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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Is there a bigger set of hypocrites in the world than evangelical republicans? If their man jesus showed up at their doorstep they would either shoot him, deport him, call the cops, or try and hang him....they sure as heck do not come anywhere close to practicing what he preached.
  2. So repubs want to attack Biden on family values and his relationship with a grand kid? Might want to find another angle. Well let's compare that to the Donald's relationship with his kids....those little things all on tape like how if Ivanka were not his daughter he would want to have sex with her etc ...real family values there. https://newrepublic.com/post/173968/donald-trump-fantasized-sex-ivanka-new-book-says in his own words: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/donald-trump-once-joked-he-ivanka-have-sex-common-941600/ For those who might have missed it Donald has been and is being indicted all over everywhere by grand juries who have looked at real evidence and have voted to indict him on a variety of criminal charges....but sure go ahead and ignore that and try and change the subject but maybe find something other than family values?
  3. Like I said, what's the point...yes i agree thailand is awful on the road but what i wrote is still true as stuff happens on roads all the time worldwide...is thailand one of the worst? YES.....and actually my post was to counter the ones who seem to think that eliminating baht buses would somehow result in fewer wrecks without thinking about exactly what would replace baht buses such as more cars, more buses, more motorbikes etc...
  4. yes and not sure what the point is as most everyone knows thai roads are very dangerous....as proven by yet another death.
  5. Maybe the court should take a look at how the junta rewrote the constitution and placed 250 UNELECTED flunkies into the senate to rig the rules so nobody can ever seriously challenge their control after staging an illegal coup?
  6. The right thing would be to eliminate the 250 UNELECTED senators that the junta appointed and then proceed with the PM vote. The junta ILLEGALLY assumed power and then ILLEGALLY appointed senator flunkies to enable them to block any and all attempts to strip them of power regardless of the voters. Those unelected flunkies no doubt love their place at the trough. Rich that they are blocking PITA over owning a few shares of media stock but nobody blocks or penalizes the coup leaders for rolling tanks in middle of night and then changing all the rules.
  7. A sad accident but stuff happens on roads all the time worldwide...as for shutting down the entire baht bus industry in Pattaya does anyone seriously think that would stop accidents....if no baht buses then more motorbikes , more cars, or bigger buses all of which are just as likely to have accidents or have drivers that do something dumb and dangerous.
  8. Reminds me of the school joke: Teacher to 6 year old: How old is your father? six year old. My father is 6 years old Teacher: How can that be? six year old: Well he was not a father until i was born.
  9. Yep...a few months in mexico might make thai food look a LOT better and the Mexican mariachi bands can quickly drive you nuts...the mex gals are not my cup of chai...but the beer is cold and the beaches are nice in lot of mexican spots....but overall, i''ll take Thailand any day.
  10. Why do so many people seem to want to go out of their way to dig up obscure reports or deep web conspiracy theories to try and "prove" that very well educated scientists world wide who have spent decades studying weather and climate patterns, measuring air particulates, etc apparently are involved in some massive conspiracy to convince people that climate change is some kind of hoax and that humans have little if anything to do with the changes in the ozone layers and atmosphere? Common sense would tell you that the ones who have a giant financial stake in promoting such claims are the PR firms executives and stock holders that are paid by massive profits by big oil, big coal, industries that of course do not want people to stop burning dead plants?
  11. I think a pretty safe bet is to never buy meds at a hospital's pharmacy but go to a local reputable pharmacy and save a significant amount of $$.
  12. I had full package annual check ups in bkk at bumrungrad for years then more in Chiang Rai at overbrook hospital for more years...probably 15 or so all total before i got medicare and started getting them in USA. Never one time had either hospital try to sell me any surgery or anything like that..they went over the results pointed out a few things that were slightly off and that was it. As for OP....i would go somewhere else, spend more time and $$ and get a second opinion. Your health is not something to fool around with and the mistake of forgetting a test then looking at last years does not generate a lot of confidence in them.
  13. The deniers are delusional. Does anyone with a lick of common sense seriously think that burning a bunch of dead plants for hundreds of years with millions of smokestacks spewing all kinds of chemicals into the air and millions upon millions more of cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes, ships, airplanes turning the skies over big cities into a clearly visible sludge does not have an impact on the atmosphere?
