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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. in spite of all they continue to cry all the way to the bank... Booking Holdings revenue for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $22.002B, a 21.07% increase year-over-year. Booking Holdings annual revenue for 2023 was $21.365B, a 25.01% increase from 2022. Booking Holdings annual revenue for 2022 was $17.09B, a 55.96% increase from 2021. Booking Holdings annual revenue for 2021 was $10.958B, a 61.24% increase from 2020.
  2. in the overall scope of inexpensive restaurants on soi buahkaow my once every 10 days or so experience at CC has been just fine...say a few words in thai and try and joke a bit with waitress and i always seem to get perfectly acceptable service. It is obvious that whoever runs the CC spots that they know the market, know how to run a budget restaurant and know how to keep the seats filled. I normally eat thai food or american breakfast...no complaints at all. I do not go in expecting top level meals for 99 or so baht...
  3. Decent breakfast and good thai food IMO....generally good service and no real complaints here. Nearly always full so they must be doing something right. Cheap charlie story. One night was eating there and the waitresses were all gathered around some guy sitting at the street front counter causing a big fuss...went on for a while then he finally left. I asked the gal what it was about and she showed me a menu where you ordered noodles or something with choice of chicken pork or beef...guy was all pissed because he thought he should get chicken pork and beef......gals were not amused as he was a jerk on top of being an idiot.
  4. VT6 is a premium location ocean front and next door to hilton and central festival mall as well as 5 min walk to soi buakhow "attractions". Directly on the baht bus lines on beach road as well as 2nd road. Fantastic location for those who want to be in middle of everything Lots of massage, convenience stores, restaurants laundries in lobby. But yes in peak months it is packed with airbnb bunch and the lower floors on hilton side views are blocked. Myth Beer Bar also has one bar that plays crap live music way way too loud that blasts up the back side of VT6 so be aware of that from about 9 pm to 2 am or so. Enjoy it while you can as the big empty lot on walking street side is planning two big hotels/condos there which will screw up a lot of views on that side.
  5. then please do not read anything i write or respond to it....let that be understood.
  6. Never said she is not good looking....if she were not she would never have been invited to the kit kat club where rich guys could wave their $$ and take her home then cheat on her when they like. Maybe trumpy is happy but she certainly does not appear to be thrilled.
  7. yeah i can see that look of love in her eyes every day....i bet she really loved him being convicted of paying off a porno star and hanging out with a playboy bunny....if she were Thai she would likely be feeding the ducks.
  8. You want to share any recent statements from hillary where she claims her non election was rigged and she called for her supporters to submit fake electors after 60 judges ruled against her then encouraged her supporters to storm the capitol and hang some people....oh wait hillary called trump to publicily concede within 24 hours....hows that for a good laugh?
  9. In my opinion she is hoping that he doesn't lose all his money in legal fees before he ends up in prison....that would really piss her off if he managed to stiff her on her pre nup like he has been stiffing workers and "little people" all his life. But then again, how long will it take a single melania to replace the orange man with a younger fit rich handsome guy? About a new york minute? I bet she dreams of being free every night. Free at last, praise jesus Free at last.
  10. I can pretty much guarantee that if you wave a few million dollars around you won't be dating bar girls that look like yesterdays lunch or be sitting in a boring condo...having someone had you a few hundred million at a young age very quickly makes you a very very handsome man no matter how fat or ugly you may actually be. Especially with gals who have made the decision that she is willing to share her special services and her soul for the big bucks. I don't question her motive as it is actually pretty common. Call it love or marriage or whatever you want but i think we all have a pretty good idea of what it is all about.
  11. yeah i sure wish i could be a grown man that had life handed to him on a silver platter and is now a felon and have a hot wife that won't hold my hand in public and maybe be facing the rest of life in a prison cell. I don't think so.
  12. Yes he is lucky that daddy left him a few hundred million...as most guys are aware if you wave a big wad of cash in front of a club full of hot women looking for a sugar daddy you will have very good luck. If you are not sure how that works then go to a few upscale bangkok clubs and see how much luck it takes to leave with a hot gal hanging all over you telling you how wonderful you are.. She did what she was planning to do at the kit kat club in NYC which was to hook a rich guy, get a big pre nup deal, and cross her fingers that he is not a psycho. So she got two out of three wishes. I don't "hate" her . In fact I feel sorry for her that she did not hold out for a rich guy that would not cheat on her with porn stars. She is a beautiful woman and there are no shortage of mega rich guys that she could have picked that would have made her very wealthy without all the baggage.
