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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. don't forget to demand junta coup crew also get locked up....rolling tanks through the streets to take power and then installing their puppets appointing 250 illegal senators to insure they can retain power for decades regardless of what the thai voters wanted....to me that is worse than anything taksin did....his was mostly about $$ and deals...the junta is about stealing the entire country from the voters....
  2. and grew up in a mobile home in alabama with a yard full of junked cars and got your cousin pregnant
  3. Anything to try and distract from the giant elephant in the room....they already have a special counsel , the very republican one they wanted (until he was named) and then they did not want him...i understand that the special counsel has much more suponea powers than congress so they could just let him do his work and if he finds probable cause by all means ask grand jury to indict....but of course then the nutcases like jim jordan and MTG and Cruz and Lindsey and little marco would not get camera time to conduct their clown show.
  4. how about they also arrest all the coup generals and all the unelected senators and send them off to a cell and allow the voters of thailand to decide who should be in charge of their country...what a concept.
  5. and be greeted by a gang of military criminals who rolled tanks through the streets, seized power in an illegal coup and have now amended the rules by appointing 250 illegal senators to rig the system so they can continue to hold power in definitely in spite of the voters chosing a different party....so who are the biggest criminals???
  6. Wow once again those incompetent dems led by senile mastermind joe biden have managed to pull off some incredible feats 1. Somehow they convinced dozens of life long republicans hired or appointed by trump who voted for trump to come forward and testify under oath and under death threats for they and their familes to tell what they personally saw and heard trump do as well as provide thousands of texts, documents etc to corraborate their testimony....gave it all to that evil trump hater jack smith who then put it in front of a grand jury of everyday citizens who took a look and said yes there is probable cause to indict trump of several crimes. Wow that is truly amazing that a bunch of incompetent dems has managed to make all that happen to frame an innocent man. 2. Ole Senile Joe also managed to bank millions from his son hunter doing what dozens/hundreds of kids of presidents/senators/ etc have done for decades in trying to make $$ off of being a relative of a powerful man and bragging about it...and old senile Joe managed to hide all those millions somewhere that in spite of years of investigation by the republicans nobody can find any credible evidence that the big slush fund exists. Not bad for a senile old fool. 3. Best of all the incompetent dems managed to pull off the biggest voter fraud rigged election ever and leave not a trace of credible evidence in 7 or more red states where elections are controlled generally by republicans....and then they had done such a good job of hiding any and all evidence of their fantastic election rigging that in spite of dozens of investigation recounts and court cases done almost exclusively by republicans here we are almost 3 years later and no one has been able to bring forth a shred of credible evidence of the great dem feat of rigging the election. But not to worry trump has a treasure trove of evidence that he has been holding onto all of which will totally exonerate him from a long list of crimes and virtually gurantee that all charges would be dropped ....and boy is he ever gonna be able to say see i told you so and gloat ...oh wait nevermind the promised evidence is not going to be released irrefutable as it is.
  7. the guy needed to pee got stung to death which was a horrible way to die...how about just leave it at that
  8. i suspect mr big may not even live in pattaya as the food chain likely goes all the way to bangkok...and if he is mr big in pattaya probably a good idea to not ride around in bmw and flash rolexs as some of the "public servants" seem to do...if he does not receive any share of the $$ being handed over by the agents to circumvent the rules i would be amazed as there is indeed a lot of $$ changing hands there .
  9. Frankly based on the requirements stated I cannot imagine he would find a better choice than view talay 6....for 25 k and a six month or one year lease he can have a choice of several prime 48 meters studios and i suspect with a little looking and some luck he might even get a one brm for that rate especially if he is willing/able to maybe prepay a chunk of it......for mobility challenged people vt6 has most everything you could need right in the building and elevator ride away...restaurants, massage, laundry, convenience stores, great pool etc...and a very short walk away is the beach , central festival mall with a huge tops store and great food court where with a bit of looking he could get stuff delivered direct to his condo. If he can ride baht bus then there are a zillion of them going down second road towards terminal 21/naklua and another zillion on beach road headed to walking street and beyond...bolts are always nearby... I looked at a LOT of condos and in the end am very happy with VT6....if i were him i would try to get there in september or no later than first of oct to have a better availablity of rooms as it does fill up in the high season months starting around mid oct/nov....
