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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. 38 posts so far on this one topic...can u give it a rest please.
  2. and there are tons and tons of westerners who know little to nothing about history period.....or if they do they certainly don't learn any lessons from the past.
  3. how about non american born? hapy now?...... but of course being born in america no longer much counts as birthright citizenship is under attack with the orange one who only loves billionaire immigrants or those that he marries..preferabley met at a high end brothel like the kit kat club of nyc?
  4. sort of like a non american billionaire donating a few hundred million to potus campaign and then being put in charge of departments that regulate who gets contracts and the terms while his companies get billions in contracts? Solunds like some creature that arose from the swamp that was being drained? hmm that sounds familiar but surely no republican would ever allow that would they? But how dare any ordinary citizen even mention how that can be.
  5. graham also said "count me out" on jan 7 day after the coup attempt....graham will say whatever he thinks will get him more power and change it faster than a fart disappears in the wind. He is the ultimate hypocrite in congress which is saying a LOT in a congress full of sniveling cowards.
  6. "He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace," Trump said in a statement. this from an ahole who the day before was hawking maga hats from the "cherised" oval office..maybe Z refused to buy a hat or a meme coin.. .or refused to be extorted and made to apologize because russian invaded ukraine and wanted him to apologize to putin for resisting the invasion?
  7. maybe they can get new jobs as college basketball refs?
  8. so u inspect secuirty guards and "all thai men" penis to know for sure their size? don't forget to check the lady boys as well in your inspections.
  9. so u inspect the security guards penis do you?
  10. A few things I am more concerned about: 1. Why did the baht bus not pick me up when I waved to him? 2. Why did nobody stop when I tried to walk across the street in a clearly marked crosswalk? 3. Why did the waitress not tell me that happy hour would end in five minutes? 4. Why do Thai people always seem to be happy? 5. Why do Thai people eat so much food and not get fat? 6. Why do so many farangs live here for decades and not learn to count to ten in Thai? 7. Why do so many farangs talk so loud? 8. Why do farangs worry so much? 9. Why do farangs talk too muttt? 10. Why do farangs tink too mutt? 11. Why would an old fat farang think a hot young thai babe actually is in love with him? 12. Why do i have to fill out all those forms and what happens to them? 13. Why do Thais not understand me when I talk louder? 14. Why do so many Thai people have to talk so fast? 15. Why is it so hot and humid here? 16. Why do little old ladies jump the que at 7/11? 17. How many times a day do I hear "hello welcome"? 18. Am I a cheap charlie because I like to eat at cheap charlies? 19. How many Thais can fit on one motorbike? 20. Why do farangs call foreigners farangs? 21. Why is pronounced like falang or falong but spelled farang?
  11. and termites will have a big party.... be cheaper to stay in a hotel somehwee with bamboo huts for few hundred baht a night...
  12. no idea but how many big condos that have a zillion short term rentals happening every single day do u suppose actually have a hotel license? My bet is not very many at all but i do not know. I do know that in a lot of buildings the security guards actively help short term renters and there is an office of this or that property manager doing a lot of short term rentals handing out keys collecting $$ etc...UNLESS they have a hotel license and are renting more than 4 rooms it would appear they are illegal. Surely the jurristic would know if the buidling has a hotel license or not....but if they are getting a cut or unless some mr big in the building is complaining then they are highly unlikely to do anything. How about as a start that the authorities send a few folks to say 100 big condos in pattaya and ask to see the hotel license...assuming they do not have that information already on file which seems very unlikely. I do feel sorry for people who buy a condo after reading the hoa rules that say no short term rentals...they move in and it is all owner occupants or long term renters which is what the elevators and pools etc were designed to handle. They think that the owners and long term renters will be actual residents and much less likely to cause problems which of course is likely a big reason they wanted a condo in a building with no short term rentals. Then all of a sudden the lobby is full of short timers, two week millionaires with big luggage piling into elevators, sitting all over the lobby waiting to check in, swarming the pool areas, smoking cigs and pot and getting hammered, crowding multiple people into tiny units, coming home drunk making all kinds of noise etc....hey we are on vacation and we can do what we damn well please is often the attitude...irritating to say the least when you actually live there but suddenly find yourself living in a hotel. Best advice. Be very very careful about where and if you buy.
