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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The boys down at the Tourism Authority will be more than glad to hear this. The Irish bloke fell, accidentally, and must have been on blood thinners to bleed like hell. Luckily Thailand's safety is guaranteed by all those experienced and well trained security guards in their beautiful uniforms and whistles - never a dull moment!
  2. Ah, Dubai again - excellent news then. Next will be the overdue necessary upgrade of the RTP fleet of cars; out with the BMWs, Benz' and all the other toys. Take an example in Dubai with their fleet of law enforcements; no way to outrun 253 miles/h ..... Well, lets wait and see for the first batch of Bugatti Veyrons racing up and down Sukhumvit in Bangkok .....
  3. This bikini race, is this restricted to women and girls only? Asking for a friend. Happy days are here again ????
  4. And if all kindergarteners behave nicely, then there is some lollipop at the end for them ....... a failed state!
  5. It is a blessing in the sky. Try to imagine, they would have received those three submarines from China already. Try to imagine, that those subs would be equipped with real engines. Chances, that Somchai would have fired and sunk a friendly, i.e. Thai submarine, commandeered by Somsak .... followed by three to six months temple ...... They would have had to wake up Prawatch to spill the beans. Honestly, how can a country with such a social imbalance of wealth go and blow a torpedo at USD 1.2 million a pop? If it did not hit any target (and there is no reference to that) and did not self-explode, then there is news 53 metres down at the seabed - well done! Give 'em all a medal for good work!
  6. Sydebolle


    A local insurer insisted on a KYC for a car insurance. Among others they wanted to know my civil status, yearly income, listing of memberships on social media and my hobbies. I chose another company - be aware that you're in a land with zero data protection on any information. I also could not figure out, what my baking skills or preference of Pavarotti over KISS would have to do with their business offerings .........
  7. Nothing really has changed since the days of Phibul and Sarit 70 years ago, except nowadays there is no American money involved due to the US' collapse of their Indochina "policy" and their loss of the Vietnam war some 45+ years ago. 22 May is, unless they rewrite the constitution (again), the day. The PM may not sit for longer than eight years - two terms of four years each. Now, that of course is a matter of interpretation as some voices claimed that the sitting government got "democratically" elected in March 2019 and hence that's when the clock started. Others said, the military coup d'etat of May 2014 is the starting day of Prayut and his cronies. As Prayut got officially endorsed by the Head of State, it is safe to assume, that his official term started in May 2014 - hence May 2022 would be his last month. I do not expect any surprises, it might be a nasty battle and lots of vote buying again. One icon is Anutin, who might have some continued interests in getting more infrastructure projects for his family's construction business. His present term saw the pocketing of the extension of Bangkok airport at 50+ billion Baht; there are plenty of other ideas like railway links to please the Chinese needs from Nong Khai to the Gulf of Thailand and other rail dreams on the East-West corridor. Then there is an unfinished, personal, vendetta with the magician, whose luggage left Bangkok containing flour and landed in Sydney where the content had turned into an illegal substance. His four years of Australian prison sentence do not count in Thailand and hence he can enlist himself as a candidate - apparently. The last election short-changed 6+ million voters who chose a futuristic party with office holders who had not reached the dinosaur stage just yet. But, as the story goes, the party and its MPs were illegalized and a repetition of the voting was considered not necessary. It will be an interesting year but the cake is being cut and distributed by the guided present and new leaders of the land. It will have no influence on the non-Thai side so get ready for yet another fantastic roadshow - again. As long as there is no hope of a decent educational system for everybody based on abilities rather than financial considerations, there will not be any changes anytime soon. Those changes would have to be invoked by the very same people who benefit of the status quo. I - for one - look forward to the next entertaining findings, such as the submarines without engines on order and the dire need to upgrade the air force with new planes. Another chapter will be written by the dead horse in the race called Thai Airways - well, never a dull moment in lalala land ????
  8. Ah, Somchai the mask-dealer just called and informed, that he still sits on 300 trillion face masks which have to be sold first - next please!
  9. It is a failed state. Selling and consuming = not same same. This is yet another dinosaur law, enforced for the sake of power guarding the bureaucrats while allowing the boys in uniform to cream off the regular tolls for the law breakers. In all honesty, except the supermarkets and (formerly) international chains like Makro, Big C/Carrefour, Lotus's/Tesco etc. nobody cares; every Mom&Pop shop sells what they have. But what do you expect from a country banning beer drinking along the beach, smoking at the same beach being fined with 100,000 Baht and (at least) Phuket fined a retiree couple from Germany breaking the law of no beach chairs along the beach. Give me a break, has anybody in this administration of clowns and cheaters a clue - honestly?
