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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. He's going to see a doctor to check what happened. Why can't you wait before slinging in comments like this?
  2. The headline has to be owned by Newsweek. Yes he did sign, after he forgot.
  3. Unspecified? Try the WH Press Secretary for starters! A version of the transcript exists - it is not the final version - so you and Raskin have to wait.
  4. From "all over msm" to "its the #1 msm news site in the US". See what I mean?
  5. Just keeping up-to-date with the recent Dem tactic of word juggling. Real lame nonsense.
  6. Ah, I see you latched onto BBK B's post now. The GOP said that the transcript is not not ready for release - if it's not final then it doesn't formally exist - Raskin has to accept that. I'm sure the GOP won't rush to help him now.
  7. Well I just pasted in Democrats claim the GOP is withholding evidence contradicting claims in Hunter Biden probe and searched it again. The original link (AP) is still top but nothing from MSNBC, NYT and the rest of the MSM group as they are generally accepted to be. So your "all over" description seems all wrong.
  8. Maybe it doesn't even exist? This story is not pushed by most msm.
  9. There were two links. A pity that you cannot cite properly. Even so there are several series of incrementing numbers in the court text thing. Very confusing. Ridiculous back.
  10. The obstruction now alleged by the IRS WB's. More on the way. We must be patient.
  11. What is laughable is the notion that a misbehaving DOJ would necessarily stop that behaviour under a new president. This alleged obstruction apparently started under Obama, in any case, with Joe Biden as VP.
  12. You just used the word bias three times when it was not used in the order for the investigation. This is what it said: The Special Counsel is authorized to investigate whether any federal official, employee, or any other person or entity violated the law in connection with the intelligence, counter-intelligence, or law-enforcement activities directed at the 2016 presidential campaigns, individuals associated with those campaigns, and individuals associated with the administration of President Donald J. Trump, including but not limited to Crossfire Hurricane and the investigation of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III. This was not specific to any "bias" that may have been held by the DOJ. The main complaints were against the FBI. But carry on making things up. Happy Hour soon. TGIF.
  13. I remember it but you seem to miss the point of it, which was to investigate allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election and any links between Donald Trump and Moscow. Not very relevant here at all and was critical of the FBI more than anything else.
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