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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. So you read about it and i actually live there....yes there are times that u get noise from various beach festivals...that is part of being in a location right on the beach within two minute walk of the center of a city. But please tell everyone it is practically unbearable to live here as way too many people already seem to want to live in a great location right on the beach next to the mall. Oh the horror of having a dozen or so nights a year when it is loud for a few hours compared to living in a place with blaring karaoke barking dogs and worse every night of the year.
  2. ask the widows of two of my good friends, otherwise healthy trumper magas who watched fox propoganda nonstop and thought covid was all a big hoax and refused the shots...they both died within days of each other with tubes stuck down their throats while their wives got the shots still got covid but were fine....they might beg to differ with your theories.
  3. Bottom line is nobody knows for sure...even ignorant idiots who actually do not know for sure.
  4. some good advice: never say never and never say always.
  5. or maybe the biggest agents will open their own banks as they sure seem to have a lot of $$ and clout?
  6. In those famous words of many thai gals...."u tink too mutt". I have enough stuff to be concerned with so will put all this on the back burner until when and if it is all sorted. I suspect i may be dead before then...so death or taxes? Which comes first.
  7. sad story... even sadder when it is some little kid or grandma that gets attacked...happens often in thailand, usa and many other countries especially when dangerous breeds are tied up but seem to manage to break free and maul people because owner is a total dick with a brain the size of a grain of rice and no regard for human life. seems to be little or no repercussions to owners so they do not care.
  8. I think I may have met several of his close relatives in bars who also had the iq of a bucket of mud and couldn't find their rear end with both hands.
  9. I remember well growing up in a southern tobacco state....RJR tobacco had reps that stood on street corners near where lots of high school kids ate lunch with big stainless steele bowls full of five cig sample packs of winstons and salems...they freely handed them out to any and all kids and they did successfully get a lot of kids hooked on cigs/nicotine at a young age insuring they would be customers for decades. I was one of them. Now you have flashy kids flavor vapes being pushed ...the game may have changed a bit but the nicotine is still a horribly addictive drug and the goal is to get a new generation of addicted customers.
  10. 12 am is midnight...12 pm is noon...midnight til noon is 12 hours...something off above??
  11. Or they could have the top wealthy people pay on all of their income and not be exempt after the first 150 k or so of income.... a guy making ten million a year pays same total amount into soc sec as a guy making 150 k...a guy making 100 million a year pays same total as the guy making 150 a year...therein is the rub...if the super earners paid the same percent into soc sec of their total income as the smaller earners with no cap it would go a very long way towards better funding. But the rich have lots of congress in their pockets so that not likely to happen.
  12. It is half of your social security plus any additional income like interest etcv...add the two numbers and if it is 14,600 or more you have to file fed taxes. I believe that is correct according to irs site.
  13. tell the driver if u want udom suk or on nut...as said carry on small bag only.
  14. so article says 2 to 3k israelis live in pai...kinda strange as google says entire population of pai is 3000??
  15. ignore it all...truly amazing how many scammers there are and how dumb some of them are and how dumb people are to fall for it to the tune of billions of $$ a year...i guess it happens in all countries and all languages. hello this is court calling...u missed jury duty so you have to send me 460 $ of walmart gift certificates to avoid arrest...ok heading to walmart right now...how frigging dumb can you be?
  16. sure that is exactly what happened...sure it is.
  17. won what? oh that's right canada agreed to appoint a fentanayal czar...maybe they will name don jr... winning or whining..with trump it is so hard to tell the difference.
  18. you sure it's not "women ripping me off"?
  19. Oh GOD...does this mean that there will be a tariff for those fine christians who buy a trump bible made in china?
  20. and if an autopsy shows he died from a self imposed drug OD will all the go funds be refunded?
  21. 15 k for a body return and funeral? ....how about a cremation in thailand and donate the rest to a charity?
  22. maybe he should nuke pennsylvania because the guy that shot him was from there? Trump was shot and wounded in his upper right ear by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania,
  23. Dear Donnie: Maybe if the USA would do something to stop hundreds of thousands of USA guns flowing into mexico the cartels would not be so strong? But of course that would not please the gun lobby now would it? Love Mexico In the fiscal year of 2022, a total of 845 firearms were seized by the United States Border Patrol in the Southwest border sectors. Nationally, 881 firearms and 45,551 rounds of ammunition were confiscated by Border Patrol in that year.Jul 5, 2024 More than 500,000 American-made guns are trafficked to Mexico every year, and seventy percent of firearms recovered from crime scenes in Mexico can be traced to the United States.Nov 14, 2023
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