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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. https://www.nme.com/en_asia/news/music/ted-nugent-calls-out-bruce-springsteen-for-supporting-communists-labels-him-a-dirtbag-3150068 gee let me think...nugent or the boss ...i suspect the boss has a much bigger following than nugent...maybe the orange one will select nugent for an important cabinet position...director of name calling?
  2. seems from what can be seen in pic that his balcony was not low and would be very difficult to accidentally fall over it...sad ending whatever happened.. ..people also manage to "fall" overboard on cruise ships which requires a lot of effort to do and generally the cameras show that it is normally some drunk person climbing up on railing for a "king of the world" or selfie pic...high rails are good but certainly there will still be people going over them...
  3. ok add springstein to another american hero to attack and piss off all his fans as well...Springsteen is a dem and a vocal supporter. MAGA should make a list of the 100 most popular celebs in america and be sure and attack each and every one who does not pledge allegiance to the orange buffoon...obviously they can have no talent or followers if they don't drink kool aide.
  4. And don't forget that per the orange buffoon ted cruz dad was involved in JFK assassination but now Cancun ted licks trumps behind like the coward that he and his fellow republicans demonstrate every chance they get.
  5. and it does not appear that Taylor will have to beg her fans to send her $$ to pay multi million dollar court judgements..nor does she appear to encourage her massive following to engage in violence or throw temper tantrums....so who is the adult in the room? But please MAGA...attack Taylor and be sure to also attack Oprah, Michelle Obama, and dozens of other celebs who are loved and followed by millions of voters...gonna take more than a has been like kid rock or ted nugent to cover that...
  6. Yes to each his own. I spent six months roaming around as a budget traveler and a lot of that was all over thailand. I certainly did not have room safes and was not keen to have very much cash around. So I personally found having a Thai account very handy as back then I could withdraw only a thousand baht or so as i needed without having to worry about security of the cash or any fees to speak of. I was not so worried about a maid or thai stealing my $$ but more so the other farang travelers especially staying in simple little easy to enter bungalows or while i was swimming or whatever so wanted to keep minimal cash around. Back then using a home country atm had big fees...but now my home Schwab ATM has no fees and the hotels i stay in are much more secure so no need.
  7. I went day of my expiration as was afraid if i went too early they would tell me to come back...
  8. yes i did still have the previous tm30 and had not changed address...but before i went i wanted to be sure so my thai landlady called them and did what they said and they sent her a tm30 form printed on immigration letterhead in thai so i brought that along just in case. Silly me thinking that immigration would accept the form that they created. Made no difference go stand in line. I could not believe that was correct so asked couple other clerks who looked and said go stand in line.
  9. I agree...but thai landlady talked direct to immigration and they emailed here the tm30 on their stationary which i printed and brought with me but apparently that did not make them happy. I was extra careful and foolishly thought that having a tm30 created by immigration might actually work at immigration. On top of that i had not even changed address since last time but no matter...go stand in line.
  10. I sure wish i had seen the online version before i wasted a full 8 hours of my life last week standing in line to get a simple 30 day extension and still had to come back the next day to get it finished.
  11. Maybe because the "tourist" want to stay for several months traveling around thailand and would like to bring in cash and deposit it into a bank rather than hiding in a room safe or having to carry around with them. Then they can withdraw $$ all over thailand from ATMs and not pay as much in fees especially if want to withdraw small amounts. I used to do it all the time...had two bank accounts both opened in chiang rai...one kasikorn one bkk bank. Then covid hit and i did not come for two years so both accounts got closed as no activity and then in pattaya big hassle to open new one or reopen old ones.,..fortunately i have a chas schawb ATM that refunds 100% of ATM fees as well as good exchange rate so problem solved.
  12. Apparently not in my case as i wanted to make sure so landlady did it all register again online and it was still a pain in the butt even though i had a paper she had printed that was immigration stationary all in thai saying where i stay etc and still got hassled.
