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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. And then there is Lying Limp Lyndsey Graham who on Jan 6 was DONE with trump then gave him a BJ and has kissed his rear end ever since....and of course Ted "cancun" Cruiz who cuddles up to a man who said his dad was involved in JFK assination.....then there is Kevin "marjorie" McCarthy who has the integrity of George Santos and the backbone of a jelly fish....and "tiny penis" Marco Rubio who seems to have a man crush on trump who would not throw him a life raft if he was drowning in the Mar a Largo pool. Pence finally did do the right thing after 4++ years of being a bobble head and licking donalds rear end and having trumpers want to hang him...i suspect in the end he did decide that just maybe he should follow the law for a change rather than end up in a jail cell. I am not convinced it was because he suddenly figured out that his great "religious" beliefs and "constitutional standards" and the rule of law demanded it. And above is only a few of the more notable spineless cowards that have enabled the dictator wannabe despite knowing "that the emperor had no clothes" but did not and do not care as the only thing important to them is to stay in office....and of course trump would throw every one of the cowards under the bus in a heart beat if they should dare cross him even now . Out of all the republican senators and congress there are not even a handful that has demonstrated even a tiny bit of integrity much less support for law and order and "chrisitanity" that they pretend to honor. Liz Cheney and Kinzinger and a tiny bit of Romney are the only onces I can think of who have actually demonstrated that they are willing to put their country before their political ambitions. What a pathetic bunch of cowards and hypocrites hold office in the republican party.
  2. And unfortunately there are lots of guys who want to share the lurid details of their every encounter with anyone who will pretend to listen....gee you got laid in pattaya...why aren't you special can you please share all the details as you probably had the hottest gal ever who gave you the best BJ ever and blah blah blah....get a life.
  3. Seems trump who as always is concerned ONLY with himself has a few options he may try to play to stay out of jail. 1. Try and win the election then pardon himself. Problem is self pardon would go to supreme court where it is conceivable that he would lose in spite of appointing 3 of the 9 justices...and of course if that were to happen it would be rigged and here we go again. Problem two: A president cannot pardon himself from state crimes. If NY and GA convict and sentence him to jail he would need a republican gov in both states to pardon him. Not likely 2. Try and bribe or intimidate jurors by having his supporters threaten them with violence against them and their entire family if they vote to convict....you know like a mob boss or cartel leader would do. Sugar or lead. 3. Encourage his cult to try and storm the courts to disrupt the trials or storm the prison/jail to free him. 4. Flee the country and go hang with his buddy Putin in exile and share with him every single secret he knows re US military, nukes, etc possibly providing copies of stolen top secret info. 5. Start a civil war to disrupt the entire country hoping his deranged supporters would take to the streets to kill anyone who dares to oppose him and take over as a dictator then kill or imprison any and all who have ever crossed him. Sadly republicans seem to think this is all some video game with no clue that their support of such a man could result in violence that has not been seen in USA since the civil war...
  4. i am waiting to hear back from them once again...who knows maybe they will accept the flight out of vietnam with me just saying i am leaving thailand overland....probably find out next week....so far only about two weeks since i first applied and getting closer....if need i will book a ticket bkk to nrt on mileage points send them the confirmation so they can check their box then cxl teh flight no penalty...what a joke
  5. same problem with trying to log into banks etc america....i am being told by t mobile that i can reduce my current plan to cheapest for $10 a month and be able to send/ receive texts to usa phones but no phone calls..hope it will work... i want to keep my usa t mobile number for future use but want a thai number when in thailand...... who knows with phone companies as sure is hard to get a straight answer from them...
  6. Take a good look around someday at the wives/husbands of a lot of western farangs....why would you marry someone who weighs two times you...why would you marry someone who nags you night and day? Why would you marry someone who when it goes pear shaped takes half or more of everything you own.....it is not just thailand were some strange choices are made...in fact with many bar girls unless you are braindead you have a pretty good idea of what you are getting often moreso than with a western gal.
