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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. "His primary concern is to prevent any faction from breaching the law and to maintain peace, urging everything to proceed according to proper procedures. \So a procedure is to roll the tanks in the middle of the night, take over in a coup, fatten your and your cronies wallets, appoint a bunch of unelected senators and rig the system to insure that you can stay in power, disregarding the votes of the public.....i guess i missed the part about where staging a coup and seizing power was " to proceed according to proper procedures"
  2. But of course for 4 years trump controlled the DOJ, AG,FBI etc and after two years of investigation of hunter the TRUMP gang filed ZERO charges....now why would that be if they had all of this hard core evidence?...Joe Biden was NOT the president then so sorta hard for him to convince Barr not to file charges...but now all of a sudden repubs want to rehash all of this in an attempt to distract from the serious crimes that dear leader has been charged with that have REAL EVIDENCE... even the trump AG DOJ etc understood that a grand jury would want to see real hard core evidence, not a bunch of deep state conspiracy theories, against hunter before filing charges...it is obvious that they did NOT have such evidence and would have looked like fools if a grand jury had refused to indict. I watched the entire testimony and the lead story here leaves out a LOT of relevant facts to say the least.
  3. I think it is/will be a problem...I had same situation and they told me no six months ago...granted i was on tourist visa and apparently they now wanted more than that even though i had opened the account 15++ years ago with no problems. Seems not nearly as easy to open an account these days and requirements are more serious.... If anyone knows of a bank or branch that willl open an account for you without jumping through hoops please share name and location and personal experience as to how to make it happen...thanks
  4. "whose own elections are open to massive Fraud with mail in ballots and no voter ID it's laughable" here we go with the BIG LIE....USA has tons of problems but election fraud has been investigated up and down over and over and over with little if any fraud found...if you have any evidence please share it with us all rather that throwing it out there....the biggest election fraud in USA is caused by gerrymandering done to prevent or make it more difficult for some people to vote.... https://www.brennancenter.org/issues/ensure-every-american-can-vote/vote-suppression/myth-voter-fraud
  5. so leading a coup is the way to express political opinions peacefully within the rule of law and without violence? Would any thai journalist have the nerve to ask him about his hypocrisy?...also please release your list of assets pre coup and now so we can see how much you made off the coup?? “As the interim government is tasked with keeping peace and stability in the country, he wishes that all sides express their political opinions peacefully, within the rule of law and without violence
  6. Stay calm......you mean like rolling tanks and leading a coup like you did to install a military junta and fix all the rules to insure that your unelected pals are able to vote to overturn the voters choice? Got it. Prayut served as Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army from 2010 to 2014[3][4] and led the 2014 Thai coup d'état which installed the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), the military junta which governed Thailand between 22 May 2014 and 10 July 2019.[5]
  7. six month "snow bird" visa would be most welcome without having to jump through hoops..charge a bit more if they must but skip all the drama of having to go to immigration or leave the country after 90 days etc....thailand is the perfect place for people looking to escape cold weather six months a year....win win
  8. in peak season? somehow i doubt it will be very different but sure hope i am wrong.
  9. This is what happens when coups take over disrespecting the peoples votes, installing their puppets in both legislative and judicial branches.....sadly thailand is not the only country with coups and coup attempts...even more sadly is many people seem to think that is just fine.
  10. yes something i always look forward to when in Thailand is a trip to Jomtiem immigration in peak season..so much fun standing in hot line for couple hours, making copy after copy of papers, then being put in a room that holds 20 people or so with about 50 people and treated like a criminal while watching agents hand out bribes...
  11. Why is it that so many men want to constantly brag about how many gals they have done but then want a gal who is practically a virgin or at least wants her to tell him that she isn't "that kind of girl". Would these almost virgins be interested in marrying a guy that has slept with half of Pattaya and loves to brag about it? How many guys have had a gal ask you how many partners have you had? Would you dare to tell the truth if you were semi serious about the girl? Would you ask her the same question?
  12. probably helps if u speak english and went to school in NZ...but her caddy?? Lydia Ko speaks English & Korean. Lydia Ko's School was Pinehurst School, Auckland, New Zealand.
  13. Now lets take a look at a few of the generals assets pre and post coup?
  14. Sure don't want it to be ruled by the "mob".....the "mob" is what is known as citizens with a vote. I prefer "mob" rule to a system that values different votes differently according to what state they live in, what gender, what race, what religion.
  15. So a "coastal elite's " vote should count less than another American's vote? And of course according to some they are not REAL Americans? Good thing for those "real Americans" that those coastal elites taxes pay for most of the welfare and govt assistance payments that go to those "red/Real American States."
  16. 1 person 1 vote....pretty simple...while the system might have been successful for many many years the world has changed and the system needs to reflect those changes. There are a lot of 250 year old rules that have been amended over time....those little things like equal rights etc.
  17. Thank the electoral system for not allowing every vote to count equally....as well as the senate system of two senators per state regardless of the state's population....So some jackoff's vote from a state with 2 million people counts the same as a senator from a state representing 25 million...not exactly fair to the 25 million. Needs to be changed but of course the very ones....almost all republican, who would have to vote to change it will never ever do it as they would lose their status as being just as important as every other senator.
  18. So if you flip the coin and the question becomes for the men, "how many prostitutes have you paid in your life to have sex with you"? or you ask a gal "What did your boyfriend/husband do for sex before he met you?" Is that really all that different than asking a bar girl how many guys paid you to have sex with them? Yet one is a big no no and the other is just boys being boys? If you believe a lot of the guys you read or hear bragging about all their conquests some of them seem to claim more fooling around than some of the girls. People do what they do for a variety of reasons so might be a good idea to take a look in mirror before judging bar girls too severely.
  19. Sure doesn't take much to make the front page and get your pic in the paper? One ruskie and one vietnam lady with a plastic bucket fruit seller out of how many illegals roaming around....what's next? Breaking News: Falang fined 100 baht for not wearing helmet.
  20. Careful as lot of mom and pop stores still sell paraquat which is some nasty stuff that you don't want to be near. Roundup doesn't have greatest rep either as evidenced by some big law suit settlements.
  21. But but but....according to the majority of republicans trump won 2020....and after only 60 court cases, investigation after investigation, recount after recount, mostly done by republicans, and over two years without a shred of credible evidence to support their claims they still cling to the same old BIG LIE. I believe the dictionary would define those people as DELSUIONAL. If the shoe fits, wear it. So naturally when donnie loses by even more in 2024 of course it will be due to some nefarious deep state conspiracy run by hunter biden and nancy pelosi....not because trump is a LOSER.
  22. Same court that has been unable to come up with a single charge against all those who have enabled red bull to kill a cop and hide in plain sight for years while envelopes were passed out to lots of connected law enforcement and politicians....a beacon of integrity.
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