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Posts posted by joncl

  1. The fine got increased to 500 baht about 3 and a half years ago and the max is 20.000 baht.

    and there is also a local police fine of 1,000 baht for the arrest, booking and release fee, I know as due to an admin cock up when I changed jobs, I had to pay it. The nice people at immigration gave me a letter to my old employer to get them to refund me with the 20,000 I had to pay. But that was over six years ago now.

  2. Glad you like our PLi software. With the version of Pli you have installed, try this.

    If you press your blue button, select software management, select downloads, then select skins and download the mediaPLi Thai Skin. Once you have downloaded it, go to the User Interface Settings, OSD Skin setup and select the mediaPLi Thai Skin. Once this is done all your EPG data will be in Thai and English for up to the next 30 days on most channels.

    You will see the exact details in our PLi wiki here. A real example is shown below.



    As to the LNB issue, if you are using a True LNB it should be set up like this


    with other LNB configurations in our Wiki here.

    FYI: You will find more DM box questions and answers under the Linux sub forum above.

  3. Thanks for the reply Namoo.

    Hanoi is pretty much north of me, Saigon SSE, and HK north-east. I thought Manila might be more likely?

    I can only speak for Thai flights, but their Manila flight is routed over northern Cambodia direct to Bangkok, and well south of you.

    There is a main corridor to the north of you that carries all the Thai Air traffic from Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya, and routes carry them south of Taiwan. Taipei flights pass further north than Ubpon usually.

    I run an acarsd (google it) web site here in Thailand which will give you the information you want in realtime on this link. Wait for it to get the data when the web page arrives. There is a realtime google map when the planes are spitting out their realtime positions which is few and far between of late.

    The information is live from the aircrafts acars system like this example captured a few minutes ago.

    Aircraft Registration: B-2381

    Aircraft Type: (79C002) [A340-313 (X)] Aircraft Maker: Airbus

    Airline: China Eastern

    ACARS mode: 2

    Message label: 11 [Present position report] Block id: 6 Msg no: M05A

    Flight id: MU0542 [China Eastern]

    Route: From: BKK To: = [suvarnabhumi, Thailand, Thailand- via Shanghai, Pu Dong, China]

    Message content:-


    CAS 158,LAT N 13.749,LON E100.777,ALT 2122,UTC 113029

    ----------------------------------------------------------[ 21/11/2009 18:28 ]-

    162 contacts with this aircraft. First contact: 27/03/2009 00:39 as flight MU0547

  4. Our "local' satellite guy advertise "watch swedish tv" on his car so it must be available. Though not Norwegian of course...


    It is called SVT World on Thaicom 5 C band and their web site is here (it is pay TV)

    They say;

    Teknisk information

    SVT World sänds digitalt och krypterat i Viaccess 2.6 via satelliten EUROBIRD 9A med täckning över hela Europa inkl Kanarieöarna, Madeira, Azorerna, norra Afrika, Mellanöstern och västra Asien, samt över satelliten THAICOM 5 med täckning över Afrika, Asien och Australien.

  5. After several visits from True a smart technician who was familiar with Macs identified that the True supplied router was not Mac compatible. I bought a new one that was officially Mac compatible add I have had a perfect run ever since.

    What he was saying was your True supplied modem/router did not do uPnP which Transmission uses for its automatic port forwarding (mac or otherwise). If uPnP does not work simply do a manual port forward of the tcp/udp ports from the mac to the modem/router.

  6. We complain because we often don't get what we pay for. I pay for True Online's 8mb service and at best get 3-5mb but on weekends, and occasional weekdays, I get 1.5-1.9mb download. Its false marketing. Thats why we complain.

    I pay for a 4mbs service and get this in Sukhumvit;

    to Bangkok


    to London


    But their contract says, if you read it, is up to the speed (8 mbis) you are provided with, in Thailand only. So do not complain to us on here ring them direct yourself and discuss it, on their help line on 02-90090000. Their (True Internet) English help desk works and they will send someone to sort it for you at a nominal cost.