  7. yeah too bad they couldn;t choose a reality tv game show host who would suggest drinking bleach, leave behind the biggest deficit of any president ever, hire only the best and brightest then fire them the minute they dared tell him the truth, get negative marks from 42 of 44 of HIS appointed cabinet members who got to observe his incompetence up close....then tell lie after lie , steal classified docs, obstruct their return over and over and over, encourage and cheer on violence, mock handicapped people, scoff at generals and pow's, get convicted of sexual assualt, pay off porn stars cheer on the jan 6 thugs that rioted in the capital and tried to hang his vp (just to name a few of the greatest hits)..oh and the cherry on top try to overthrow the government so king donnie could illegally stay in power like some russian or iraqi dictator would do....what a shining example of a person that to this day is still worshipped by a majority of republicans....
  8. It is obvious that many of the frequent posters on this forum have not yet read the indictment...it is only 45 pages and can easily be read in less than an hour...but they spend more than an hour reading this forum and throwing out all the what about biden and witch hunt crap rather than read the darn indictment so they might have some clue as to what their fellow trumpers who were hired or appointed by trump had testified under oath what actually happened...every single witness is a republican but somehow those incompetent democrats have figured out how to get them all to tell a bunch of lies, under oath, to even include trumps own lapdog mike pence to make it a "witch hunt".
  9. I have never ever bought a bus ticket in advance..i am not in thailand yet and will buy the ticket after i get there a week or so before i leave thailand...not sure how many people would buy a ticket 4 months or so before they plan to take the bus...i don't even know what city i will depart from yet...
  10. i have windows 11 so thanks for the tip....i did send them a screenshot that i think i did as print to screen and though clear as could be they said no screen shots?i have already printed it out and taken a pic and sent it back to them in jpeg so hope to hear today that it is ok.......and of course already told them that my departure flight is from vietnam as i go there overland from thailand so why they would need to know my flight out of viet nam is part of the absurd way it is all structured...they just don;t seem to grasp that a tourist might actually leave thailand overland and not by air....anyway...thanks for your advice as it will not surprise me if they don't like the jpeg i sent them...
  11. Yep that old joe is a first class incompetent idiot for sure along with all the incompetent democrats.... Why he is so incompetent that he and the dems somehow managed to rig the election in 7 or more states and not leave behind a shred of evidence for republicans to find after 60 court cases, recount after recount, investigation after investigation mostly all done by republicans....Yep that ole senile Joe sure is an idiot to pull that off.
  12. I think the reality is that there is no real defense that will work in court....his best bet is to somehow bribe or intimidate a juror to get them to refuse to vote guilty in spite of a mountain of evidence...u know sorta like a mob boss or cartel...we will kill your entire family type thing...and no i would not put that kind of thing beyond trump or some of his deranged supporters. How sad that we have come to even thinking that is possible.
  13. So happy for her. Now if i could only get an online tourist visa without jumping through hoop after hoop of nonsense....but i am just a regular person that has been to thailand dozens of times over past 25 years with never a hint of border jumps or overstays (good customer?) and not the kid of some rich folks....so naturally i am treated like some kind of criminal trying to get a simple tourist visa.
  14. What a frigging pain in the butt the online tourist visa is....want you to download all kinds of nonsense but will not accept a screenshot...only jpeg and pdf file? So how do i convert online flight confirmation to jpeg or pdf...it will not convert it. So go somewhere to print it out , take a pic of the printout with phone, download the photo? Sign declaration but can't sign online...have to print it out then take a pic of it...except of course don't have printer or want to mess with sign online download software... It is like the people who review all the submitted docs go out of their way to hassle you. Give us your departure flight...ok but i am leaving thailand overland then come back later for a flight out of thailand so here is my departing flight from Thailand.......it's like they cannot imagine anyone leaving thailand overland then coming back later for their flight home. Guess I am the first ever to do that. Give us confirmation copy of all the hotels you plan to stay? Gee i am a tourist so plan to visit many places but don't want to book every single night hotel yet as not sure exactly where i want to visit and how many nights i may want to stay...DUH. I have entered and left thailand dozens of times over past 25 years all of which is in their computer system. NOT once have i have overstayed or done a bunch of border bounces or got into any kind of trouble but obviously that means NOTHING. How about they look appllicants up in their computer system and if never ever a hint of a problem not hassle the crap out of you to get a 60 day tourist visa?
