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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Trump has clearly stated that he has "irrefutable" evidence that will completely "exonerate" him from all the Ga charges so what's the problem. Start the trial, trump shares his massive trove of secret evidence, the first evidence to be produced in almost 3 years in spite of numerous recounts and investigations proving "irrefutable" that he really did win Ga. So once trump lays all this evidence on the table for the world to see there is no doubt all charges will be dropped and trump can crow about how it was all a big witch hunt and breeze his way right back to the white house. Gee one would wonder why trump and his lawyers would not be demanding a trial ASAP so he can be exonerated?] Could it perhaps be remotely possible that trump told a porkie and has no evidence other than some space lasers magically rigged the election or all those republican trumpers who investigated and recounted over and over were all along secret agents of Biden?
  2. Go to NC and open your eyes for a few days and watch people walking around wal mart or gas stations with a gun holster on their belt like it's the wild west....if you sold guns i would think you might be a bit more familiar with various states gun laws. I hunted all my life and never once felt the need for an assualt rifle and hope to never ever meet any sportsman hunter who would even consider it.
  3. I am not one for prayer aka talking to imaginary things in the sky but i will make an exception in this case... Dear Jesus: Please keep people like this away from me...thanks.... I don't listen much to people who find excuses not to believe. I try and convince them otherwise, because it's the most important decision they will ever make
  4. North Carolina and Georgia...i only lived there for decades and still visit and see it most every day....go to a gun show and buy anything you want no problem. Carry your gun into a bar or store, no problem. Look it up rather than saying it does not exist as you obviously have no clue. Last updatedJANUARY 5, 2023. Georgia also generally allows any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a firearm to openly carry a long gun in most public spaces.1 Under permitless carry legislation enacted in 2022,2 Georgia law now generally authorizes any “lawful weapons carrier” to carry handguns openly or concealed in most public spaces without any permit required.3 A person is a lawful weapons carrier if (1) they would be eligible for a weapons carry license under Georgia law (whether or not they have a license) and are not otherwise prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun, (2) if they are a resident of any other state who would otherwise be eligible to obtain a weapons carry license under Georgia law but for the residency requirement, or (3) if they are licensed to carry a weapon in any other state.4 These general public carry laws are subject to certain location restrictions. Last updatedJANUARY 5, 2023. North Carolina generally authorizes people to openly carry firearms in public with no permit or license required, although carrying firearms either openly or concealed is restricted in certain sensitive locations.1 (For more information about those location restrictions, see our pages on Location Restrictions in North Carolina and Guns in Schools in North Carolina).
  5. Been going on for centuries and TV has made it even more lucrative. Used to be pass the collection plate at sunday preaching and rake in whatever they could "guilt" the poor to cough up. Now it is all slick TV productions with big stars like Joel Osteen and his multi,million mansions flying around on jets....and he is but one of many many con men trading his BS of afterlife to people in return for $$. All further promoted by governments providing churches with billions of dollars every year as "tax free" status. Trade "hope" for cash.
  6. One reason i no longer live there....guns guns and more guns, macho mentality, buy and carry any gun of any kind any where....little to no training or restrictions...look at me wrong way and i will shoot your ass......thoughts and prayers is about it and that doesn't seem to work very well at all. Sad to say I don't see it getting any better in my lifetime.
  7. After 56 years of drinking i doubt you were still a teen and i also doubt you have managed to live that long without seeing or reading story after story every single day of people getting shot unless you live under a rock. So I guess since it did not happen to you all those shooting stories that i see every single day all across the usa are just made up?
  8. Who knows but bottom line is Trump was and still is a loser. But he is a perfect loser.
  9. yeah that damn liberal judge and dem attorney generals must have put all the life long trumper republicans under a voodo spell to get them to testify under oath and under death threats from MAGA for telling the truth as to what they personally saw and heard as to trumps crimes....why if one didn't spend 3o seconds thinking about the fact that trumps biggest problem is coming from republican testimony...then one might conclude and blame liberals for the fact that conservatives are the ones who are driving the nails into donnies coffin... How many more times does it have to be spelled out that the reason trump got indicted was that he likely committed crimes and his fellow trumpers are the ones who have and will testify against him.
  10. 4 separate grand jurys in four different locales some repub some dem...and they all have one thing in common: They reviewed the evidence of probable crimes which evidence was provided almost exclusively by life long republicans who voted for trump and wanted trump to win. Republicans who testified under oath with death threats from MAGA as to what they saw and heard along with piles of texts and emails and audio and video tapes. So once again here we go with blame it on the DA...all the DA did was present the evidence to the grand jury and without the testimony by republican after republican after republican there would have been no indictment. So remind me again how it is all a giant dem witch hunt when all the witneeses that provided the most damaging testimony are republican trumpers???
  11. Alcohol, Nicotine, Valiums, Caffeine, Viagra, and ten zillion prescriptions drugs to fix any and all ailments. But wow legalize weed? It could be the end of civilization as we know it.