  10. Then quit wasting everyones time and post your EVIDENCE along with the exact crime you keep harping on...lets hope that as a good trumper and obvious fan of that beacon of integrity clarence thomas that you are aware that it is not necessarily a crime to tell a lie...so go ahead and state the exact crime alleged along with some credible proof of said crime....other wise it is all BS.
  11. yes i don't much care for Hunter either along with lots of other grifters like kusher and ivanka.....and of course that is the first time in history that a family member ever tried to make $$ off of his president/senator/governor/ daddys name....oh wait...i forgot a few dozen more over the past 200 years...my favorite was billy carter and his "billy beer"...seems sort of quaint now but what u saw was what u got with ole billy boy and his beer brand and he sure never tried to hide what he was up to or cozy up to dictators or foreign governments...
  12. I agree i also will not vote for him...i also agree not to vote for kushner or ivanka even though they have a lot more $$ in their piggybanks made by playing off of daddy donnies name than hunter ever dreamed of having.
  13. Evidence? Courts don't deal with theories and conversations..they sort of like to see real EVIDENCE that can be corrabarated by documents and testimony under oath. Got it? The world is very anxious to review it in a court of law. Will that also be presented by trump on monday with the irrefutable evidence of election fraud in Georgia??
  14. they live by "alternate facts"...when they don't like the facts that are proven by evidence provided and sworn to under oath and backed up by document after document they just make up their own version...perfect example...? The Big Lie.....oh that's right trump will release that long long awaited irrefutable proof that Ga election was rigged on Monday....that proof that accoring to the Ga republican governor and republican ga government officials who went through every single bogus claim with a fine tooth comb over and over, that were investigated by the GBI along with numerous recounts and investigations done almost exclusively by republicans....NO credible evidence of voting irregulariy or fraud...PERIOD......per them not one person has presented any proof under oath in over 2 1/2 years but that crafty donnie has had all along just waiting for a ton of indictments to be filed and then he will reveal all.....how dumb do you have to be to believe such assinine garbage? Next maybe donnie will reveal irrefutable evidence that the FBI planted all those classified top secret docs by sneaking into mar a lago in the dark of night unnoticed by any staff and spreading them all around in ballrooms bathrooms etc then making fake survelance tapes of trumps minions trying to move them around......next thing you know he will reveal that biden is an alien that came from the planet trumpet to take over the world and spread lies about donnie.
  15. a lot of youth hostels figured that out long long ago and overall it is a good system...except of course for a few axxholes who seem to purposely leave it locked with nothing in it and then the staff later has to cut the lock off so others can use....there are always a few morons that screw it up for everyone else...
  16. Well i try not to be totally stupid about it....don't even have a camera other than phone...i generally leave my laptop sitting on the desk (as often won't even fit in safe) and even though of some concern never had a problem...as for cash i try to keep that to a miniumum by using thai bank atm ...passport/credit card i usually keep in my pocket and also keep phone with me. I actually worry more about the other farangs in some of the budget hotels than i do the staff...
  17. Agree...unless u are in some la de da overpriced restaurant (that likely already adds a service charge) tipping as a percent of the bill is rare in my experience and is one thing i love about thailand compared to usa...never quite got the idea that if i sit at a usa bar and order a "cheap" beer for say $5 and i give the bartender $1 usd tip for every beer he brings me that if that same bar i order a $10 beer that i should give him $2 for every beer when all i have done is bought an overpriced beer that requires the exact same effort to serve as a cheap beer....does that make any sense at all? And of course now in USA anyway you can't walk out the door and buy a newspaper or a bottle of water without somebody shoving a tip request in your face....it has gotten totally out of control. I have tipped some thais well over what even 30% would be on a simple meal because they were wonderful people who gave me great service with a smile and seemed to expect nothing... i personally get more joy out of that then tipping some bad service overpriced restaurant server 30% on a meal that wasn't worth even that amount of tip. UP to YOU.
  18. never had a single thing stolen in over 30 years of staying in hundreds of different kinds of hotels all over thailand....not once
  19. As to immigration requirements for certain citizens of certain countries: My experience has been that if indeed there are passengers onboard from countries who do require some kind of visa the way it works is those people are advised to meet in one of the ships theatres etc on the morning of the ships arrival where local immigration officials are on board to check their passports and issue any docs required....it is generally a small number. Every passenger must submit all passport info etc well before the first embarkation and the ship is very much aware of what nationalities are onboard and must report the numbers etc to local officials prior to port arrival. The crew alone is often from dozens of different countries.
