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worgeordie last won the day on March 30 2024

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    Sitting in the Korova Milk Bar

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    standing behind you

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  1. What's the bad news , Elon you brought it all on yourself ,another victim of Trump .... they will never learn regards worgeordie
  2. Oh ! You know everything sir , regards worgeordie
  3. Over Protection of Children , that's what the World has come to, when I was a kid, we played in the streets till dark or were hungry , kids today have lost that freedom, most of them from a young age seem happy just to be on their phone or playing games. I am pleased to be born when I was ,then there were the 60 s ,times might have been harder ,but must of us were happy , regards worgeordie
  4. Says the man who is in a cult... regards Worgeordie
  5. Do you realize you MAGA are all in a cult , do what Donald tells you, that's a good boy regards worgeordie
  6. If you think that , your in a cult ... regards Worgeordie
  7. I find a few people on here a nuisance ,but I would never block anyone , are they sending you messages or just posting stuff you don't like ? regards Worgeordie
  8. Exactly they would annihilate us ,and keep the dogs ,cats ,and budgies ..... who would want a human being for a pet ,too much trouble ,eat too much. But I am not worrying will be dead a long time before they rise up .... regards Worgeordie
  9. "AI needs improvement" Well it is a fairly new concept ,and it will continue to improve , until it takes over the World and then realizes that it does not need us any more. regards worgeordie
  10. Thanks , but I asked Hotsun , he's the one that posted , maybe he will enlighten me ... regards worgeordie
  11. What was the lie , again ,please explain it to me and not with a link , in your own words , thank you regards worgeordie
  12. "You know what I am talking about." well not me Bob , who are you talking about ? pray tell, But I do agree those obtaining extensions without money in the bank , regards worgeordie regards Worgeordie
  13. Yes, I feel sorry for the Mega rich they have it all ,but still not happy, they want more and more , they cannot get enough ,it's what drives them. Be happy with what you have ,as there is always people worse off than you. regards Worgeordie
  14. Faux news , then it must be true , but they will have a very hard time admitting it regards worgeordie
  15. You should be careful Bob , criticizing the Government , if this was America you would be deported in chains ... regards worgeordie
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