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Everything posted by petermik

  1. You may be required to walk up and down outside the Hotel first wearing the said bedsheet as a warning to others..........
  2. He didn`t pay the woman...that,s why the video was posted...som nom na
  3. No warranty=no buy.......I bought a Samsung off Lazada a few months back with 1 year manufacturers warranty.
  4. Utter stupidity.......how many motorcyclists will be using it without wearing helmets.....clowns.
  5. Show the video or it did not happen........fornicating in public...soi dogs are at it every day
  6. RTP.......rotten to the core.
  7. Sorry but 13 days.... not possible.
  8. won,t happen....many thais will insist on mask wearing on their deathbeds.......55555
  9. The above do not exist here..........
  10. Will this carnage never end.....RIP young man.
  11. Just what's needed as Pattaya is short of places to eat...????
  12. And what will they do with the vehicles which are deemed unroadworthy...????
  13. A motley looking crew methinks....
  14. Same to you and yours trans...????
  15. No mention of sexual services... perhaps his house needed a good clean and she said no thanks....I,m not that sort of hostess ????????????
  16. No prostitution alledged or otherwise here in Thailand....
  17. Unfortunately he does...God's gift to the Thai people ????
  18. Guilty by their looks then bob... not really fair is it not?
  19. When you pick up your new passport there will be a letter requesting Thai Immigration to transfer your visa from the old passport to the new one....simple really
  20. No code here is adhered to...Highway or not....Thai`s know best
  21. Liar liar pants on fire.........
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