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Everything posted by Upnotover

  1. 555. What we need is a thread about who did or did not ever need an onward ticket, that would be fascinating (again).
  2. How about your ticket conditions? Is it not changeable/refundable? With some relatively small charge?
  3. Where's that then, I can't find anything relevant other than gov.uk.
  4. But for a UK passport you don't pay VFS in Thailand, you pay HMPO in the UK. That was the whole point of the thread.
  5. Try catching a bus in London. I was there with my wife and we couldn't buy tickets with cash or even with a non-contactless card. Not only that but needed one card each, not 2 tickets on 1 card.
  6. Correct. Whether vaccinated or not, not needed.
  7. Get another Xiaomi phone and use their own transfer app, Mi Mover.
  8. You don't keep it, it's not a deposit, you pay for the visa with it. It's gone.
  9. Very wise, yours is the 2nd thread today referring to that link;
  10. Search "airline ticket rentals" and you'll find several options for cheap reservation "rentals" for this purpose. Alternatively they can book full fare flight tickets which can be cancelled and 100% refunded.
  11. It will have no effect whatsoever on your ability to do a 90 day report, etc. You do not send your old passport with your application, just a copy of it, and you retain the old one for ID and immigration purposes until you get the new one. The old one should not be used for travel though during the waiting period.
  12. I'd also like to log in to the Embassy, where do I sign up?
  13. She probably thinks having her biometrics taken is a medical procedure.
  14. It means that the application has been received in the UK. First thing they do is take your money then put the application in a heap along with the others (unless it falls off the back of the desk in which case there could be some delay.
  15. Perhaps "someone" has been reading Asean Now;
  16. Triple CABG, BHP April 2015. THB 1.0m. Paid by insurance. Still alive.
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