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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. At phi phi island the monkeys lived on the high cliffs near the beach and were experts watching til tourists went for a swim then run down grab their bag and up the cliff they would scamper...i have no doubt that some thai guys prob climbed up the very high cliffs there once a week or so to collect some wallets phones etc...monkeys wanted food as far as i know weren't making phone calls. Probably still same same decades later.
  2. In related news: Sales of Brown Envelopes Surge
  3. Not just thais that get taken. I won't name names or places but 15 years or so ago there was a farang who along with his thai wife met with some thais who owned lots of farm land in a pretty place along a river...they went there and met with a farmer and made some kind of deal to allow them to drive some stakes with yellow ribbons indicating a series of ten or so very pretty river front lots....they then promoted it all with nice pics online and in bars to bunch of expats to come and take a look at this beautiful development....the farangs came and saw all the nicely outlined official looking lots with yellow ribbons and nice thai farmers no doubt waving and smiling...but of course if you wanted to get in before they were all sold you had to make a deposit....next thing you know a lot of farangs made a deposit on a lot...then they waited and waited for the next step which never came...and of course after a while it all turned out there was no land to be sold to farangs/girl friends and the money was all gone. I am not sure if the pitch was some kind of fake company where farang could "own" land or what but several fell for it hook line and sinker....all based on fear of missing out on the deal of a lifetime but need deposit right now if you want..truly amazing but farang had a pretty thai wife who was also involved who talked to thai gf and wives and who knows what she told them as all they saw was maybe farang buy and build nice house on river.... Not a lot of happy folks,but surprise surprise he was gone as was their money....i would bet the farmers were trying to understand why the yellow ribbons and all these people looking at it but they prob got a few thousand baht just to let them hang some yellow ribbons on their land to take pictures...those farangs are certainly strange they likely thought. a fool and his/her money can soon be parted
  4. What a shame that the corrupt supreme court is assisting in delaying the more serious trials til after the election. You know those little things like trying to overthrow an election, stealing all sorts of classified docs then refusing to give them back and lying and obstructing justice....both of those cases have massive amounts of evidence....obviously about 35% of the maga bunch would vote trump if he crapped on their head and laughed at their ignorance....but if the trials were held and he were convicted for a second or third group of felonies where prison was much more likely sentence? The supremes have found time to review all sorts of cases over the last two months that have little or no national signficance but they have not been able to deal with a very simple legal quesion of should and ex president have total immunity from any and all crimes? DUH.. The supremes have pushed this issue to the last possible day of the session....perhaps they are too busy accepting luxury vacations from right wing billionaires or having to raise trump friendly flags at their homes....disgusting in every way possible.
  5. i do not doubt that many were draft dodgers...i would have gladly submitted some fake bone spur documents if i had rich daddy to provide that for me. But i did not have a rich daddy so it seemed that i would be thrown in with all the other regular people and get drafted....but through the luck of the draw i got out with a relatively high draft number....but i certainly would never ever call vets who either got drafted or joined to be suckers and losers. I had several friends that got shot up and a couple that never made it back period. What a disgrace to every person who ever served either voluntarily or was drafted to be called a sucker or loser by the commander in chief. Make all the excuses that maga wants but damned if i would ever vote for a person who did that and why anyone who served or had family or friends who served would just overlook that is beyond comprehension. Especially coming from a trust fund baby that likely never ever had to spend one day worrying about going into the military as he knew daddy would bail him out. But i don't hear donnie whining about how rigged that was and how unfair it was to people who did not have a get out of jail free card in a rich daddy.
  6. never heard biden call vets suckers and losers....massive difference
  7. Any veteran who actually was involved in the various wars,got shot at, killed people, saw all sorts of horror all around them, lost arms legs and their buddies, many came home with ptsd to ruined homes and lives...and then you hear the former potus talk about vets as suckers and losers all the while whining that his vietnam was worrying about gettting aids. But he is unable to remember which of his feet had the bone spurs that got him out of the military even though he played sports in college and he has a very very good memory but which foot donnie??....i would think the vets would be more inclined to punch him in the nose than vote for him and their families would be pissed big time to have a former potus mock their loved ones, All the while wrapping himself in the American flag and pretending to be a big strong patriot tough guy that cozies up and praises dictators and yet whines like a five year old if the courtroom is a bit too cold for mr tough guy. Trump is the biggest conman and deranged cult leader in US history.
  8. That's rich coming from a trumper....in case you haven't noticed trump can't go 1 minute without whining about how rigged everything is or whining about crooked joe or making up all sorts of childish names to babble on and on about ad naseum. Talk about a 5 year old...trump is like a five year old that didn't get an ice cream cone and throws a temper tantrum because life is so unfair to him. Grow the F up. STOP THE WHINE
  9. I had a wonderul latin teacher in high school....miss cook all 5 feet of her who was a duke grad and seemed to know most everything about enlish latin math geometry and all sorts of subjects....at the time of course i wasnt sure why i was learning all that latin but over time it dawned on me how very useful a bit of latin can be in learning other languages or increasing vocabulary as well as lot of legal terms etc...thanks miss cook.
