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Everything posted by petermik

  1. Complaining about the money most likely......
  2. goodness me....I,ve just been to the toilet maybe I should post it on here as a hot topic....sorry but have you nothing else better to do?
  3. I wish some folks would stop complaining......
  4. Mines a free one....Urban VPN proxy with Firefox...never had a problem with it
  5. Common Thai folk are low down in the Governments pecking order...it will never happen...this is the land of wonderful ideas that are never implemented...talk is cheap.
  6. yes Google search but 9/10 you will find Roojai is hard to beat
  7. Cheese and onion pie...mash/chips and mushy peas or baked beans
  8. Bought an MG 5 in January and well satisfied with the car
  9. Best idea you have had for a long time LOL.........
  10. A committee is being set up to investigate the whole matter...
  11. Simple....test it on the missus first
  12. I had the same problem last year called into True shop and after several attempts with their Technical department gave it up as a bad job....ported my number over to AIS and no issues since....I suggest you do the same as this topic has turned up many times on here True are crap with receiving OTP,s 👍
  13. Brilliant to see the Governor is taking serious action once again...I can sleep much easier at night now
  14. Name and location of agents charging 200/400 baht to do 30 day extensions please?
  15. Waiting in anticipation...not
  16. Hope the boys doing the shakedown on motorcycle riders outside the Police station on Beach Rd weren`t inconvenienced
  17. He was working undercover.......🤣
  18. no committee set up yet to discuss the matter....patience is a virtue
  19. Well what can I say.....great news 🤣
  20. Put your photo on here so we can comment on how you look........
  21. Doubtful trans....wishful thinking more likely 🤣
  22. "I watch his videos" is life that boring for you Goat....try a long walk and get some fresh air in yer lungs owd chap 🤔
  23. Marrying a bargirl has been done to death....give it a rest
  24. Hustlers........👍
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