  20. Having been on approx 100 cruises all over the world i have learned a few things: 1. In the vast majority of cases there is no immigration clearing required to get off at a port call unless it is the initial embarkation or final disembarkation port. All passengers and crew ids are scanned electronically and any person who does not return to the ship for sailing would be reported to local port authorities who would deal with them accordingly 2. The cruise lines and local tour companies will have a program to offer dozens of optional shore excursions to the passengers as it is a major profit center. Many of these will be full or half day bus tours of local sights like temples, gardens, sanctuart of truth with an english speaking tour guide... e and yes even full day to bangkok. There would also be deals made with shows like tiffany to offer matinees when big ships are in and that would be sold likely as a lunch and show type option. No doubt there will also be tours to visit massage/salon/pedicure/manicure places in addition to shopping tours. There will be boat rides to koh larn for beach/snorkeling. There will likely be tours to Thai cooking schools and tours that include a seafood lunch etc. It is likely the cruise stop would be from approx 8 am til approx 6 pm and rarely would they stay overnight or much past dark. 3. Most of the passengers will be inf the 70 y.o. age bracket and most will buy some sort of tour then return to the ship to eat/relax. A few braver souls will take off on their own in taxis/bolts/baht buses but most will buy the organized tours either on board from the cruise line or from local tour operators who will set up on the pier to offer tours at generally cheaper prices. 4. The crew will want to go to local stores like lotus or big C to stock up on various items they want. There will be hundredes of crew members who will have maybe 4 hours to get off and wander about. They would likely share a bolt or ride baht buses as they are young and on budgets. 5. The ship may or may not buy a little or a massive amount of supplies such as food/beverages/fuel etc depending on prices/availablity and the rest of the schedule. 6. There are all sorts of safety protocols of tug boats and security boats to "clear" the path when the ships arrive and depart via channels. There are also all kinds of security around the ship when it is docked. 7. The cruise business is a massive and growing business. Pattaya is not amsterdam or venice and will likely never be. Yes there has been backlash against some of the massive 5000 passenger ships that can show up several on the same day in places like venice added to an already crowded tourist destination and it is just too many people in one day and a lot of locals do not like it . The chances of that in Pattaya are decades down the road. 8. Most likely pattaya would be part of a 14 day itinerary to include maybe ko samui , phuket, viet nam, maybe hong kong, singapore etc. It would likely not be a major embarkation or disembarkation point ...most likely it would be one of several stops on a hong kong to singapore type cruise. 9. For those who have visions of any major ship offering 3 or 4 day cruises to phuket/ko samui back to pattaya highly doubtful. 10. No idea if it will ever happen but tourism officials would be stupid not to at least explore the idea as the upside could represent millions of dollars pouring into Pattaya, The current port of Laem Chabang is very very industrial and is a horrible port for tourists. It is controlled by one of the most brutual rip off taxi mafias i have ever seen anywhere in the world and it is too far to walk to the port gate and the area at laem chabang itself is not exactly a tourist mecca. I suspect several mr bigs who control laem chabang will lobby very heavily against any developement of pattaya as a signficant port as they are making a pile of $$ with the status quo.
  21. I am old. I have seen a lot of presidents come and go. Repbulicans and Democrats. Good and not so good. I never thought i would see any american president or former president not come out to forcefully condemn anyone who threatened a judge or prosecutor in his name. But i was wrong. Not only has trump not condemed it he has encouraged it. Also still waiting for the republican senate and house "leaders" to publicily condemn it. Lindsey? Mitch?...as pink floyd asked, "is there anybody out there"?
  22. as one who is deaf in one ear....go to a doctor...do not let some salon gal clean your ears with candles or ? or attempt to do it yourself with cotton buds....ear docs are cheap and know what they are doing....takes only a few minutes and if you do have deep ear wax plugging they can safely remove...it is not always as simple as u may think as sometimes sand/dirt can lodge in your ear and mix with wax and form a plug that is almost like a rock....why take a chance??? go to a pro....
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