  14. 1. Thai people: I generally find the vast majority to be friendly and kind and very helpful if you at least try and speak a bit of Thai and are not a jerk. 2. Hotels/condos/accommodations: Overall the value is some of the best anywhere as well as always pretty easy to find decent places to stay at very reasonable prices and good standards of clean etc. 3. Transport: Bolt is wonderful most places. Pattaya baht bus system is a great way to get around the main areas. Bangkok BTS is a marvel. Flights are available at dirt cheap prices most anywhere. There are extensive bus and train systems to take you most anywhere in the country for super cheap rates. 4. Food: With a bit of experimenting all but the most picky can easily find a lot of very good tasty and affordable meals of Thai food or if you want to spend more western food is readily available in most tourist areas. Or if you want to cook your own there are plenty of supermarkets and public markets selling just about everything. 5. Services: Overall it is generally pretty easy to find all kinds of personal services like hair cuts, massages, cleaning, repairs, laundry, etc at prices that are a fraction of what most would pay in the west.
  15. Very Lucrative indeed i would bet....i think agents now want about $1300 usd or so to fix it so you don't really need the 800 k in bank.....maybe $300 for agent and 1 k for the immigration folks ? That would very quickly turn into some very serious $$ but no doubt there are lots of snouts in the trough up the chain
  16. Not to say anything forbidden but curious if the King himself has a position on the proposal to change the laws re insulting the monarchy? Didn't his dad pardon several people who had been jailed saying it didn't bother him?
  17. The Who predicted the whole thing decades ago: I'll tip my hat to the new ConstitutionTake a bow for the new revolutionSmile and grin at the change all aroundPick up my guitar and playJust like yesterdayThen I'll get on my knees and prayWe don't get fooled againDon't get fooled againNo, noYeahMeet the new bossSame as the old boss
  18. Next up: Some jacked up charges forcing him to resign from politics , flee the country, or go to jail. Being a squeaky wheel does not go well with dictators.
  19. All happens in Thailand more than anywhere i can think of...the topic was Thailand, not specifically Thais....and hate is a strong word...more better would be what irritates you.
  20. There is a difference between FACTS and "views". Got any FACTs of election fraud? Let's take a look as everyone has been waiting for over two years. Got any FACTS of biden crimes? Then why didn't trump admin convene grand jury and bring charges? and once again...Kennedy is a DEM and i will call him out as BS same as a republican streaming BS.
  21. I deal in facts ...not fantasy and conspiracy theories. It just so happens the current version of republicans prefers to deal in BS....example? The Big Lie...still believed by majority of republicans...i cannot take people seriously that refuse to accept reality. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/03/14/republicans-increasingly-realize-theres-no-evidence-of-election-fraud-but-most-still-think-2020-election-was-stolen-anyway-poll-finds/?sh=4ed17b0728ec You might also notice that my recent post was related to a DEM who is throwing out a bunch of conspiracy theories...so i condemn him. Got it?
  22. 1. Having farangs tell me all the lurid details about how hot their gal is/was in bed. 2. Hearing farangs brag about how they hired an agent to pay bribes to get around immigration and then complain about corruption in Thailand. 3 Farangs walking around with no shirts in shops/restaurants/etc. 4. Farangs who want to show me pic after pic on their phone. Hint: Nobody cares. 5. Farangs who don't speak a word of Thai and whine about Thais who don't speak English.
  23. Just what America does not need is another politician spouting conspiracy theories with no evidence. People worldwide have proven for centuries that a large percentage of people will fall for scam after scam and believe just about anything without ever seriously saying SHOW me the EVIDENCE or being skeptical of outlandish claims. Con men love these people.
  24. You do know that much of the evidence against trump comes from audio and video tapes as well as mostly republican witness testimony from dozens of people were in the room to see and hear what was said and done.....along with a ton of paper trails...and of course trump can't shut his big flapping mouth and keeps providing even more evidence of criminal intent. Show me that kind of HARD evidence against biden and not a bunch of conspiracy theory garbage that circulates on the deep web. There is a huge difference between FACTS and allegations. If trumpers had any HARD evidence against hunter biden they had two full years when they were in full control of DOJ, AG, etc to present their findings to a grand jury and ask for indictment. They did NOT do so. Now why would that be?? Grand juries do not indict on conspiracy theories. They want to see FACTS. The real reason trump is running for POTUS is because he knows full well that it is almost certain that he will be found guilty of multiple crimes and the only way he can avoid jail is to win POTUS and then try and pardon himself.
  25. Oh no....USA puppets....i don't see USA running coups in Thailand to install generals....maybe you can share your "research" with the rest of us so we can be privy to all that secret info you apparently have access to... Impressive that you know that "we ALL moved here blah blah blah"...i don't recall being surveyed to be included in ALL.
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