning these imaginary right wing groups is just to pacify the woke brigades.
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