  13. I went to immigration last monday for a 30 day extension of my toursist visa. Have been there several times before so as usual expect the worst and hope for the best. Get there at 8;15 as opens at 8;30...big line already there. I had made double sure to have all the proper copies of this and that a recent pic etc along with TM30 done direct with immigration and given to me which was all on immigration stationary in thai that my landlady provided me. 1. Get in line one for 45 mins. Finally get my turn hand them the packet. They give me a que number and send me to other building. 2. Go to that building which is packed. Display says i am about 40 numbers from my turn. Sit there for about 45 minutes til my turn. Hand them the packet again. They take the letter from immigration and copy down and give me another small white sheet of paper to staple in back of passport. Then tell me to go back to original line to get another que number. Makes no sense so i ask couple other people to make sure i understand. Yes to back to line get que number. 3. Go back to original line which is now even longer. Stand in line for 45 minutes til my turn. Give them the packet again. She wants me to go make a copy of the new tm30 form they just gave me. Make copy come back and get another que number and told to go into main building 4. Guard stops me at door and says "come back 2 pm" says closed: Sign says close for lunch at 11;30 . I show him the time on my phone isnow 10;56....no good. He says come back 2 pm. Great so 3 hours of nothing to do. 5 . Go kill 3 hours and back again 1:45. My que number is about 60 spots away and i time that they are doing about 1 number every 5 minutes. Do the math and realize no way they will get to my number before closing at 4;30 pm...sit there and at about 4 they call my number. Go to counter hand then the packet again. Look at it, ask for 1900 baht, take my pic and tell me come back tomorrow....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr why she can';t stamp the damn passport right then no idea as papers have been checked and rechecked. 6. Bolt back home. Go back Tues am and get passport with new stamp in five mins and done. so bottom line got there at 8:15...all papers in order. Almost 8 hours later still don't have stamp and have to go home come back next day...all for a simple 30 day extension. Not exactly a model of efficiency and of course i was one of several hundred who had same deal. I did notice that they have big signs there now saying i can download docs and pay online and make an appointment and then theoretically just come and have stamp in passport...BUT of course i did not know this and my expiration date was Monday so needed to get it done. Not sure if this was publicized if so not much as i read couple of thai papers online every day and never saw it. so IF you plan to go for extension i highly recommend you try to find the online way and make an appointment and see if surely that works better. Whoever designed the current system is a sadistic bastard or total idiot or both. It should not require standing in lines all day and having 3 different sets of people look at the same docs over and over to get a simple stamp. And no problems of me ever overstaying or too many visits or anything...simple 60 day tourist visa to extend 30 days. Overall rating? HORRIBLE
  14. Hey elect trump and maybe he will name nancy pelosi as his UN ambassador as he thinks she is nikki haley....
  15. I suspect i have forgotten more about sports and marketing than you will ever know....but wait...seems you know it all ...
  16. yes i do think your response is rather stupid. No marketing in the NFL and NBA...got it.
  17. and without his arm patrick mahomes would not be an NFL star...and if Jordan was 5ft tall he would not be able to fly....and without his base of brain dead worshipers trump would be nothing except the same ole lying criminal.
  18. Just in on the "conspiracy theory" channel.. Taylor Swift has agreed to run as Biden's VP
  19. Trump told the world that he could and did just "grab em by the pxxxy"....which is what he did with caroll but got a little carried away and inserted fingers into said "puxxxy".. The only reason it is not called rape is because under new york law you have to insert penis into said "puxxy"...otherwise it is sexual assualt..BUT in most all other states fingers into pxxxxy is legally rape..which the judge correctly pointed out. so little donnie only got convicted of sexual assault..so for all the bible beaters that lick trumps rear that is not a problem at all. When somebody tells you in advance what he did then just maybe he did exactly that...and in spite of all the trumpers whining and accusing caroll of making it up the bottom line is the jury listened to all the evidence and found him guilty.....whine all you want but you are still convicted of sexual assault... of course if the jury had voted not guilty then they would be fine patriots but like the election, anything that goes against trump must obviously all be rigged...what a five year old pretending to be a president.
  20. Well by all means then the immigration people should extend their no visa required stay to at least one year so they can have more time to engage in nefarious activities. How many other nationalities would love to have 90 days no visa and be less likely to work without permits, create their own mafia, and generally create chaos...not to mention attacking a disabled man and then threatening him if he identifies them. Good job TAT.
