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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Anchisa said the foreigner’s Thai wife had told her that when her husband was heavily drunk after consuming more than six bottles of beer he did not listen to anyone. There are bars where 150 thb a beer is the price....doesn't say which bar, what brand of beer or if prices were posted or how many beers were ordered and for whom (perhaps buying a few for some gal he was eyeing while wife was in toliet)but if 4 for foreigner and 2 for wife you're at over 1000 baht....i am inclined to think it is certainly possilbe that there are a lot of men who get heavily drunk and do not listen to anyone....if u think u were scammed then have wife call the cops to sort it out not violently attack the staff... it also does not seem credible that thai staff would try and scam him with his thai wife there to argue his case...seems most thai gals who pay the bills for farangs go over the bills in detail and quickly call out any overcharge.
  2. A good place to start would be to take a good look at the bank accounts and assets of the immigration officers and top cops....and stop the passing of envelopes allowing a lot of farang trash to overstay, work without permits, or get deported. Oh and you might also want to find and arrest the red bull cop killer and prosecute all the high govt officials that have enabled him to get away with his crimes.
  3. i asked at about 10 different pharmacies in thailand from big to mom and pop til i found one that sold Diazepam with no prescriptons but they were more like 50 baht each.
  4. I went to a 7 11 and a little thai lady jumped the line ahead of me. Almost ruined my life but i have managed to deal with the humiliation caused me. Then I got on baht bus and one of the buzzers did not work. and not even a sign in english saying out of order...another big nightmare but once again i buckled down and got over it. Then i tried to walk across the street at a crosswalk with a red light and nobody stopped for me....What a horror show that was. I could have ended up in a hospital before they were ready to deal with me....and nobody would care one tiny bit. But somehow i have managed to survive another day, to go back to 7 11 , ride a baht bus and get across the street. The nerve of these thai people living like they do and not having discussion groups to see if they can amend their ways to be more to my liking.
  5. Save your money to buy up the soon to appear naked pics of melania and ivanka offered up by the king of conmen, the tsar of grifters, the emperor of idiots...add them to a collection of supermen trading cards, $500 shoes (to be received in 5 months after ordering) and a few tdozen trump special bibles autographed by trump ,jesus ,moses and include a free ride in noahs arc...and maybe even a special commerative share of truth social stock. After all trump does love uneducated people and uneducated low iq people love him right back. MAGA
  6. next up....extend the 90 day visa free idiotic plan to one year stay for russians....5 year visa free if can prove they are members of russian mafia.....otherwise just let them do anything they want and not pretend that there are no bribes being paid...
  7. party of law and order my butt...anyone who watched these thugs storm the capitol and bear spray and beat the crap out of cops and thinks that they are not criminals (who were tried and convicted) should be hailed as heros hostages patriots and given pardons is up to their ears in the cult....Shame on the thugs and shame on anyone who thinks they deserve pardons or praise.
  8. so if social security from usa exceeds 65 k a month u do not need to mess with the 800 k thb in a bank?...do u just bring a recent social secuirity statement showing the amount u receive monthly is that what they want to see? in other words who/how/when do u show your pension/soc sec to get a retirement visa? thanks for info...
  9. pomchop


    Queen Sirikat park is one of the largest in Bangkok and allows dogs but they must be on a lease as do several other bangkok parks. Google it.
  10. i think the ferry got closed around covid but from what i saw when i rode it once it was not doing all that great and had very few pax....too bad as it was lot better than bus or other overland transport...wonder what happened to the boat they used and where it might be now?
  11. Still trying to understand the brilliant idea of giving russians 90 day no visa entry. Certainly seems to me that a lot of russians do not want to get drafted and sent into the war and have an extra incentive,moreso than most other countries, to do whatever they can find to not return to become fodder. It would appear to me from what i read that phuket is having some very difficult times with overstays, no work permits, etc. Lots of talk of russian mafias also taking root. Guess i just don't understand why if you get into trouble for overstays or breaking serious laws you are not just deported and not allowed back for a year or two or more depending on the infraction. Not just russians but ALL nationaltiies. I do think the vast majority of visitors obey the law and do not overstay and those that do make it tougher on all the rest to visit with no dramas, no overstays, no trying to get around all the work permit and real estate laws. I suspect lot of envelopes being passed around to cops and immigration and politicians.
  12. Another day. Another idiot farang who thinks he is special and can do anything he damn well pleases. Two sides to the story? Seems to me the entire problem could and should have ended when taxi driver said no smoking in cab. What part of that did idiot farang not understand? Either put the damn cig out or get out of the cab. Its not like smoking has not been banned all over the world so it was some big surprise that smoking is not allowed in a taxi? Did idiot also try to smoke on the airplane? Try that and see how it works out being arrested when plane lands. Zero sympathy for the farang. Maybe a few months in jail or deportation will give him ample time to think about how very stupid his actions were.
  13. Worry too much....as many have said the food comes from nearby restaurant and delivered on foot or by motorbike...no more dangerous than sitting down in a restaurant. Suggest he just enjoy himself and not live in fear of something that likely will not even be a problem. Maybe buy a packet of the activated charcoal diahrea pills which seem to work quite well without horrible side efffects if need arises.
  14. So invite and encourage russians to come with no hassle 90 day visas.....meantime hassle the crap out of an old guy that has been coming to thailand for decades for 6 months a year with never a hint of a problem or overstay.....got it.
  15. I would bet an oz of good weed that there was also some alcohol involved in a 3 am swim.
  16. maybe trump gave him a defective pair of his golden sneakers and a few dozen bibles to carry around and display upside down?.. ..whats next from the grifter in chief? naked pics of melania....naked pics of Ivanka?...."i am very very rich..i will never ask for $$ from anyone".....oh really? i don't see biden hawking shoes or bibles or aluminum siding ....there is however a cult leader who knows his cult are low iq..."i love the undeducated"..... and will send him $$ and think he is jesus on steroids....
  17. you may be pleasantly surprised that it is not surgery time......i had similar and the doc did bunch of xrays than a cortisone shot(i think that is what it was) and within a week i was ok again...aches and pains are a part of aging but surgery is not always the answer...
  18. Most people who reach the age of reason….usually by the age of 10 stop believing in fairy tales and Santa Claus. Religious fanatics just keep on following, blindly hoping for that great reward in the sky.
  19. Just another brick in the wall as the walls come tumbling down on the entire crooked coup plotters and grifters. Maybe he can get a job helping to sell bibles or sneakers or naked pics of Melania to the cult and bible beaters.
  20. If you are a handsome clean good looking guy within 20 years of her age and have a good sense of humour you may well do ok with meeting regular non bar girls in a mall. Yes it may be easier in Thailand but it does apply in many countries around the world. In some places maybe the age difference is more like ten years but there are a lot of gals who do enjoy being recognized by handsome young men. But many of these gals likely already get a lot of attention from a host of guys both thai and farang but may be semi interested in what you might have to say/offer. At very least she can tell her girlfriends all about the farang who approached her in the mall and they can all have a good laugh. And yes i know that there are always exceptions so if you are 75 y.o. and hitting on a 20 y.o. girl be aware she is probably not much interested in anything other than your wallet.
  21. https://www.oocities.org/doxyblue/alltrink.html archives
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