  15. yah right and ALL of the witnesses named in the indictment are republicans most hired or appointed by trump himself but go ahead and claim it is some dem plot.. amazing how trumpers can claim that biden is incompetent but somehow old joe rigged the presidential election in 7 or more states and left not one shred of evidence...wow what a brilliant incompetent guy.... typical trumper cult beliefs.....
  16. It is my understanding that if trump is charged and convicted in Georgia and sentenced to prison that no president has the power to pardon him of a state conviction but the gov of the state or a board of pardons could pardon state convicted criminals. I guess that would then depend on if Gov is a dem or a repub and how he felt about it all.....talk about pressure?? Does anyone know for sure? As for feds if he were to win he would not officially be president til jan 20 ( and presumably would be sitting in jail) at which time he would try and pardon himself it would no doubt go to supreme court...and if that drags out I assume he would have to sit in jail until when and if the supremes said yes he can pardon himself he would then be freed from jail........so theoretically the POTUS would sit in a jail cell till sorted out.....or if supremes said no he cannot pardon himself you would have a president serving from a jail cell......what a mess. if anyone can verify above please do as I am not totally sure how all that would work? Or maybe nobody knows for sure as we have never had anything close.
  17. Because i am tired of even attempting to have any kind of rational discussions with trumpers who will not accept reality regardless of pile after pile of evidence even when provided by republicans.
  18. So you play by the rules and deposit 800 k in a Thai Bank. Then you listen to others brag about how they paid an agent $1300 who somehow magically got them a bank book that showed they had the required 800 k in the bank though they did not have anywhere near that amount...then the agent takes that bank book to immigration along with some nice fat envelopes and bingo a retirement visa is yours and poof the 800 k that was supposed to be in their bank never existed. I have long thought that there will come a day when immigration will crack down on this and fine or even deport people who do this...and of course the agent who took their $1300 usd or so are not gonna be handing out refunds. Of course that would require a lot of mr bigs in immigration to give up who knows how many zillion baht a year paid to them by agents. I find it a bit strange that I have heard a lot of ex pats brag about how they bribed their way to a retirement visa and then later whine about all the corruption in Thailand. I do think if I ever did it this way I would not go around bragging about it to people who did it per the rules.
  19. It's called common sense. For anyone who actually bothered to read the indictment the thing that will jump out at you is almost every single fact alleged in the 45 page indictment was provided by REPUBLICAN's most of whom voted for Trump and were very much hoping he would win. But when push came to shove they saw clearly that he did not win and that he was pushing the big lie to try and retain power. He suggested very strongly that they all go along with him but time after time on state and federal level they said NO. There is no evidence of election fraud , we have reviewed it all over and over and we will not participate in lying to say that we found any of the alleged fraud. Trumpers who still try and claim it is all some big democrat conspiracy need to READ the indictment and please by all means share with everyone every witness statement supporting the allegations is by anyone OTHER than a republican trumper. Common sense. Do the crime and leave a long trail of your own supporters aas witnesses, documents, video, audio and you will get indicted. And of course I know already that hard core trumpers will come up with some what about biden, what about hillary, all these republicans who are witnessses are all lying or involved in some massive democrat conspiracy to pick on poor little donnie who is as pure as fallen snow. Spare me please.
  20. sorry i did not mean to respond to your post...a different one
  21. Right. Got it. You did not read the indictment in full.
  22. It is obvious that a lot of the posters here have NOT read the indictment. Anyone with even a shred of understanding of the charges filed and the outline of evidence supporting those charges would grasp that donnie is in deep doo doo. Trump is free to lie all he wants and spin all he wants to his cult and to the media. Courts do not operate that way. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/politics/read-trump-january-6-indictment/index.html
  23. you know a 30 second google would provide you with the indictment in full...you might want to take the time to read it ALL. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/politics/read-trump-january-6-indictment/index.html
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