  21. Much more likely he will start defaming her again and get hit with another lawsuit and even more $$ damages....the good thing is he can appeal to the cows come home but he still has to put the cash in escrow along with interest or put up property as collateral...and the absolute BEST he can hope for on appeal is maybe to slightly reduce the size of the check. And next week an even bigger verdict is likely to smack him in the face for business fraud for decades so then he can add that to his list of self inflicted problems to whine about. Not to mention the criminal cases which almost every legal scholar says are highly likely to result in felony convictions with serious jail time attached.. poor little donnie couldn't keep his big fat mouth shut, couldn't stop grabbing women by the pxxxsy, couldn't stop lying and bragging about how very rich he was,....didn't have the basic common sense to accept the FACT that he lost the election to Biden and retire to Mar a Largo , play golf, and surround himself with adoring fans who would tell him nonstop how he was the messiah.....how'd that work out for you donnie boy? Why it sort of reminds me of an old nursery rhyme...something like Dumpty Trumpty sat on a wall Dumpty Trumpty took a big fall All of Dumptys lawyers and cash Couldn't save Dumpty Trumpys big fat ass
  22. Here we go again. Everybody is always picking on little donnie boy. Every charge against him is a witch hunt. Every jury verdict is rigged unless he wins. Every election is rigged unless he wins. Every person he hires is the best and brightest until they say something that he doesn't like then they are idiots, commies, traitors, to be vilified and threatened. Every woman lets him grab em by the pxxxy as they just can't resist his "charms". Every wife was great until he got divorced. Every business deal was perfect except maybe the dozens that went bankrupt. Every judge that rules against him is biased. Every grand jury that indicts him is full of planted democrats. Every prosecutor that files charges against him is controlled by Biden. Every thing he has ever done or ever will do is perfect....it is just all so unfair to poor little bone spur donnie, born with a silver spoon to shovel BS.......and every fool who sends money to the man who is so rich he will never ever need or ask for their money needs to look up the word delusional if they can't admit that they have been conned.
  23. Thanks i needed a good laugh and you provided it. If you have not seen and heard trump attack a judge you must live under a rock...been going on for a long time and he did it again today. There is a new thing called google. You should try to learn about it. You are correct that i may need anti depressants as delusional people who buy all the Trump BS are indeed depressing.
  24. And if a guy like trump had grabbed your wife or mother or girlfriend by the pxxxy you might actually feel a bit differently...when she was younger she knew trump would destroy her with his $$ and lawyers....as she got older, just like most normal people, she realized that she could handle all the BS and threats that he can throw out as she knows she is in the twilight of her life. Why is it so very difficult for some to get off the kool aide and realize that trump has left a long line of victims behind and committed a long list of crimes..whether it was refusing to pay workers after they had done the work and daring them to try and sue him or people who got screwed at trump university or sexual assault or stealing classified docs or submitting all kinds of fraudulent documents to banks etc or trying to meddle in State elections (a function that NO POTUS has any right to do as potus elections are totally run by the states) or telling lie after lie for decades... And don't start with the partisan witch hunt crap again...all of the indictments were returned by grand juries after they looked at the piles and piles of evidence...most all of the testimony in trumps biggest crimes has come and continues to come from life long republicans who all voted for trump and held their nose until the stench was too much and they simply told the truth under oath in spite of death threats for they and their families. Many of the witnesses were trump aides and employees and yes even his VP...remember him as in Hang Mike Pence? Trump will be convicted on a bunch more crimes and he knows it....his only hope is to attack the judges, witnessess etc and try and stir up the brain dead to up the death threats like a mob boss to scare people from testifying. News flash. Not gonna work.
  25. Trump will no doubt be sending out emails to all the kool aide crew once again begging for them to send him $$ as everyone is always picking on him.. yes the same Trump that when running for potus bragged over and over and over about how rich he was and how he did not need anyone's money and therefore a vote for him would remove all the dark money blah blah blah...and then he turns around and over and over and over BEGS the maga bunch to send him $$ or buy t shirts or trading cards or anything else like a cheap huckster.. ...gee does it maybe remind a few people of a grifter con man? Keep running that big fat mouth donnie and the numbers will keep getting bigger and just maybe one of these days some of the maga bunch might realize they have been played for a fool by a conman and the "gig" is up. Go ahead and defame again and lets see if we can get that 83 million to 200 or 500 million or so....its called PUNITIVE damages which are designed to punish people for scoffing at the law and legal jury verdicts and send a message to other idiots who think they are above the law. My bet is more defamation and yet another trial will be coming soon as trump is incapable of accepting the fact that he is GUILTY as charged.
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