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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Simple test: Ask a trumper a simple yes or no question: Did trump win the election in 2020? The majority of republicans according to polls will tell you YES proving (beyond zero credible evidence in 60+ court cases, recount after recount, investigation after investigation, mostly done by republicans )that they are delusional. Any attempt of rational discussion with delusional people is a waste of time.
  2. The Who precicted it long ago: I'll tip my hat to the new ConstitutionTake a bow for the new revolutionSmile and grin at the change all aroundPick up my guitar and playJust like yesterdayThen I'll get on my knees and prayWe don't get fooled againDon't get fooled againNo, noYeahMeet the new bossSame as the old boss
  3. Also be sure and let us all know when trumpers finally admit that they lost the 2020 election...that would be a first step to demonstrate they are not totally delusional.
  4. I know there are lots of taksin haters about on the forum but in my opinion the coup performed in the middle of the night while he was out of Thailand gave the military the confidence that they could and would and should take power and use all means possible to keep it...get rid of the hugely popular taksin, get rid of sister, get rid of any and all that dare to challenge the generals....taksin was certainly not perfect but at least he got elected unlike the coup plotters who it seems have now rigged the system to the point that the voters desire is an inconvenient annoyance. Sooner or later a newer generation of generals will overthrow the current bunch of dictator wannabes as they will want their turn at the trough. I miss Taksin, with all his faults, he was better than the coup crew.
  5. Roll the tanks....generals and friends get richer....people finally get fed up and vote them out....generals don't like it...roll more tanks, repeat.
  6. Coups in spite of some peoples idea that they are the way to get rid of elected officials they don't like are generally not a good thing...once the generals get their and their buddies noses in the trough and redo the rules to suit their interest they don't much like it when the voters overwhelming reject them. What a mess when appointed coup members can defy the will of the voters.
  7. I don't need an excuse to reject being brainwashed as a child but ultimately learning to think for myself as an adult ....but thanks for your concern.
  8. you mean that religion that sells the idea that you can be the biggest a hole, rapist, child molester, murderer on the planet and as long as u fess up and accept the religion on your deathbed that all is forgiven and you're good to go?
  9. If in USA both would have likely pulled out guns and have a shoot out...at least u might be able to outrun a guy with a sword...not so easy to outrun bullets... all of this over a damn parking space? WTF is wrong with people these days?
  10. I'd like to thank all the Thais who ride on sidewalks and go wrong way all the time for likely saving my life...after surviving in Thailand i never ever ever cross a street or make a turn or anything similar without looking both ways 3 times...came in handy a few times in usa where running red lights and stop signs is a daily occurrence. Thailand, if you survive, prepares you well for other countries.
  11. from their website.....cruises are nearly always per person double occupancy so a single room on this will be $180 k or 60 k per year.. port taxes included? big big number for 382 ports...tipping generally $15 per day....room? probably interior room no window... i would read all the fine print very carefully...the big deal breaker is if u want single room... Embark on a 3 Year Ultimate Bucket List World Cruise. Come onboard for a first of its kind 3-Year World Cruise aboard the beautifully revitalized MV Lara. The first reasonably priced, all-inclusive world cruise starting from only $87,720 per year based on double-occupancy that will cover over 130,000 miles across all 7 continents and 148 countries, 382 ports.
  12. No matter what she is likely going to ride as a passenger on friends bikes. Best you can do is at minimum try and enforce that she must wear a real helmet which of course she will not want to do. someone posted good idea...violate rule and lose the phone for a while...that will get her attention. If possible can u negotiate with her that when she turns 21 u will get her a small car assuming she behaves for next 3 years? No guarantee that she won't have accident in car but odds are much better that she will survive a small car wreck in lot better shape than a motorbike. i think most of us posters likely got an old beat up used car when we were young....she doesn't need a brand new car and lots of old cars would thrill most young people to get ANY car. But even with a car some serious driving lessons needed.
  13. " believed his crypto business would thrive in thailand"??? Maybe he convinced a few cops to become fabulously wealthy buying crypto and then when they figured out he had conned them they were not real happy....what kind of crypto biz exactly requires you to be anywhere other than in front of a keyboard? Something seems to be missing from this story.
  14. You want additiction? Smoke couple of packs of cigs for few decades and see how easy it is to quit? I should know as i quit at least a few dozen times but always went back...finally finally got off them for good about 15 years ago.....i can't even imagine what it would be like to be addicted to worse.... Weed? off and on all my adult life but not one time did i ever wake up in middle of the night when a blizzard was raging, get dressed, drive through blizzard til i found a place to get cigs and feed the addiction. Every one in a while i might thing gee maybe i will smoke a joint but sure would never ever go to the lengths that nicotine took me.
  15. Oh not reefer madness ...same same as crack head madness...except it is not. Reefer and crack have about as much in common as beer and heroin.
  16. They have been collecting bribes from agents to make it look like you have 800 k thb in the bank when you do not so you can get a retirement visa and people can brag about how they got around the law by paying bribes and then complain about corruption in thailand.
  17. Well has OP been telling her "i love you"....if so of course you get the invite to meet the parents.... I remember lot of friends over the years coming to thailand and telling just about every girl the 3 magic words....i had to remind a lot of them that this is thailand and not usa so you don't have to lie to them to get laid....just give them $$ and keep it simple....i would venture to say one month is pretty short time to be sure you are really in love and not just in lust....BIG difference..
  18. i got that wrong..total stay is 175 days so plan is 60 day tourist evisa ..30 day immigration extension then appt with saigon thai embassy to get another 60 day tourist and then final 30 day extension and should be good to go
  19. Could it be that the rules were all in english and neither she nor caddy could read all that fine print or understand it? How would some of the bashers on here do in a Thai golf tourney if all the rules/deviations were written in Thai.....so i guess overall to be safe better have a caddy and a translator?
  20. I am a bit confused re evisa rules....if i want to get another evisa tourist visa i was planning on going to thai embassy in saigon... .i will get first tourist visa for 60 days online from usa then extend 30 days at immigration but then need another 90 days as my total thai stay is 85 days...so plan to to to saigon and get a second 60 day tourist then extend 30 days then back to usa.. is there any problem with doing that? obviously i am not a resident of vietnam and plan to be there about 10 days total...
  21. Lets convict Hunter Biden of bringing coke into the white house without a shred of evidence but ignore the massive pile of evidence of much much worse crimes of the orange one....got it.
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