  13. Note: Residential buildings do not need to apply for a hotel license if there are only four rooms and less than 20 customers. The officer has to be informed thereof, and will go to check the place to classify it. There are four different types of hotel licenses: https://thailand.acclime.com/wp-content/uploads/dot.svg A logo of the trademark in the exact color https://thailand.acclime.com/wp-content/uploads/dot.svg Hotel and restaurant business: application fee of 20,000 THB https://thailand.acclime.com/wp-content/uploads/dot.svg Hotel, restaurant and seminar rooms: application fee of 30,000 THB https://thailand.acclime.com/wp-content/uploads/dot.svg Hotel, restaurant, seminar rooms, entertainment business: application fee of 40,000 THB An additional fee of 80 THB per room per year is due. The license has to be renewed every five years, and then half price of the government fee will have to be paid. The documents to be provided mainly consist of the construction permit, map of the interior, landlord documents, map of the location showing that there is no school or temple in the surroundings, and of course the company documents.
  14. But most of the condo places in question do not have a hotel license as i understand it. Condo juristic is suppose to enforce hoa rules and if no hotel license no short term rentals and hoa rules prevail....or they are supposed to prevail if the jurristic would simply enforce the rules. It is not rocket science.
  15. Well i did see a bkk condo put up signs in lobby and elevator couple of years ago saying no short term rentals and ask residents to advise jurristic if see any violations. Very quickly a few bad apples were warned then fined and then had water and elect cut off. Very quickly short term rentals disappeared. I suspect maybe a well connected Thai who had a condo there was irritated and complained and got some quick action. It can be stopped but step one is for jurristic to want it stopped.
  16. if short term rentals are not allowed under hoa rules which is often the case it is certainly the jurristic responsbility to enforce the rules...i do believe that they can fine owners who continue short term rentals after being warned...they can then turn off the electric and water if owner refuses to comply and pay fines...no water no electric no rentals..problem solved... .the problem is when the jurristic either is totally incompetent, doesn't care, or is receiving compensation from property managers or owners to allow illegal rentals to continue....when you buy a condo you are provided with a copy of hoa rules and "should" have the right to expect the rules to be enforced....if you buy a condo that does not allow short term rentals and hoa does not care then you may well find your condo turned into a hotel....complain to the jurristic and give details as to room numbers being rented illegally..it does not take a rocket scientist to figure which units are rented short term.....maybe just maybe if enough people complain you might actually get some action...or not.
  17. do u even know what the word means...?? it is the very definition of the orange one grab em by the pxxy...on wife number three and cheated on every one of them?
  18. i guess i missed her setting up fake electors, asking for governors to find her votes and encouraging the violent storming of the capitol to try and overthrow the election.
  19. almost as tiresome as claiming you won an election four years ago that you clearly lost.
  20. Me and a zillion others were smoking pot in pai long before it was ever legal....but most of us were semi discrete about it. Never had any problem at all.
  21. Take a look at what is on offer and price. If you don't like it simply go to another vendor til u see what u want at a price that is fair. There are a zillion places to buy mangos especiallly right now as crops are abundant. Guys with truckloads now driving all around pattaya offering some very nice looking fruits at dirt cheap prices. No dramas. Problem solved.
  22. Maybe a smaller old building is best bet...as another poster said those big new massive buidlings with tons of very small units are perfect targets for the "i don't give a crap" owners who ignore the hoa rules and the law and find a property manager who will run a "mini hotel" within the project which the HOA must surely know about but is either incompetent or getting a cut to look the other way. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out if rooms are being rented out short time and which units are involed and who owns them. A warning letter then fines then turn off electric and water to owners who continue to violate or pay fines...problem solved "assuming" the juristic is not on the take. Let these asxwipes know that if you want to be in hotel biz then buy a hotel, get a license, pay the taxes etc.
  23. so u love having gangs of short time tourists move into a condo building that you bought that forbids short term rentals and turning it into a hotel....? u might not feel that way if it was a condo you bought thinking that axsholes would not turn it into a hotel? right.
  24. action has to come from hoa/jurristic...if they do not enforce by turning off water/electric then good luck.....not just chinese who abuse it all but thais brits americans russsians etc...owners who do not give a crap about anything except $$....
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