    Personally I love True as in my home country it is even worse i.e. capped file transfers then exorbitant excess traffic fees (currently here it is unlimited), no one answers the help desk calls (here they do), have to get my phone,tolls and internet from the same provider (not always the case here) etc.. etc ...

  7. The gateway is ALWAYS slow to anything outside Thailand and I think True are only just admitting (or realising) that you will NOT get the same Upload/Download speed if you are visiting a site OUTSIDE Thailand as you would visiting a site INSIDE Thailand. Oh, and guess what, MOST sites are NOT inside Thailand, lol.

    Posts like yours and others, make me roll on the floor in laughter, as it is only now when people start to read their contracts with True and other ISP's do they realize the are only going to get up to their speed within Thailand and guaranteed nothing outside of Thailand. LOL and guess what most Thai sites are in Thailand.

    Having said this I love True as they give me more than my 4mbis I pay for and now at peak times (21:40) and in BKK with the most traffic, I am getting 7.77mb/s to the USA as this image shows.


    edit: typo

  8. Does anyone know if the UBC red dish and the decoder can be used in the U.S.? I bought the DStv system for about 5000 baht for 32 free channels. There is no monthly charge.

    I wonder if I take the system to the US, it will work. The problem I see is that the satellite is on the Thailand side, so my dish in the U.S. won't be able to pick up the signal because the two countries are on opposite sides. Since the red dish is stationary, I think it works with geosynchronous satellites, which always stay with Thailand as the Earth rotates.

    Thank you.

    The dish will work fine in the US but the dish electronics and receiver will not provide anything other than free to air channels for you as it is limited to the 12ghz (Ku) band (u will need the password to make it work too). If you change the electronics and set top box you can use it with dishTV, directTV, rogersTV or the likes, but the cost their service with a 2yr or more package is even cheaper, so save the freight.

  9. So actually you calling me a liar and this whole topic a lie?

    Oh my goodness, did you forget to take your medication this morning?

    Take a deep breath, count to ten and then re-read what was written in front of you as there seems to be a distinct problem between the screen and the keyboard.

  10. Amorn is great for small things, cheap Chinese imports etc.

    Very well said ... and known for cheap and cheerful products across the nation.

    And as of shortly also know for stealing form their customers across the nation. :)

    I suspect not.

    I have used this company for nearly 10 years and brought lots of items from them and to this day continue to recommend them for small items as they are about the cheapest nationwide group of stores around in their field.

    The operative word here is cheapest. By the way, I do not work for them but am a very satisified customer of theirs.

    So re-read what many are saying on here in thread - I especially like the BMW analogy, and it was a Honda that was destroyed in BKK by the disguntled lady owner.

  11. That is also valid for all other days and nights of this year .. and next year ...

    frequent interruptions ... slow down of speed ... no service ... in other words, the usual True service. :)

    I for one love the current true service

    - 8mbs on a 4mbis package

    - always there

    - great english support on their help line up to 10pm

    - etc etc

    Maybe you should be a tad more proactive and help your self with your true problems?

    Thanks to the OP for the notice.

  12. The only problem with Gimp is that it isn't Photoshop :)

    Most people are used to the way Photoshop works, which for the most part is REALLY good, but when that is said 95% of those could easily do with Gimp if they would just accept that it is NOT Photoshop and the way you do things in Gimp is a little different. Sometimes it's even better.

    I have only ever used Gimp and very rarely have used photoshop.. Gimp just does what you ask in 1/2 the steps it takes in photoshop.

  13. Hi

    I posted a similar thread before, some time ago but there didnt seem to be any reliable service.

    What I want is a Thai phone number (preferably a 02 Bangkok number) to forward calls to that number to me in Australia

    The True telephone service offers this as an addon service - get the forms from their web site (assuming you have a true land line) complete the forms and wait a few days and you can call forward your true land line to anywhere, we do it all the time here.

  14. Its odd that I briefly tried the old lnb today and the signal meter was higher - 7 compared to 5 on some readings.

    IMHO satfinders here are a waste of time and energy where as a wifi connection to your DM boxes web interface on your notebook or a tv and your DM box are 100% better tuned to 3716 - V - 20600. That is why most installers do not use satfinders (I guess yours is configured for Thailand as per its user manual).

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