  12. Well don't forget that trump has a big pile of "irrefutable evidence" that the election really was stolen, aka, the big lie, that he was going to share last week that would completely "exonerate" him of all charges....and of course he and his crack lawyers know that all he has to do is present this massive trove of secret irrefutable evidence to the judge and all charges will be dropped along with a letter of apology and a fruit basket... So having all this he should have zero concerns over the start date of the trial as he will be completly "exonerated" so problem solved. The world anxiously awaits to see this evidence as it will be the first real evidence of voter fraud that anybody has been able to find in almost three years so obviously it will be HUGE evidence.
  13. Well near where i grew up in the south of usa last friday night there were 3 separate shootings at 3 different high school football games within a 100 miles all done by wild teens. The players and fans ran for their lives and the games all cancelled. Yes there are a lot of bad Thai apples but they do not have a monopoly on violence.
  14. Is there anything or anybody on the planet that trump doesn't blame for all his problems and whine about? Newsflash: If trump would have immediately returned the classified docs like biden and pence did rather than lie about it and try to hide docs time and again for 18 months after being asked politely to return them there would never have been a document case. If trump had accepted the election results that were verified over and over via recounts and reviews almost all done by republicans and proved valid he could have gone to mar a largo and there would never have been an attempted coup or a riot at the capitol. If trump had not tried to coerce and meddle in Georgias election after being assured over and over by republican officials there was no fraud he could be playing golf without a worry in the world. The bottom line is that almost all of trumps current legal problems were brought about by trumps own poor choices....but rather than accept it like a man he whines like a 4 year old that didn't get the ice cream he wanted. Boo hoo.
  15. My belief is that the idea of eternal life is the biggest con job ever sold to humankind for centuries......believe what i tell you, donate $$ and support the "church" and I will promise you everlasting life. or a few virgins, or a prize behind door #3....oh and my religion/god/gods is way better than yours and only my religion is the "true" religion. Sure it is bozo. Your "religious beliefs" are almost always a direct result of where you were born not from some great spirtual discovery. If you were born in Iraq you will be a muslim...Thailand Buddhist, Italy Catholic, Israel Jewish, India Hindu and so on. It is called brainwashing and begins at a very early age. Believe what you want but do not try and shove your beliefs down others throats or kill them if they disagree with your "doctrines/truth".
  16. If the various judges do not bring the hammer down on all the threats etc it will only get worse...trump will push it as far as possilbe then try and push some more and when a judge finally has had enough and sanctions or jail begins he will whine about how unfair it all is....he has been warned in person and in writing which is more than other defendants receive. .
  17. A/C sure sounds better than standing in line sweating hoping to get a breeze from a fan....how about a few benches or chairs along the Q line where u might be able to sit down for at least a few minutes,
  18. Hate to tell you but thailand is far from the ony country in the world where people do some really violent and stupid acts especially after a drinking session. If it were in usa they would have likely shot each other as well as a few onlookers a few times.
  19. Oh boy...have u noticed that almost every single witness that has testified under oath are republicans? And that judge aileen cannon is a full on trumper who tried so hard to rule in his favor that she was overrued by a republican panel of judges? And that trump was indicted by four separate grand juries in four different venues some lean dem some lean republ but ALL of them agreed that crimes were committed and were willing to testify under oath and get the ire and death threats of the maga morons? I guess they all just wanted to join in the great dem witch hunt....
  20. Sure he is as clean as pure snow...everything he has done is perfect...it's those little things like stealing and refusing to return classified docs and lying about it for 18 months...that and trying to overturn the election in seven states and telling the big lie that the election was rigged without a bit of credible evidence...and then claiming it is all a big giant dem witch hunt in spite of almost every single witness being one of his hard core fellow repubs who voted for him and wanted him to win and still came forward and testified under oath and death threats as to trumps crimes... other than that and being indicted in four separte states/venues by four separate grand juries for 91 and counting felonies he is just a fine fellow....oh and encouraging a violent attack on the capitol and refusing for hours to call it off and threatening judges jurors prosecutors witnessess etc...just a real role model that DJT
  21. To be fair: Happens dozens if not hundreds or thousands of times a day in USA. Three shootings at high school football games from spectators in one town in USA south this past friday night...all teens, all guns...all players ran off field for their lives and games all cancelled. Frankly i feel safer on pattaya beach then i would at a high school football game in gun happy america.
  22. Seems perhaps the "witch hunt" needs to be renamed "republican witch hunt" since almost every single witness in all the cases are republican trumpers many of whom worked for or were appointed by trump and all voted for trump and wanted him to win....these witch hunters who have testified under oath as to what they personally saw or heard in front of a grand jury ....under oath in spite of the fact they know that they and their families will likely be targets of the maga cult death threats for years. Yes i guess it is all politically driven and those incompetent dems have pulled off the biggest brainwashing of all time to convince all those republicans to go along with the "witch hunt"....it is only fair that the republicans get some credit for the witch hunt as without them and their testimony there would have been no grand jury indictments
  23. Could be true but so far it is not clear as to what would happen after the proposed 90 days expires...can you do a border run and get another 90 days and if so how many times. Or after 90 days if you want to stay longer would u then have to go to immigration and buy an extension and how $$ and how long etc...and what impact if any on retirement visas and people who want long term visas? Lots of questions to be dealt with. I for one would be happy to pay to get 90 days on arrival with one 90 extension done online for another fee rather than have to do a border run or go spend hours at immigration.
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