  10. Welcome to medieval 15th century; the burning of the booze witch will take place anytime soon. Get real and focus on real problems of this country ........
  11. The interesting bottom line to all this is, that the real culprits took millions and millions and are still around, celebrating their ill-gotten wealth and never had the intention to finish the job in the interest and for the sake of the public, the Thai people. Not one of them has either returned money and inspected the inside of a Thai prison cell ???? The latter though, the very same Thai people, now are forking out another multi-billion payment of tax payers money. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant - congratulations to all those thieves, crooks and corrupt officers for pulling this off! Better than robbing a bank and certainly in the white collar crime area!
  12. Rid the planet from such manure and the taxpayer from decades-long sentences = firing squad!
  13. Well, they must have copied that from the PDR Laos. The cognoscenti will recall Attapeu airport (IATA: AOU, ICAO: VLAP) in the Southeast of the country. Opened with lots of noise, red carpet and winged in PMs from Laos and Vietnam as the airport was in payment for (il-)legal logging in the namesake province to the tune of USD 36 million. Not a gift by the Vietnamese but a very, very good deal for them as it was built by Vietnamese as well. The same is taking place with the unfinished airport of Sam Neua (IATA: NEU, ICAO: VLSN)in Laos' Huaphanh province in the very Northeast - also bordering Vietnam. This project is snail-moving for years on years. Unlike Attapeu, which did not have an airport before, Sam Neua does in the suburbs of the town serving the odd Cessna flight from Vientiane - once in a blue moon. Both airports share the same; nobody really needs them, they were built to legalize murky deals and could be considered yet another valid asset to the collection of Laos' "white elephants". And, if we are it, remember the only Lao-Myanmar friendship bridge in Northwestern Laos. Opened with big fanfare (despite the time zone difference of 30 minutes!) but never operative due to the fact, that these two countries governments are absolutely incompetent congregations of clowns who, once the commissions and pourboire are pocketed, walk away like sh1tting pigeons ..... Betong (IATA: BTZ; ICAO: VTSY) might be enlisted in the same category of aerodromes, built and opened for the sake of building and opening it .......
  14. Somebody has to tell me the difference of the present circus in the government house compared to the days of Phibul and Sarit except that their VIP flights are leaving from Swampy and no longer from Don Meuiouioung airport ????
  15. So chicken prices will go up as well. Covid increased Pad Thai from 35 to 50 Baht, the Ukraine war increased a case of soda from 115 to 155 Baht and the Saudis now support chicken. What's next?
  16. Well, sorry to see their Asoke branch going then ......... in all fairness, their food was less oily but due to high rents and franchise fees as overpriced as all the other stuff in the same category. The top end is Burger King at Swampy airport; two sets of inedible kitchen accident at 878 Baht - I mean there is a limit to everything.
  17. That's another fantastic subject with compliments of the United States of Almightiness .....
  18. Irrespective of what Wikipedia or the American Rottweiler Club states, the owner should be facing the music by a public prosecutor. What a pr1ck to default on a promise and, quite obviously, the Phooyai thinks - that after bargaining the compensation from 3 to 1.3 million and subsequently pay only 200K - he can get away with this. The dogs need to be put down, a Rottweiler is not a domestic pet - irrespective of what doggie clubs or the internet seem to advocate!
  19. Well, the Pakistani refugee cannot file a complaint so it is questionably a wild guess, if the boy will face anything like "voluntary manslaughter". That is, what it is all about; if you are drinking over your limit then you purposely and willingly risk being no longer able to control your vehicle as you could when sober. Lets wait and see; I - for one - am not holding my breath and do not expect any surprises or deviations from the status quo I've seen over the last decades in the land of skilled drivers ????
  20. I - for one - did not know, that Prawatch is also an expert on crystal ball viewing interpretations. Well, what will change except getting the same herd at the flesh pots of Thailand with pre-assigned experts in politics? The minister of health job will free up as the present placeholder has higher ambitions, and with the necessary cash and musical chairing could succeed. We might also hear from the convicted drug mule who might throw tantrums again. So, leave it in the gifted hands of the semi-divine hosts here; as they don't care there is nothing to worry for all of us - the tolerated bunch of alien!
  21. You mean that some places now can legally doing what some have been doing all the time; asking for a friend ......
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