  10. wow ...i did a lot of latin in high school but it was all reading and writing no speaking that i can recall
  11. fluent in latin? really? really? what are you the pope?
  12. Is it possible to find out what is required to be a digital nomad....do you have to provide some kind of proof as to a business or revenues or can you just say i am a digital nomad and apply for the digital nomad visa??
  13. yep and one of these days some agents are gonna piss off the wrong persons and a simple check of bank accounts showing that the 800 k baht went in and out the same day to get the visa....then the hammer comes down,visa cancelled, deportation or some charge against farang ....agent will be taught that more brown envelopes must be distributed to proper people. Agent learns lesson , farang gets the shaft.
  14. Lots of loud coughing and hacking and complaining that you have a fever and dont feel well at all will usually get rid of most irritating people.
  15. No i would not hire a hooker if i were married and my beautiful wife was home with our new baby. Some people actually have morals and don't break laws to try and get elected POTUS.
  16. I highly doubt an appeal (grounds?) will overturn it......and yes the other cases are generally more serious crimes with even more evidence and republicans set to testify. If it were not for all the whining and delays and total BS by t and his minions the trials would take place before the election and trump who of course has never ever done a wrong thing in his pampered life would be permitted to demonstrate once and for all how innocent he truly is and how everyone is always picking on him...especially all those republicans who will be called to testify against him. The jury apparently does not agree with your idea that it was a very poor joke and they were there for every minute of the evidence presentation whereas you were not. Trump understands very clearly if he does not win in 2024 that he is going to eventually face the music in all of the trials with a very high chance that he will be wearing a nice orange suit to go with his orange hair. If only they would allow him to testify...oh that's right he was told repeatedly by the judge that he can testify and confirmed to the judge that he understood that right...before he stood before the cult and claimed the judge would not let him testify...yet another total BS lie that the cult swallows hook line and sinker
  17. Farcial? The jury who reviewed documents, text messages, emails, video and audio tapes and listened to the first hand testimony of republican after republican and then voted unanimously to convict donnie apparently think he is guily as charged. Too bad the various other judges in 4 more criminal indictments for even more serious felonies have allowed trump to make a mockery of the judicial system with frivoluous motions and delays. If a few of these judges had a set of gonads we would have the even more serious criminal trials before the election and donnie would lkely be wearing an orange suit by halloween.
  18. So is TDS the maga morons who have lost touch with reality, joined the cult, and worship the the whinny one...I agree many of them are indeed deranged.
  19. So a mountain of emails, texts,docs, audio and video tapes as well as testimony by almost all Republicans and found guilty on all charges by a UNANIMOUS jury within less than two days. Let the spin and whining crank up by the MAGA morons about how it is all so unfair and the trial was all rigged. Tired of Whining? Vote Biden.
  20. When will charges be filed over the illegal coup planners that ousted taksin while he was away years ago? Probably about the same time that the gang that has allowed mr red bull to thumb his nose at the thai judicial system for years will be charged. Answer: Never happen.
  21. 14 pages of questions confusion in a few days on one website... it would appear that just maybe the details should be worked out and posted at the same time as the big announcement? Guess none of the tourism officials thought of that. Any legit company would fire people for a rollout that was done without providing the details. Basic question? Define digital nomad/freelancer what exactly does it mean and what proof , if any, is required to qualify?
  22. As a former teacher "up there" i can assure you that most of the kids will not speak much if any english....they may well be able to read and write some but speaking and understanding spoken english is not all that common as many of the thai english teachers teach reading and writing but very little in way of speaking...in fact a lot of the thai teachers barely speak english themselves. The first thing you should do is buy a good english thai phrase book and spend a LOT of time with it to get the basics down. There are many many farangs who have lived in thailand for decades that dont know more than a few words....some don't care and many make a feeble attempt then give up. Get a small notebook and try and write down words/phrases as you learn them and go over the list a LOT and yes by all means try it out on some thais but also be aware that many will sort ofact like they understand you and many will understand a few very basic words but most may well just stare at you and have no clue what you are trying to say. It would also be a very good idea to try and find a good english speaking thai person and take some classes. Best of luck. It is not easy and most give up.....but if if if you really try and give it time it will ultimately be worth your effort to at least know the basics like greetings, directions, numbers, polite words, how to phrase questions, etc....do not however expect it to be quick or easy in spite of all the absurd promises of speak thai in 3 days type BS.
  23. thank you.....good for OP to try and learn some Thai but better to get a good book etc and practice a bit before you try to demonstrate your knowledge and end up looking silly...Thai is not an easy language and you have a long long long way to go.
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