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Posts posted by joncl

  1. I have this morning removed the dual lnb connector and fitted the C-band lnb and scalar ring as it should be fitted - or as all the forums and advice searches have shown anyway.

    The reason they do not use scalar rings on the c band is ;

    1. to big to fit on the plate with the ku band lnb and its scalar ring

    2. the c band signals are so strong here there is little user difference (the poster above with his promax will see about a 3dbu difference though on his explorer) and the black boot has nothing to do with this

    So when it comes to tuning the dish there is little difference on a 3.2m dish with or without the scalar ring.

    The LNB skew does make a big difference though. You will see on on the very top of most C band LNB's an angle setting 30 0 30 and you should have it set simular to this ..


    good luck

    EDIT: typo

  2. Most of the satellite installers I have seen use the old proven method of hooking up a satellite receiver along with a small LCD screen right under the dish, and the fine tune with the built in signal strength/snr indicator of the receiver...

    I tried that. I had a TV right next to the dish with the dreambox connected as well.

    As you have a dreambox there are easier ways of doing this (no TV or set top box at the dish) as explained in the PLi wikipedia (that is if you have PLi installed on your derambox).

    You can do this with wifi and note book as this example shows;


    Or via the old satfinder method built into all Dm boxes like this example shows (on the same wiki link above) ;


    As to learning about these great boxes pop in the Linux sub forum on here (TV) and you will see several threads on it. I am happy to help where I can as I am part of the PLI team based here in Thailand.

  3. the 2010 pajero sport now has:

    -different wheels (nicer looking imo)

    -cruise control

    -back-up sensor (beeps- and not sure if back-up camera is included or not)

    The wife just brought me one for my birthday and I must say they are just the bees knees. I got a reverse camera with mine as well. The turbo works a treat, as do all the other toys on it. A rear seat TV system (addon) would have been nice as standard, rather than the front seat TV / alpine, as the kids do like their movies on long trips - but this is the next thing I will do so the kids are happy.

    The foldaway rear seats gives a ton of room, All in all I like mine and thanks to the wife for a great present as I was going to get a MU7.

  4. There is a place for advertising and it is not within forum subjects.

    We should be able to block banner type advertisments, they are the equivalent of junk mail.

    If you want to find a site use the numerous search engines available, there are others beside "google"

    from the forum rules:

    11) Our contracts with our advertisers prohibit comments with regard to advertisements which appear on our forums. Such comments should not be posted and will be removed. Discussion of software or other methods to block advertisements is not allowed.

    Awesome rule.

    charming obvious subtle verbalised. while pointing out what is not possible it provides an indication of what is not impossible. you are not allowed to talk about how can be done what can be done.

    the conclusion to come to a solution requires much lesser competence than the knowledge that there are other search engines next to google.

    It just goes to show if you are that annoyed with the current situation something can be done about it, else there would be no rule about it. As per the rule "Discussion of software or other methods to block advertisements is not allowed."

    This current situation got me motivated enough to enquire why there would be such a rule published like this, and to discover a very good solution.

    But this leads me to another question. If this rule exists, why is it there is a sub-forum for just this, talking about web browsers you use to access TV i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc. as this is a function of these web browsers. By talking about your web browser you are breaking the rules, please tell me this is not so, else most of the users in the Internet sub-forum will have to be banned.

    Having said that, I am now a very happy chappie, as our google adsense advertising is also all over TV and working well for us, so as a by product of this, thanks TV.

  5. The administrators are trying to test different ad placement with as overall goal to reduce the amount of ads displayed.

    Currently only using the Phuket and Phuket news forums for the tests.

    Test will run for about a week.

    Our excuses for any inconveniences!

    Well I see it in this section of the forum and many other areas as well, and it is annoying.

    In the future I guess if we all pay something we can get an account on here without the adverts - in the coming soon basket?

  6. Im getting bizarre ping results also.... 59 ms from bkk to austin, texas... ????

    Something wrong with the protocol, or how they're calculating it?

    I will say though that I am getting better speeds than before on true and it's holding up...

    Does this help at all?

    Check the class A/B IP range you are connecting to at the True DSLAM, as I have found;

    56.x.x.x, 6x.x.x.x, 115.x.x.x & 117.x.x.x are real slow (normal speed)

    124.120.x.x & 124.122.x.x (lightening fast)

  7. . BTW, the maximum download rate of a 4Mbps connection is around 3.50 Mb/s (450 KB/s).

    Exactly the reason I made the comment and the thanks to True, see the speeds (the last post shows a slightly slower speed as we are now in peak time).

    Maybe we need some other BKK based True users to try the sites I did above and see what they get from speedtest.net

  8. joncl, I think there is something up with your stats, possibly proxy (transparent maybe) involved as ping times should be much higher than that even at light speed.

    Let's see... 12,794km / 300 000 km/s = 0.0426466667s or 42ms. So it seems joncs connections is operating at exactly the speed of light... rather unlikely of course.

    My pings are as bad as before so I'd guess CAT and TOT are not routing over the AAG yet, but are benefiting from freed up bandwidth...

    I was in Pattaya today and tried on a TOT 1mbis line and it was about 241msec to google.co.uk and google.com.

    Now I just walked back in the door here in BKK and tried my link to the USA again and here is the result,


    Maybe True have put a proxy on some of us BKK users, but I am not complaining about the speed to the USA seems this is only a 4mbis line. I download the slingmedia update from the US this morning at 600k - 700k dload, so thanks True.