  13. So IF Biden were to win in a landslide with both popular vote and the electoral vote solidly in his favor...like last time... will trump and the maga bunch shut up and slink away? Or will it be more whine whine whine about how it was all rigged and so very unfair and here we go again? What a pathetic bunch of whining losers. If a soccer, hockey,baseball, football,basketball, track, wrestling, boxing,little league, pee wee league, spelling bee, team or player etc whined like trumpers for years when they get beat rather than shake the opponents hand and say good game they would be booed off the stage.
  14. So heck lets get right to it and make slavery legal again and put all the females in nice long black dresses and no more school, no more driving, for them. Lets also imprison or get rid of all the "weirdos" that live lives that the majority doesn't like...lets also get rid of any and all media that reports things we don't like....and all those books (that we have never read) that we think does not support our version of truth will look very nice in a bon fire. Just take a vote and implement on a state by state basis sort of like abortion is going. Tear up that constitution and 250 years of laws. Majority rules. Or I guess you could just move to some middle east dicatorship and see how that works out. And PS, if jesus is lord then does that mean that jesus and his dad are the same person as I was under the impression that god was lord...it's all very confusing trying to keep up with all the fairy tales and the various gods, lords, saviors, cults.
  15. You got that right. Here comes the invasion with 99 year leases....take a look at shianokville in cambodia. Thailand has a lot of "cheap land" compared to many other areas of the world and no doubt the chinese would love to control a few million acres of prime rice and ag land not to mention entire sections of costal water front lands with row after row of ocean front condos. The overall idea is not well tought out and once again it's "fire ready aim". Except this idea could have massive repercussions for a century or more.
  16. So if a muslim wanted a "few words of wisdom" posted in the La schools I am sure that would be ok. There are many very valid and strong reasons why the men who wrote the US constitution were very clear that the church and the state should be separate. The ten commandments are very much part of the "church" and a public funded school is very much part of the "state". Since La public schools are very near the bottom of all state schools they might want to spend a bit more time teaching the kids their a b c's and some math rather than trying to brainwash them with their idea of "wisdom". Maybe the good gov can also explain to all the kids how the former president who has broken just about every one of the "commandments" is still held up as a righteous jesus like man in many evangelical churches and governors especially in the southern states like La.
  17. Because Sheryl a well respected moderator above asked the question about the 60 days so i thought i would try and provide some info that they might find of interest?
  18. Maybe she is trying to retain her "kit kat club" look...that is a NYC club where lots of foreign beauties hang out by invitation looking to hook a rich farang...she got trump there...sort of like some clubs in Thailand. Funny how you can get an american visa for hanging at the kit kat club by being a young hot immigrant...Never realized there were special american visas for "bar girls". Hope she did not poision the blood by having a kid.....oh wait....
  19. For what it's worth a good friend with usa passport entered two days ago at bkk airport immigration...he asked the officer when the 60 days stamps go into effect and was told July 15....friend speaks pretty good Thai so no misunderstanding there but officer seemed sure about it....like i said...for what it's worth.
  20. I suspect the cost depends on who is giving you the quote and who is picking up the tab...for farang in west sending $$ every month a heck of a lot more than local mom sending money back to grandma who actually likely will raise the toddler. Somebody has to also watch and tend to the kid so that person normally can not be gone all day/night working in a job....and that person also needs food and $$ to support the household while they stay home to take care. Lots and lots of thai kids get raised by grandma and grandpa or even great grandma/pa.
  21. I don't know but for soi buahkaow or some parts of jomtien area maybe riding one of these with a big flag thing sticking up from back might be safer for some really physically can barely walk guys than trying to actually walk and dodge all the cars and trucks and bikes etc? I am amazed that more pedestrians don't get hit walking around half drunk while looking at the girls...or maybe they do and we just don't hear about it? never say never as someday walking around or getting in/out of baht buses etc may no longer be an option....safe? not really but maybe the really old more feeble guys figure it beats sitting home every night?
  22. somehow i suspect that what a farang thinks "they should consider......." has about as much impact as a fart on the beach on a windy day.
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