  9. One of the issues facing many people (me included) and maybe Genset might like to explain this to us in more details is;

    1. Not all generator sets will power / recharge nor work with a UPS line (AC-AC), where a DC based inverter system, will work due to their configuration (DC-AC).

    2. Will your KDE6700TA - Emergency Standby Generator recharge and can it be used with an UPS inline (AC-DC-AC) or does it have to be removed like many other generator sets require you to do?

    We use UPS's here on all our system as our first line of defense for brownouts / blackouts. One thing that has annoyed me is the need to isolate the UPS from the generator set when the UPS's fail after 2 hours. Having said that in the last 12 months the generator has only been used for 2 hours as the UPS catch most of the brownouts.

  10. If you're considering a PVR - forget about the expensive box from Truevisions and get a Dreambox.

    I would do if it wasn't for your quote below.

    Note: since there is only 1 tuner in the box, you cannot watch another channel at the same time.

    This is the issue that i think makes Truevisions PVR hard to beat.

    Truevisions PVR you set something to record a few hours, a few days or a few weeks in advance, and can leave your home and not have to worry about someone changing the channel in the meantime.

    With a DM600, 7020, 7025, 800, 8000 (and the old 500 if you have it set up for recording) you can set anything up to one month in advance to record anything on TrueVisions via the EPG timer options, and also watch anything else on the same transponder at the same time on the set top box or via your PC. Or via faith anything up to a year in advance or more depending on the software you have installed on the DM box.

    I have one box here recording the TVNZ daily One News feed so I can watch it when I get time in the evening and it has been doing this since I set it up two years ago.

  11. 18v change had no effect...still get some channels great, others (XZYT, SRES in particular) very very poor - virtually unviewable. SNR on the system rarely goes about 83% as well...

    Try the loop option and I suspect that will work when you grab a bit a rg6 and 'F' connectors (you can buy them even in Big C and tescos etc for a few baht). If the SNR is below 75-77 you will get the symptoms you mention for the reasons I suggested.

    My little 1' dish (30cm) I use for a demo here works well and in the rain most times.

  12. But does this really indicate whether it's a clone or not? I suppose not, huh?

    IN a previous post, you mentioned the 18V (H) line - and I know there's a setting in the transponder configuration that deals with the voltage. My current setting is H/V - but 18V is an option - is this something I should try?

    No it tells us you have a DM500 not a DM500+ as the + has other options to try that the 500 does not.

    You can set the setting to 18v but unless it is on a multiswitch in your building it will make little difference I suspect.

  13. Is there another way to test / detect for whether or not the box is a DM500 or a DM500+, and whether or not it's a clone?

    You can see it on the remote control by pressing the menu button | information | About the hardware and it will say either DM500 or DM500plus or DM500+ .

    Or you can look under the web interface as shown in the attachment. If you really stuck PM me here or on the PL-images (user jonc every where else but here) web site and bring it over and I will have a look at it for you.

    I did not expect the increase voltage to work as I said above, but the loop option should work OK if everything else is set up in the box as it should be.


  14. I assume due to the length of time since it expired i will need to jump though all the hoops to renew, whats actually involved, i dont have an International Driving Permit but my Aus licence is still valid.

    Paperwork, medical cert, copy of visa, copy of work permit, what else is required, do i need a residency cert from Immigration or does my work permit cover this one.

    Just show your current and valid Australian drivers license and they will give you a 1 year Thai license. Happened to me 10 years when I forgot to renew it for 2 years, showed my original one, filled in some forms and all back to normal.

    edit: typo

  15. Hi all,

    I recently decided to try and switch my UBC-provided decoder box (one of their older models) with a Dreambox 500+ (which I purchased). I am a paying Platinum True Visions subscriber, so just thought I would be able to setup the DM500+, switch the smartcard from the old box to the new one, and everything would be fine...well...not so fast...

    I'm able to get the DM setup no problem (currently using PLI image)

    Firstly the DM500 and the DM500+ are two very different boxes, where the DM500+ (an openenbedded box) will out proform a DM500 (a CDK box) any day of the week. The symptoms you mention would indicate you have a DM500 and most likey a clone, as it is a known issue that clones do not have the power to correctly switch the 18v (H) line correctly on long coxial runs and the pixalating of the screen you mention would indicate that.

    SCAM works well, one of the best softcams to use, but do not expect many people to know what it is (smile).

    As to PLi, look at our PLi wiki on this link (yes I am part of the PLI team too), it may help a bit, but I suspect not to much, as I suspect this is a hardware issue, by all accounts.

    To prove this, try these two options;

    1. Press your Blue Button, Select satellite configuration, select Thaicom 2/5 Ku and set the increase power tab to ON. This most likely will not work, but worth a try.

    2. You can prove it is a hardware issue, by looping your 500 with your Truevisions box. Plug the satellite feed into your Truebox and then take a loop out of the Truebox into your 500 and you most likely find it works as it should.

    The poster above is confusing the PLI software with something like Gemini and confused about what a softcam does, but just ignore it, or you will be going around in circles following those coments.

  16. Not only with True. This is a well known issue and you won't be able to change that.

    Most of us "suffer" when it rains

    Take me out of that equation of "most of us" as mine is always fine in the rain ... You could ask the telephone tech to sort out your phone lines, in our case ToT and True did our whole sub-soi for free.

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